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Old 10-13-2008, 10:11 PM
corbaer corbaer is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 1,605
Haha... love all the percent talk. From my experience in VFX production, the time it takes to get from 70% to 90% is about half as long as the 0% to 70%, and the last 10% is about the same amount of time.

So all things being equal (which they never are)... if it took 2 years (at full steam) to get to 70%, it will take 2 more years to get to 100%. If we're really at 80%, then 18 months or so.

I don't know exactly how long development has been at the current resources capacity, and there was a very high learning curve so it's harder to use. It is very common in complex projects with unknown variables to plan production timelines around this and it usually is close in my experience.