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Old 06-21-2008, 06:25 PM
ximok ximok is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 2
Impressions of progress...

I don't know when it was when I first heard of the SWGEmu project. (I'm too lazy right now to look and see what my join date was... we'll know once this post is submitted) But I have been browsing this and a few other related sites and have been impressed by the amount of advancement that the community has come through. So I have decided to dust off the old SWG box, throw the CDs in the disc tray and give the Test Center a whirl. Who knows, maybe I'll even find a way to be useful to the developers.

In any case, I can say that I am unimpressed with the users (read: abusers) who are highly impatient with the progress of this project and would like to remind those users that if they can't find a way to be useful, then they really have no place in a development project like this.

Go dev team!

I hope I will be just as excited when I finish installing later today

Edit: January 2007 was the date, just so it doesn't generate any more posts

Last edited by ximok; 06-21-2008 at 08:06 PM. Reason: Added join dat