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Old 10-15-2009, 11:57 PM
Wloire Wloire is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 1
As miffed as I was when SunCrusher never came around I have to say anyone complaining about how long this game is taking is completely ignorant as to how difficult coding is. A game of this magnitude, especially an MMO takes years for entire companies to produce.

The original SWG took SOE's development team, at least three years to complete, that is to say from the date the game was announced on march 16th, 2000 until release. It may have taken longer. Now I don't know how many developers are working on the emu but I promise you there was a hell of a lot more people on the original game.

So, you know, shut up? This is the first time I've checked SWGEMU in 7 months and I probably wont check again until next summer. Find yourself something to do in the mean time those of us who loved the magic of SWGEMU will be here when its done no matter how long it takes, especially since TOR is striving for a different style of play then SWG.

TL;DR: Coding is ****ing hard, shut the hell up.