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Old 11-06-2009, 07:27 PM
PuChanWong PuChanWong is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 81
The reasoning behind why we were only allowed one character per galaxy per account on live should be kept in mind when deciding how many total will be allowed on SC and other servers:

Keeping it to 1 per galaxy per account made them a lot more money.

Aside from that, there really was no valid reason for them to do that. More characters on a server meant more monthly income. On a non-profit server, this really shouldn't be the main issue.

If it were up to me, I'd set it at one account per person, total of 8 characters, with only two logged on at any given time. This enables people to play pretty much whatever they want without having to go to different servers. If it's seriously limited, it's only a detriment to the continuous player base. People will go elsewhere to find what they want - that's why most of us here instead of there anyways. Limiting it to two logged on at any given time should reduce lag and leave more space for new or other players while still giving everyone plenty of options.
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