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Old 10-15-2009, 08:14 AM
SgtGorgeous SgtGorgeous is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: California
Posts: 8
Originally Posted by leoten View Post
Vlada, blow the devs much?

Your posts in support of the Grand Father Time paced develeopment here earn you extra XP or Holocron unlocks? I mean, some of the people waiting here have probably spent a tenth of their life waiting, at least, waiting for this EMU to roll. I mean - Lucas has two other games pending since SOE folded and punted post-CU.

If it goes on and on and on - it'll wind up like Ultima Online, some sparse shards with a 300 player at keys pop. During peak!

These guys should pull their sh!t together and bang out the Object Restructure or w/e Cap and Trade, Stimulus title they have given the newest "holding pattern".

If I'm not speaking for your views - then I am certainly vocalizing on behalf of a minority - a submissive minority, who are fed up with waiting for promised goods yet to be delivered.

p.s. I mushroom slapped your cake, enjoy.

Obvious troll is obvious.


sorry about that now /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread