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Old 10-19-2009, 03:09 AM
roodypooh roodypooh is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: chicago
Posts: 288
Originally Posted by Vlada View Post
This actually makes much more sense.

Though the community and developers don't always see eye to eye, sometimes unpopular measures are needed to ensure further improvement of server security and overall project progress.
if that is truely te case which i highly doubt there is NO reason for any member of this made up team to be on TC... Like Kyle said they have private server/servers they use. Let Aushor and the rest of the hackers screw up the private server. No reason to have them on regular TC if they have private servers that could be tested on and still use the bug tracker or whatever to report hacks/exploits.... But sadly you'll see things back to what they were acouple days ago.

He'll log into game start hackin exploitin and griefing players and now nothing can be done cause now he's with his buddies in title and there is no true accountability.
