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Old 04-13-2009, 05:33 AM
Ashur Ashur is offline
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Originally Posted by Dasleah View Post
I don't get what everyone's arguing about. It was a feature added temporarily to compensate for a bug. A bug that this version never had. Hence, the feature doesn't need to be added. The developers outright stated that it was a temporary feature to compensate for something stupid they did. It doesn't matter if it's a feature you like, I don't see why we should be including bug fixes for bugs we don't have.
wow thats stupid.

then we should remove mini-suits, mission payouts, fix intimidate, change jedi, remove all exceptional weps and insane dots, fix so we arent dependant on buffs (basicly get the CU) and all the 50 other things that "were bugs" and "werent supposed to be"

the things that actually MADE this game. you do understand that alot of the things we liked and enjoyed so much were bugs? because they were.

and having the AS be the only one changing colors isnt good too, i want a white suit with my right bracer red. going to be fun ordering that every 2 weeks.

anyway, this post wasnt an argument with the devs or csrs, its just that post i quoted made my cry a bit inside
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