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Old 06-08-2008, 01:58 PM
Kyle Kyle is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 750
Originally Posted by hinch View Post
Just to let you know how EC stands at the moment.

EC supports any and all emu teams and will pick to use the emu that provides the best and most bug free experience to its members.
This could be the first emu released it could be the last it matters not to us.

Having said that we agree open communication with regards to research information rather than functional happenings is a good thing.
Perhaps one team has mapped out all mob spawns on all planets that information could help the other team implement it faster like wise one team may have all schematics in sharing would help.
This information won't effect the "who's better" discussion or how code develops but will help remove some of the tedious grunt work out of building an emu and we fully support that.

However due to past happening and treatment of both EC and its members/staff we are still in a position where we do not endorse or support the SWGEmu team. Whilst we wish them luck, at current and until such attempts are made by the Emu team to rectify previous issues we still put our primary support behind the ANH guys we feel our input and communication with them at current is more appreciated and we have greater input into the development cycle.

We also have a list of other issues currently surrounding the SWGEmu development that causes great concerns to us and in all previous statements and posts by the SWGEmu team these concerns have not been addressed rather compounded.

We recently made attempts to open discussions with the SWGEmu team to discuss our position and attempt to resolve the previous situation however we were left hanging on IRC with no turn out from the SWGEmu team.

As it stands at the moment we welcome the SWGEmu team to come to us to discuss things further however will make no further attempts to do this in the reverse.

We are however looking at strengthening ties between ourselves and some of the other server communities out there and these talks are progressing quite well.

This as I say is our stance at current and may indeed change in the future.
I do see that you posted this after I did come to you specifically, on your forums, to open lines of communication. I also have been set up in your IRC to talk about issues. If you are looking for open communications, then just talk back. I am looking forward to hearing from you, when you are ready to respond with a conversation.

Kyle (previously mustangcoupe69)
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Last edited by Kyle; 06-08-2008 at 02:10 PM.