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Old 06-10-2008, 09:25 AM
Tolbat Tolbat is offline
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Posts: 539
I love it!!!!

Originally Posted by Valkyra View Post
Hey all!

Here's what I'm currently working on... Not much now but hopefully that will change.

1. Davin's version of Kashyyyk's planetary map.

It's a VERY VERY VERY rough sketch at the moment, and I primarily did it just to see how it would turn out. It will continuously be refined as we get onto Davin's Kash and I can make a correct map of the terrain features.

2. IG droid species.

Little sneak peak... Having a few problems with customization but they will be worked out soon.

I'm considering making the IG droid race possibly 'unlockable', much like jedi... And have it's own profession, somewhat like bounty hunter and commando combined... What would you all like to see?

I could not agree more !!
Draigoch The IG droid would probly go over better if it were an unlocked race/class. Something like x number of Jedi kills, x PvP rating, and at least x amount of time spent as a BH unlocks. You could throw POI visitations, Jabba's Themepark, and even a BH quest line in there if you want more requirements. I think in order to do IG droids justice they kind of have to be a bit more powerful then the average character. Thats just my opinion though, and it would probly be better discussed in the FSI section.


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