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Old 03-20-2009, 09:18 AM
kel-morian kel-morian is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by Tanni View Post
I have to disagree with you kel on just one little point, I wish they had said PLEASE do not ask about test server status.. the current msg reeks of SOE and the way they treated their player base.. any old timers who were kicked out of Theed during the NGE riots will know what I am talking about.
But I can understand why they would do it. Too many people are lazy and post a new thread or ask when it will be up when two posts previous someone asked and got an answer.

To compare the team to SOE isn't fair as we were paying for a product from SOE where as the SWGEMU team is doing this for free and out of their own time so they cant be held to the same standards as SOE. So its completely understandable that some irritation might show when you have lots of people posting/PMing when the server is going to be up when its all available on post #1