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Old 10-19-2009, 05:50 PM
Emokho Emokho is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Hampton VA
Posts: 418
So fun to watch how quickly a group of reasonable, thought out posts on the actual topic of the thread get burried in petty arguement. After reading this thread if I were on the staff at all I would personaly move to atleast rebuke the posting priveleges of those who can't seem to do anything but flame eachtoher and name call in thread that is supposed to be about the rules and thier implimentation descussing specific instances which were already stated that the staff will not descuss. Can an actual descussion occur on this forum without it turning into a battle over something that's nothing more than a sidebar to the real story? I don't realy care who is exploiting, hacking, or griefing, aslong as they are dealt with according to the rules. Take your issues up with the staff where you think the rules have been broken or bent out of the public eye please to avoid farther tarnishing the reputations of any persons or guilds involved which seem to have been royaly smeared already here. No, I am not trying to cover my own reputation here because about all I can figure is most people in the forums either don't care what I say or think I'm a loudmouthed D***head, and I interact with almost no one in game.

Why don't you settle your issues the old fassion way, have everyone meet in an out of the way city and kill everyone? Hack and exploit yourselves silly in the fight and then everyone else can move on to descussing the rules and how they might best be implemented.

anyway, I think I'm done ranting for now again.
"And if I offended you, I'm sorry but maybe you needed to be offended." - Suicidal Tendancies

If your argument begins with the phrase "I don't think" please stop and do so before making it.

SgtMaj(ret) E'Mokho Aewi
Fate 10
Strike Force Justice