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Old 03-30-2007, 09:28 PM
audwin audwin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Northern Ohio
Posts: 8
Sadly, I'm short on time, and thus unable to read every post in this thread to make the most informed, constructive post. Though I shall do my best with the 4 pages I did read.

As I've heard many suggest, being part of this community, to me, feels like walking on a thin layer of ice above a pit of spikes. I've been on some tough forums before, but this one literally frightens me. I'm still trying to get unbanned from the IRC, for doing absolutely nothing. I was idling, in the correct places, following all the rules, and suddenly Ultyma starts banning people, including me.

The first step to raising the community involvement in the Emu, would be trying to sooth these feelings. I understand that it's often hard to do, with all the flame-worthy noobs running around, starting fights, crowding the forums, and messing with the flow of IRC, but there has to be a balance between enforcement and acceptance. Between power of authority and level headed-ness