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Old 02-17-2009, 10:58 PM
Mivias Mivias is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 67
Each person gets one account, and on that account, you will play.

If you want to have two characters on at once, enable multiple instances on LaunchpadEnhanced, and then open two different clients, log on to the SAME account, and play another character on that account.

You and your wife can each have an account, and play it on the same computer alternating.

You and your wife can each have an account and play on two computers.

You and your roommates can each have accounts and play them all on different computers, or on the same one. Just don't have multiple for YOURSELF.

Hell, you and your wife or your roommate or your cute 'friend with benefits' could SHARE one account, and alternate on one computer.

As long as the number of accounts per person doesn't exceed 1.

Last edited by Mivias; 02-17-2009 at 11:01 PM.
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