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Old 03-30-2007, 01:58 PM
Garth Garth is offline
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PvP is what I did during base busting so that was about once a week, I'm really looking forward to Crafting and PvE content which I did every night for 4 - 5 hours. You guys are doing a great job and will be Hero's of the Rebellion.

My problem is I could not find my SWG disks, so I had to download the free trial offer and I'm not sure how to patch back to the point I won't get error messages some of us are not what would say geekie enough. I need a simple follow these steps guide to patch backwards. 1. Do this 2. Do that I'm sure there are many like me.

Any Ways I have told and emailed at least 12 people from my old Guild they are just waiting I'll ask them to reg on the site asap.

Keep up the good work you all Rock!

The Greatest Story Ever Told yours!
Old 03-30-2007, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by SwgEMUtester View Post
I understand this may be interpreted as a flame, and so be it if that’s the case. But since no one else has said it and probably won’t out and that typical fear which seems to linger around of a ban, I will say it. I find it extremely ironic and I bet a large majority does as well, that your help pledge to the community for contribution begins with the above lines.

The fact many members have tried, consistently to do just what you’re talking about, being creating forum topics, and discussing in IRC numerous topics and what not. Only to be shut down by what could basically be summed up as elitist attitudes. The irony? That these very attitudes are backed up by what seems to be the core of the moderation staff within the emu.

Obviously change is needed, and I for one applaud you Ramsey for starting this initiative. For that, you have my respect.

Onto my point though, for change to be made, problems need to be named.

From a IRC perspective (I am a major idler, I idle almost 23 hours, with a minor connection interrupt whilst I change computers from home / work) and I do read the majority of what is said in #swgemu and #test. For what I do not read, I log it. Anyhow, from a pure IRC perspective change can begin with two active @’s in IRC.

Phantomleader – Many idlers think he’s a mere bot, I would have thought just that, except I surprisingly saw him posting him on the SWGEMU forums. Many of his actions in IRC consist of kicks from half ass reading of the IRC channel, alongside repeating the same thing over and over. He hardly contributes in there, it just seems he enjoys being a internet cop.

Ultyma - He seems to be the godsend of the elitist attitudes which thrive mostly in IRC, he never takes action against the rude or the flamers and mostly insults new members, kicks or bans them in a heartbeats nice. You say we need to build a community, you say recruit friends, build up interest Ramsey. How can we do that when they say something which doesn’t agree with Ultyma and they end up with a ban? It not only makes the swgemu project as a whole look bad, but it makes myself look bad to my friends.

My fingers are slightly tired now, but please, the above issues are critical to needing reviewing, we can then move on from there.

This diserves a big QFE.
Old 03-30-2007, 02:03 PM
scottyg2 scottyg2 is offline
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Most people get flamed because they cant read the faqs/guides, or search things on thier own.

Now seriusly, 90% of these questions are awnsered somewhere, and just looking through all the questions asked, i found an awnser in less than a minute (in most cases)

And when we tell these people to look it up for themselves (becaues not only is the information RIGHT there, it gets them into the habbit of looking instead of asking), they say they are too lazy to look it up. Now, tell me why we should be nice in this scenario.
Old 03-30-2007, 02:03 PM
Niad Niad is offline
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Originally Posted by Lumby View Post
I dont go onto IRC anymore because Ultyma perma-banned me without question while I was trying to help test the server. (He banned me because I couldn't connect and I asked in #test if the server was down like it frequently is). After that I just lost all interest in helping out or trying to be part of a community. Whats the point if our own devs dont really care about a community? I will probably be banned for this post anyways.

Yeah but you have to understand that the #test topic says if the server is down or not.It also says, that if you speak in that channel when the server is down or about anything other then the TC you will be banned.

I have never seen someone get banned for no reason. I keep hearing people say that, but have seen no proof or good examples.

The team has given us many avenues to find answers to our questions. It is people who blatently disregard the rules that get banned. You can ask as many questions as you want without having to worry about getting banned, as long as you follow the rules about such questions.

I do however think that people are way to quick to flame. who knows, some computer nerd millionair that wanted to donate $9000000000000 to the emu could have asked a question and been flamed... and then decided not to donate said $9000000000000. (probably not the case)

I think, that we should ban people that get out of hand with the flaming...
Certainly it should be at admin discretion whatever they feel is in excess.
If the topic says TC will be up at 6.... and then someone logs in and imidiately asks when the TC will be up.. sure some moderate flaming should commence... i mean the topic is right there and a wonderful and easy tool to use even for the most noobiast of noobs. Just keep it in hand, don't say "OMGWTFBBQ FUKING NOOB! READ THE TOPIC AND I HOPE YOUR PARENTS DIE" thats a bit much.

But something like "dude, read the damn topic! IT really helps answer a lot of questions" this would be acceptable.

*EDIT* oh and everyone always says "all of the questions are answered if you would only look"... well SWG IS A GAME! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AN UBER FORUMS GURU TO PLAY IT. IN FACT, THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE THAT PLAYED SWG BEFORE HAVE NEVER BEEN TO FORUMS. now you ask people to use the search function how the hell are the supposed to automatically know how to do that? I had NO idea that forums had a search function when i first started frequenting them.

there is a reason, that the 3 strikes your out rule was invented. Not everyone is perfect, not everyone knows everything. The only fair way to ban someone for asking stupid questions are repeat offenders. This would mean we wouldnt be over culling the heard (as some of these people eventually become good forum members)... the real morons would be banned and the people that are just a little ignorant in the ways of the forums would be safe.

Anyways, there are just my two cents. But I really think that if we took the time to teach people the rules rather then banning for not knowing them, the entire community would prosper.
Niad Folds

Last edited by Niad; 03-30-2007 at 02:21 PM.
Old 03-30-2007, 02:05 PM
iwoo iwoo is offline
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Originally Posted by Po-ooga View Post
This diserves a big QFE.
Old 03-30-2007, 02:06 PM
Knight Knight is offline
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Told all my buds, they wanna play and wait for you to finish. They all wanna know eta , and well when you ask eta here......yea thats pretty much why they dont join up. So maybe my idea.. take it a little easier on the new guys/gals.
Old 03-30-2007, 02:11 PM
Comic Comic is offline
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I agree that people get flammed too much and there are too many ass lickers who shoot you down right away. It seems more server chat goes on on the server forums. Maybe because people didn't realise that their view counted on here, I dunno. I'll still spread the word about this project as I have done since I found out about it
Old 03-30-2007, 02:16 PM
sheduur sheduur is offline
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Most things have already been said. But here is my list of things that I noticed so far :

- People would like to know whats going on, you dont need to go into any details, just a quick heads up every few weeks of whats currently going on. If you want people to get involved and active, keep feeding information to them which they can easily access, and not just by digging the forums for single posts and reading every thread there is.

- The attitude towards people that are asking things is usually pretty hostile without the guys that are asking being offensive themselves in the first place (yes there are alot of lazy people that ask things that are already answered). If you wonder why people keep asking about a certain topic, simply make a thread or put it into irc topic so people have their question answered before even trying to ask it. Only the true moronic people will still ask then.

- Be open to suggestions, at least dont just insult people for making inappropriate suggestions. There is always a way to tell someone that his suggestion is not taken into account without being hostile towards them. People making suggestions should be seen as people that actually care for the project or they would not make any suggestion at all. If you just silence them by bans or not being at least polite, dont expect them to ever try to contribute again, or at least less than they would have tried in the first place.
With a hostile attitude you dont show any respect to people so dont expect them to trust in you guys.

Suggestions towards the gameplay and features

- About suggestions for things that might be added. Some people asked about the combat animation speed for melee players which are often too slow once your speed capped and thus look very weird. Some adjusting of that so the animation playback is adjusted to be finished after 1s incase the guy is capped. I dont know if thats possible, since I guess it should have been some parameter being sent with the packets that trigger the animation etc and might not be possible. But that could be an addition, even if its not that important to me, but to some people it has always been

- I would love to see the mission terminals giving you missions, or some basic npc/creature spawn implemented. No need for it to be spread out or seeded in any way. Just some basic routine that puts creatures on some points so you can hit them without going overt or finding someone that wants to duel. This might speed up the animation finding process a bit. A side effect would be that you could test how stable an area is running with populated npcs and lots of players.

- There is currently some force special that you can spam at every person even if not red towards you. It does no damage or effect but it creates massive lag. Getting rid of it for the time being or adjusting its time or anything would be an idea. I did not find out which special it was that was causing those massive lags but I am sure someone will know.

Thats all that I seem to think of at the moment, I will add more later. Its good to see btw that combat seems to be coming along and concentrating on it first seems to be the right thing to do. Get the hard and dynamic stuff done and then add gameplay features. Alot of naysayers always kept on saying it wont succeed they will never get combat to work anyways but at least the basics are now there, just missing out on the details so far
Old 03-30-2007, 02:22 PM
OldMaster OldMaster is offline
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I'm admin of the only italian server, and I read swgemu forum every day. I never post here just because:
- I'm patiently waiting for a more complete emulator.
- I discuss with my friends on our personal forum.
- We know what we would like to see on our server.

First of all we want to decrease buffs effect and balance armor and Ham cost. It doesn't matter what you can say: Buffs, Armors and HAM cost were totally ubalanced. Then we're think about setting some restrictive limits to Jedi profession, and removing Covert status from the game, just to dramatically boost our GCW.
Old 03-30-2007, 02:28 PM
Vanz Vanz is offline
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My biggest worry is that I am going to get banned for saying the wrong thing. I know a lot of people feel this way.

I also think that giving us an insight into the development process would be great for developing the community. Theres only so much talking about pre-cu that can be done before everything becomes a repeat of something that has already been discussed.

Even if you just say "Hey, Just wanted to let yall know that we fixed XYZ, or we added XYZ." That would help a lot, because it gives people stuff to talk about. I personally run a community website for players from the Sunrunner Galaxy. I get people sending me PM's, emails, and peppering me with questions on ventrilo about SWGEmu on a daily basis. I love how interested people are, but there just isn't much I can tell them anymore. I mean, heck... There hasn't even been a progress update on the front page of this site in over a month... aside from the discussions about lag.
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IGN Vanzz
Old 03-30-2007, 02:31 PM
ledhead ledhead is offline
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add to the reasons there isn't much posting.
  1. Forums have been wiped (loss of all posts) like 3-4 times (since I've been here)
  2. In the whack-a-mole flame wars new people are the mole not the wacker.
  3. Did you notice a lot of people stopped doing things when dev went closed source with no updates at all for like a month?
  4. Admin's used to swing the ban stick like someone breaking a homerun record.
  5. Dev's leaving with the paypal donations...

If there are communities forming they would be on the server sites not here. It's not the friendliest place and most people don't understand 1/2 of whats said here anyway.

just my .0002 credits...
Old 03-30-2007, 02:32 PM
Niad Niad is offline
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Originally Posted by Vanz View Post
My biggest worry is that I am going to get banned for saying the wrong thing. I know a lot of people feel this way.

I also think that giving us an insight into the development process would be great for developing the community. Theres only so much talking about pre-cu that can be done before everything becomes a repeat of something that has already been discussed.

Even if you just say "Hey, Just wanted to let yall know that we fixed XYZ, or we added XYZ." That would help a lot, because it gives people stuff to talk about. I personally run a community website for players from the Sunrunner Galaxy. I get people sending me PM's, emails, and peppering me with questions on ventrilo about SWGEmu on a daily basis. I love how interested people are, but there just isn't much I can tell them anymore. I mean, heck... There hasn't even been a progress update on the front page of this site in over a month... aside from the discussions about lag.
Im pretty sure we have all been told, as soon as something AWESOME has been implimented. The devs are as excited about it as we are!
Niad Folds
Old 03-30-2007, 02:39 PM
Ramsey Ramsey is offline
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The general concern has been random bans, which I will address now.

Our IRC ban list goes all the way back to like July of 2006. It is obviously irrelevant at this point in time, so what is going to happen is a clear of the ban list. There may be ISP wide bans to take out a single spammer back in september, but it could potentially ban other new members of the community who had nothing to do with it.

What I'm trying to do here is 100% my responsibility. Do not blame the shortfalls on other members of the staff. The Ban policy has been revised, and we will be a bit more considerate when banning.

The reason we have been banning in the past is not because were inconsiderate or hate particular members, its because we have been asked the same select few questions almost every day of our life for the last 2 years. But things will change, so bear with me.

As for other sugggestions, I have noted them down and I have been talking to a mod to organize the forums a bit better.

Stay tuned, and thank you for your input.
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Old 03-30-2007, 02:41 PM
gosh gosh is offline
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id love to give you feedback, just as soon as theres something to give you feed back on.

you got the emu working - pimp
got alot of **** done already - fantastic
lots of hard work - thanks!

but right now, its a partially-working test server that you can run around and spam lightsaber combat, and well, thats about it. i dont really have any comments on that, cuz it is what it is: an emu in development. im not going to be one of the *******s that is seriously impatient and just gripes, im patiently waiting for something to comment on.

i have a job, several projects in the works (some swg related), a wow guild i run, and a cs/bf2 clan i stop by every once in awhile. thats not counting the 12 other games installed on my puter (oblivion owns me), or my other hobbies that take up most of my free time. so i DO stop by daily to see whats what, but normally its nothing new, just general bsing about what ppl hope will be in the emulator once its done, and i dont really have anything to add to that discussion. and ive been yapping to my swg-cu buds about the emu too, maybe too much, as they ask me about it daily now, and i rarely have anything new to tell them.

gimme a version of the emu that i can start importing starship models into and id be happy as hell, cuz then at least i could be doing my part for the community by working on the ship pack i want to drop when the emu is done. until then, i sit and wait on my thumbs, as theres only so much i can do without having an actual testbed to work with.

sometimes ill hop on the test server, but not alot, cuz its rather boring. i understand its a stress test and all, but logging on and being sabered within 20 seconds, only to run back and repeat = not exactly something im going to do for an extended period of time.

hope this helps ya in some way ramsey.
Old 03-30-2007, 02:41 PM
Turan Farsyth Turan Farsyth is offline
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I browse the forums weekly but since I have little coding skill to add to the project I mostly don't say much. I don't want to stick my foot in my mouth and get called out for it. I am supportive of the project though as a precu swg vet.
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