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Old 09-29-2009, 08:41 AM
Wen Talross Wen Talross is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 237
This stuff will continue to happen as long as a huge influx of people want to play, with a limited pipeline for people to go through. Testing is the objective, not necessarily to game, hence just relax and take it easy.

Originally Posted by Tarnrue View Post
if anyone should have VIP access it should be the donaters, which would give more people a reason to donate. i recently started playing about 2 weeks least for the first time in a year or so. any no i havnt donated, i would love to be able to throw a couple bucks but i dont have a paypal and money is short in this sucky economy. It seem every weekend for the couple weeks i been playing its been like this though. it'll slack up during the week.
Meh.... As a donater, I don't donate to get VIP access, its not needed on a test server. Even on Suncrusher I don't think it would be needed at all. Making donaters above everyone else in my opinion isn't beneficial because a disparity is henceforth created. I make the donation to the cause that SWGemu is on, not for the actual game itself. I waited all day today to test and have had a chance to craft around a bit in the evening, doesn't bother me a bit if I wasn't able to before. What I can take to the bank that if it meant some other good ol' chap was able to go and have alot of fun testing his blaster and found out it had some glitch and reported it, then it was well worth the waiting