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Old 03-31-2007, 11:38 AM
Raiyden Raiyden is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Manchester
Posts: 27
Originally Posted by Thadec View Post
Nice, well I think half the problem is that whenever a new guy comes in and asks a question he gets the living poo flamed out of him. Do you really think that half the new people will read the sticked posts/threads/w.e...? ffs, i've seen some mods flame new people... that isn't very beneficial to the community either... just my two cents:mad:
This is the reason I don't post very much anymore, I'm tired of fighting for the new members everytime they get flamed, it just results in myself getting insulted for sticking up for new members. New members are bound to be ignorant of certain issues or ideas. Generally the mods have got much better since the old forums, but even a lot of the older members here flame new members to death, and there seems to be some concept for these people that they will win brownie points with the devs by flaming the newer more ignorant members. It may not be related to how the mods generally act now, but because of the past behaviour of the old mods, its really effected the community and the way they react to new members. Just my thoughts, I don't want to stir up trouble, I just think this is the fundamental problem your having with the community.