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Old 04-26-2010, 06:05 AM
Lolly Lolly is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 22
I vote Yes Wipe it

I see some of u cant read what was said...

This would mean that everything would be deleted; characters, accounts, items, etc. We will NOT consider any partial deletes because they would just cause big problems.

Isee it like this.. Dont fix it if its not Broken. And it seems that some People are hell bent on making it harder on the Dev's and Staff. Not to mention unfair to the rest of the players Just cause Thay cant Play the game the way its ment. I would Rather Regrind my skills then see some Jerk get rich or become Jedi because there not skilled enough to do it the right way like the rest of us..... there for its Broken......
Fix It
Wipe It
Make it enjoyable for the mass

P.S Add some Gallow's so we can taunt/Stone the hackers/dupers