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Old 12-15-2009, 05:24 PM
Straven Straven is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 21
I respect the SWGEmu team to all hell.. they have brought me back to an amazing place that I never thought I would get to experience again. But trust is a completely different matter. Trust must be earned.. by anyone.. no exceptions.
and so I agree on both fronts really.. we should all chill out and see what happens..
But.. it would be beneficial for the EMU team to inform us as accurately as possible to what the situation may be.. because it will earn our trust and as one person pointed out already, we may even be able to resolve the situation.. regardless of the cause.

Just my 2 cents.

Carry on.

Edit: Somehow I missed the last page of this thread while typing... so yeah..

"Chill out guys. They required us to provide more contact information. The information is ready to go now. So, for all of you speculating on "stolen donations" - you might want to consider it's just speculation and drama.

For those who are thick-headed: Stop the "donations stolen rumor-mongering" right now.

Moving on: It is now necessary to wait for the guys in Europe to get online to restart things. I am not sure what maintenance took place so I do not know if the auto restarter will work. Again, there is no ETA on the server coming up.

Take a night off and go to the movies " - Serpentkaa

Thats what Im talking about! Keep us up to date.. squash rumors.. give facts = respect and trust

Thank you for the info Serpentkaa, much love and respect.

Last edited by Straven; 12-15-2009 at 05:30 PM.