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Old 03-23-2009, 04:05 PM
Quelogue Quelogue is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 26
Not sure if this is the right place to post this reply, but can anyone tell me why I keep having to recreate my character each time since the database wipe?

Yesterday, for the second time in a row, I had to recreate my character again. As soon as I had gone through the character creation screens, I started on Theed and BF'd master marksman and master artisan, as well as getting weapons, comp armor and camp kits from him, then off I went.

I then spent the next six hours gathering the resources to make a speeder, replanted a harvester (which for some strange reason doesn't seem to accept power) plus a wind generator (which still doesn't work). I then took time out to attend the event at the Mos Eisley cantina (where fun was had by all, and a bunch of people patiently stood in line to get a swoop).

Imagine my dismay and frustration when I logged on just now, only to find myself staring at the character creation screen again. I realize this is only the beta test and I should expect to run into some bugs, but this is one is a bit much. Is the database getting wiped every day, or do we lose our characters when we log out?

I'll keep playing, of course, but if we are to test profession grinding, then I think this issue is something that needs to be looked into asap.

Now to log in and recreate my character all over again (sigh).

Quelogue (aka Lorne)