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Old 04-26-2010, 06:46 AM
Metal Metal is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 89
Originally Posted by madmurdoch2000 View Post
To start with I think a lot of people have forgotten that this is a test server and it's meant to be for testing. I also think a lot of people are forgetting that the dev's for the emu don't have to write the code or even ask us if we want a wipe. That the dev's are asking just shows how much they value us the players and nothing else. Now it's possible that they could bring out a patch without wiping the server but lets stop and think about that for a min.
so they release a patch to stop the duping and exploiters The first thing they would need to do is remove ALL the duped items in the game. How would you feel if you logged on after the patch and found that half of everything you had worked for had gone because it was a dupe? Because I know I wouldn't like it at all and I bet some people out there would be on the forums complaining that their hard earned cash and items had gone. For this reason alone a full wipe is justified in my opinion but lets think on for a bit.
So all the duped items have gone and the patch is out there and in place what is its effect on the game? Is it opening other holes in the code to exploites or other ways to dupe? Has it broken anything to do with crafting or combat? The answer is they will not know until they test the code which is why they have a test server in the first place.
Another thing is the OR that they are writing, some people are saying wait until it's finished before you wipe. Well as we the players don't know what is in the OR how can you say this isn't a test of part of the code for the OR? Or that this isn't to test a new unlock system for the OR to see what it's like before they spend to long working on the code to place that system in the OR? The answer is no-one knows.

At the end of the day there are any number of reasons for a wipe, duping, exploiting, code testing ect ect ect. So I voted yes to the wipe and I say to the dev's you are doing a good job and thank you.
You got some brains at right place, while majority of people think it's a real server