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Old 06-18-2008, 01:12 AM
Dorian Remedi Dorian Remedi is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 2
Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
why work on kashyykk when it was a CU expansion?? it was a ****ty planet to begin with, go do some other things that would be better suited for your time.
Despite this being my first post, and thus a provirbial nub to the forums ( and SWGEmu as a whole, only been on for a week. ) I must generally agree, in less extreme terms.

While my opinion may mean so very little, I fail to understand why one coder, who is obviously good at what he does, is busting ass on Kashyyyk, when half the professions still have kinks, alot of items themselves are hardly implimented, and there are various bugs ( unknown if they are reported, things such as creatures hyperspeeding over to you, or a melee combatant dealing damage despite a distance of 15m. ) that still need worked out.

No, I'm not bashing. The work done is great. I'm very grateful, but it is in my opinion that some of the work can be made toward other areas, such as the implication of ( Oh lord, that dreaded word; Jedi ) and other professions, such as Creature Handler, Politician, Designers and Smiths.