Thread: Update 07/17/07
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Old 07-18-2007, 05:32 PM
Spooky Spooky is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Norway, a few paces from the N'Pole
Posts: 59
I just wish SWGEMU and SWG:ANH would find some common ground and work together. In some areas SWG:ANH are miles ahead of SWGEMU and in other areas SWGEMU are miles ahead of SWG:ANH.

Imagine if these two teams could work together, it would be awesome.

SWG:ANH has Xenozephyr the guy who broke the encryption for the SWG net packets and the best packet analyst in any SWG emu team (he was with SWGEMU in the beginning, but quit for some reason, he said collage, but now he's working with SWG:ANH)

SWGEMU has Oru, a kick ass programmer who sees life in ones and zeroes

If these two teams could work together we will have our beloved game back in no time.