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Old 04-10-2009, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by nostyleguy View Post
djolovicl, just because you said 'i didn't make an issue' doesn't make it so. The fact that you just quadruple quoted yourself for the point of showing a Staff member that he didn't read the whole thread properly would definitely be defined as making an issue.

moreover, you chose a very poor way to express your desire for the staff members to include non-EST times on posts. A good way to express this concern would have been to say "i would like it if the staff members included international timezones when posting announcements". Imagine that, pretty easy isn't it?
Your method was convoluted at best and arguably flame-baiting.

Your second mistake was insisting to ksh87 that you already knew how to convert time and do it all the time. Assuming ksh87 does not possess telepathically abilities, it was perfectly reasonable for him to post a link to a time converter considering you expressed your desire in the form a question, obviously illustrating some uncertainty. In fact, as i read this thread, and saw your question, i opened a new tab in my browser and googled 'timezone converter' as well. I'm sure that is what lunatec did as well.

The bottom line is that Ksh87, Lunatec and i were all under the impression you did not know how to convert time, or at best, were unsure about it. If you really think the staff members should include more timezones on posts, then ask them to! Don't make a round-about snide comment that confuses people, and especially don't try to rebuttal after they attempt to help you.
I post common time zones in every one of my announcements, and I put on in here too.

Now, we will stop discussing this in an announcement thread.
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