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Old 02-01-2009, 12:42 PM
djolovicl djolovicl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,229
It's funny, there i am in the middle of the fight with a stormy, all of the sudden he is beating the crap out of me, I'm thinking this cant be, and I see i have stopped, i don't move, i don't hit, nothing, OMG i'm going to be killed by a stormy, a STORMY!!! I stand there like a rag doll and and the Stormy is having the time of his life...
What can i do, i log and try to get back in the fight, server is up...
AAAAAAAAA I can't get back in???

Its a deadlock its not me, its not a super-STORMY, server is just down...

Thanks for the update...