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Old 10-19-2009, 05:54 PM
OcyrisBlack OcyrisBlack is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by Stormcrow623 View Post
Ok Im not supporting leoten whats so ever, but I have to say this. He isn't whining or moaning he is just stating facts. You guys r all being super supportive and i think that is really cool, but you got to remember this is the real world. People get fed up, and even you precious FanBoys will throw in the towel, so all I am saying is Leoten speaks some truths. They need to get done soon or all this hard work will be for nothing. Especially with that new really cool star wars game coming out "The Old Republic".
SWTOR maybe the next great thing but it's based in a different time a different time. SWG will always be a classic in my heart and I plan to stick by these guys for as long as it takes. I plan to help in any way that I can to make this happen.