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Old 10-26-2009, 11:18 PM
Labyrinth Labyrinth is offline
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Originally Posted by Colt-556 View Post
Retarded examples aside,
When the person you're debating with resorts to shrugging aside a point with "retarded examples aside," you know it's a good time to stop.

Originally Posted by Hellflinger View Post
1st off, I would like to say that by itself, my opinion means nothing. (and I'm pretty sure I will be quoted on this)
2ndly, If their are, as previously claimed, +2000 people visiting the sight a day, and *some* ratio of those that approve rubberBanding measures, to those that do not, let their be a vote. Really, everyone votes once per account\per email\per IP. That could decide the actual opnion of the people. (not that that neccessarily counts for much, but it is more substancial that my opinion)
3rdly as Colt556 quoted earlier, "Can it be tweaked, fixed, and upgraded BEFORE putting it on the server and forgetting about it? Since that's the major thing. If the devs are so adament about keeping it, fine. Remove it, fix it, put it back up. If it still doesn't work, remove it. There is simply NO excuse for putting up a faulty code and leaving it for two weeks while the entire testing process suffers dramatically because of it. There is just no excuse at all for that. "
since it can't be tweeked, and now doesn't work, remove movement. yes. "There is simply NO excuse for putting up a faulty code and leaving it for two weeks while the entire testing process suffers dramatically because of it. There is just no excuse at all for that." yes. But what if the community and Dev's want to keep it? "If the devs are so adament about keeping it, fine. Remove it, fix it, put it back up."
no problems!