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Old 03-30-2007, 09:47 PM
Vreed Vreed is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 13
Alright, I've patiently watched and waited as the one thing I want back in my game has been overlooked...
I want my MUSIC! Hehehe
Seriously. If I could play music on the test server, I'd be there all day, hanging out, playing those odd instruments that nobody really likes. That's what the entertainers do. You want a community? Let the entertainers do their thing. We'll clog up every availble area dancing/playing, and we'll give you all the feedback you could ever want or need.

I've never posted my desire for the music, however, cuz I figured you guys would get to it once the big stuff was taken care of, but you asked!

/beg "Please give me the music!"

Thanks for caring what we think, Devs!