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Old 04-26-2010, 06:26 AM
MiniMe MiniMe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV or HELLHOLE USA as i call it. Originally from Washington state.
Posts: 162
Yes wipe.

My wish: upon character creation please either start us out with more than $2k or make training fees 100, 500, 1500, 3000, and 4000 instead of these existing $8000 to be trained! It's hard enuf starting over! Too many times I've begged for someone to teach me but either I've got to fly to another planet and ask over and over before someone will teach me, (even PMing them) or I have to stay put and ask for hours before someone comes out of afk mode and is available for teaching. I can see if the game were more populated and less afk'd but this has gotten ridiculous for me. It's as if nobody who is already leveled wants to take the time to teach their future competition or something...feels like it anyway.

PS: I see a lot asking you why not just wipe this part or that part? Because it was made clear that this had to be an entire wipe, not just partial.