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Old 03-30-2007, 01:46 PM
blackjack blackjack is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 21
I think the reason why many of my friends don’t bother to sign up is down to a few factors. here are just a few views of my friends and I.. They are not meant to be insulting but constructive points.
  • The history of the project, the drama of past events, has made many of the people I know lose hope in the project. Or they have moved on to other games and are no longer interested.
  • scattered decisions and sudden changes in goals.
  • Such as going from open source to, closed source. On the top of not having a current closed source server files to download, so that people can play what’s currently is made. Many of my mates view the project like a headless chicken.
  • That compared too many other emu such as L2J, there is not any clear milestones, where anyone can track the devs, check out their current development and send in bug reports. I know that you guys say it’s a hobby, but at some stage even a hobby grows to a point where it gets beyond that point due to it expanding over time, it seems that the project can’t make up its, mind if it’s going to be just a hobby project or a professional run project.
  • People are still worried if they sign up and say what they think, in their harts will lead them to be ban sticked.

  • There is not any clear micro projects design to get the community involved, such as helping to build/fill a data base for you guys
  • The last time I went on IRC it was fall of childish talk about, totally senseless things or content that was not for kids and no moderator was doing anything about it.
  • You say you drop hints everywhere about what you doing, or up to but with the amount of senseless reply’s posts from the pubic in sections of the forum, it’s sometimes hard to find what was said by any dev. not saying that you should remove anyone’s posts. But make a section that is solely filled with your input.
  • More features on the board, kind of like soe Friday features, on current events.
Master Doc / Master Swordswoman

Last edited by blackjack; 03-30-2007 at 01:48 PM.