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Old 10-19-2009, 05:32 PM
Jondo Jondo is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8
Needing the lead dev's help to get jedi doesn't exonerate the exploit. Did you guys watch the video? Like the part where your guildies use a known exploit to complete jedi? Fail or not, bugged or not... they gave it every effort to use the cheat. Leave the sploitz to the pros pl0x? <CTT>

Actually, here's a pro tip for next time you try to cheat at jedi:

Just hit AABBAACC Up, Left, Right, Down, Up on your gameshark controller while kneeling at a shrine.

Has the abusive CSR been purged yet? Or does the "friends with the devs" thing, in fact, work both ways?