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Old 06-09-2008, 12:07 AM
MiniMe MiniMe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV or HELLHOLE USA as i call it. Originally from Washington state.
Posts: 162
Well as a 44 year old housewife who lost her child (original swg), and who knows nothing about computers other than typing and playing, I've WANTED to be more involved... The obstacle for me has been that I cannot figure out how to submit any bug reports, and I can't get any help explaining to me HOW to submit them so that I can at least be your beta slave! Very frustrating when the only thing I can contribute are bug reports and then not being able to submit them. So after running around back in April with nothing but my undies on and a missing inventory, I decided I'd just have to wait for the developing gods to finish this project, or check in from time to time to see if there was a system set up for reporting any bugs. :P

I love the unity theme, and love and appreciate all of you who DO contribute and only hope that the people who are complaining or are throwing wrenches in the wheels would cease in their selffish spoiled baby attitudes and get with the program.

IF anyone has any way to explain (in layman terms) how to submit bug reports and possilbe donations, I'd be happy to at least help out in those two areas... especially when I go back to work later on this year!