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Old 09-15-2009, 09:51 PM
carpathian carpathian is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Florida U.S.A.
Posts: 71
Here, here!!

Ya know I may have not made many posts but I've followed this project all along. I have to say the wait no matter how long is going to be worth every minute.

People that try to destroy what this community is aspiring, will in the end be very lonely. This game and what it has meant to so many people pre CU will NEVER ever occur again. Even Blizzards billion dollar machine won't come close.

My point is this, anyone that tries to stray this community have to keep this in mind, these are people that had a love for something, they miss it they understand what it meant to others. So I dare these people to try and keep up with that.

Long live the EMU!!

Thanks all that have worked extremely hard to bring something so many miss and love!!