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Old 04-02-2007, 02:23 PM
tihutoha tihutoha is offline
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I've been in irc and it's actually quite friendly in there, never seen anyone talking about the fate of the emu, usually bs'ing about other games, but I've been squelched, flamed and generally dont like to post on the forums for the most part, not because some little 13 year old brat is going to "intimidate" me, but just dont like the general "attitude" of the bulk of the members. Hopefully the emu doesn't get the nge fanboi base shifting over here (been with you guys pretty much since the beginning, and absolutely HATE the nge and the thousands of /duel "can anyone gimme free armor and money" requests you get there these days) /turnoffrant.
Old 04-02-2007, 02:55 PM
Sharkz Sharkz is offline
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i've slowed down following SWGemu since i was banned from IRC for a simple mistake. I misread a small part of a guide and thought that i had to ask in #test whether it was up or not. I did not know what the 'topic' was and when some one said and i quote 'Read the ****ing topic' i asked what the topic was and then i was banned. I saw a bit too late that the up|up thingy wasn't for the mirc as i originally presumed but actually showed whether the Core3 Server was up. That was it, no more IRC for me, was perma banned with no second chance, i still support the project but i have to wait for the release to play it.

My experiance of the forum is nothing but flaming and closed posts. (Not me posting but searching through it)

In my personal opinion there are parts that are handled very unprofessionally but I still recognise that you Devs have alot of work to do and don't need to be distracted by new members such as me.
Exiles for ever!
I'm bored
Old 04-02-2007, 03:07 PM
Tovo Tovo is offline
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I dont post or sit on irc because:

1. Im a precu veteran and people trying to mould the game into the NGE just annoys me.

2. I like the original bugged game and believe that it should be like that at release, then development discussions.

3. IRC is too strict, If some new guy asks something like is the server up in #test its like auto ban/flame by ultyma.

4. There are too many suck ups to the devs.

People should read FAQ's and use search but the majority don't, so they get a hard time for it when really someone just needs to post a link for them or tell them where to look for what they seek.
Tovo - Retired Quality Assurance

Last edited by Tovo; 04-02-2007 at 03:16 PM.
Old 04-02-2007, 03:14 PM
Pake Pake is offline
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Dumb newbee questions answered in the FAQs

To limit the number of newbee questions already answered I propose setting up a page in the middle of the creating an account process. Basically a new comunity member will start to fill in his information and clicks next, then is directed to a page that has a very condenced form of the FAQ's, set up like the AGREEMENT warnings that we all just ignore and scroll through, titled as MUST READ or something but start with the "ETA OF COMPLETION", in large font and in red, as the first question and followed by an extremely brief explanation of how no one including devs know and asking is not allowed. All following questions could be in red and large font, on the left side and followed by extremely brief explenations. the questions should be listed in order based on the frequency that newbees asked them. The idea is that they can't just hit the next button without at east scrolling through and the red large font should jump out at them, and should catch their eye since it prob. will be one of the questions they are hoping to get answered with creating a registration. Just a thought, but I do welcome input.
Old 04-02-2007, 03:33 PM
cammo/p0int cammo/p0int is offline
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Heres why I don't post much:

I'm busy as hell doing other things that prevents me from throughly looking over everything. I follow the emulation, and ive been around since the original forums around when xeno joined, a good two and a half years now or so? I'm a mod for another gaming community and apart from my other tasks, i just dont have the time to jump on IRC or anything else. I get my updates secondhand from others I converse with.

So, in closing, I dont post much because well.. I just dont usually have the time to.
Old 04-02-2007, 03:34 PM
goldcrud goldcrud is offline
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Originally Posted by Pake View Post
To limit the number of newbee questions already answered I propose setting up a page in the middle of the creating an account process. Basically a new comunity member will start to fill in his information and clicks next, then is directed to a page that has a very condenced form of the FAQ's, set up like the AGREEMENT warnings that we all just ignore and scroll through, titled as MUST READ or something but start with the "ETA OF COMPLETION", in large font and in red, as the first question and followed by an extremely brief explanation of how no one including devs know and asking is not allowed. All following questions could be in red and large font, on the left side and followed by extremely brief explenations. the questions should be listed in order based on the frequency that newbees asked them. The idea is that they can't just hit the next button without at east scrolling through and the red large font should jump out at them, and should catch their eye since it prob. will be one of the questions they are hoping to get answered with creating a registration. Just a thought, but I do welcome input.
Yeah I think that would be good or make a announcement on the front page that says we don't know when the emu will be released.
Old 04-02-2007, 03:38 PM
viza viza is offline
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There are tons of things you can do to make SWGEmu better, without having to be on the staff. Just help others out and SHARE ideas. Don't wait for updates and post "good job" every month or so. You wont be banned if you follow the rules and be respectful.

With all due respect, you guys know what you are doing and know what you need to do. Me posting ideas is silly until I have a pre-CU server to play on and can see room for improvement. How can I suggest anything if I don't see anything that needs fixing? I'm not trying to be a smartass or anything, but that's probably why people aren't posting much. It's all pie in the sky until we can log into something and play the game. Telling you how to improve your recipe for pie in the sky is kind of pointless since it can't be tasted.

Right now my advice would be "Let me log in and try it out". Oh, combat's not working yet.

Advice: Get combat working!

SWGEmu isn't going to succeed without a willing community. This community is doing a piss poor job of working to build a better community for the future precu.

With all due respect, this community gets battered by your mods everytime they suggest something. Maybe you guys are doing a piss poor job of encouraging our input. Believe me, we are willing. Everything most people see when they read these forums is "We don't have time for your stupid ideas, we are busy building a game server. If you ask questions you will be flogged. If you make suggestions, you will be flogged. If you ask about x, y, and z features you will be flogged."

This soup-nazi attitude is cool, fun even. I'm good with it.

Because of it, most of us just post "You guys are cool" and keep checking the boards once in a while, to stay out of "trouble".

Hey, if you don't want my input, and tell me you don't, I'm keeping quiet. When I see other peopel getting banned and flamed for asking questions, I'm keeping quiet.

I have no problem doing this, but don't act surprised like you don't know something and say "what? you don't talk to me, you never call?". Yea, just finished growing my eyebrows back from the last time I talked and got flamed...

The best thing you could do to foster community input is to completely purge this forum of everything but the faq's, news, and information about the emu, and start over with a fresh attitude that encourages input.

Start a forum for each aspect of the game, and accept suggestions, dreams and stupid ideas there.

You want to know how to get more out of the community? Stop punishing them for posting. Hopefully you can get something useful out of my post here.

Old 04-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Smusatto Smusatto is offline
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Originally Posted by Jani_Leitquenen View Post
Not wanna sound like I´m critizising you, Smusatto, but it´s stuff like this that people don´t take kindly to, even when said with the best of intentions. Instead of a remark that may have a rather sarcastic tone (hard to convey on text), something along the lines of: "While I see your point, I disagree with your oppinion" sounds much more professional and calm than "lol are you kidding? Late April Fool´s", simply because that sounds like you´re patronizing the poster for having an oppinion (as misguided as that oppinion may be).

I emphasize this because I think it´s a good example of why people may perceive that unfriendliness coming from the mods. Dealing with the public isn´t easy, I´ve had to do that in the past, and I know it all to well, but sometimes, you gotta bite your tongue and hold back that witty answer, and try to just be as neutral as possible, for the best of the team.
Originally Posted by ioiny View Post
You are so f****** unproffesional it's a f****** joke, hope you can see that now.

This is a thread where ramsey ask people what they think is wrong here and want the community too help.
You can't f****** strike em down then can you when they are saying thiere opinon. Listen to it, consider it and swallow your bollox, instead of making your thought the greatest.

f****** hell man.
Wow...you two seriously need to lighten up. Ioiny was clearly complimenting the competition. Am I not allowed to poke fun at him for that? He's saying a forum post impressed him. I'm not allowed to point out how absurd that sounds? If any of you actually followed my posts here over the last 5 to 6 months, you'd see I'm more than respectful to most everyone's opinions. When somebody comes here and starts brown nosing ANH over some forum post, I'm going to find that funny and poke fun at them for it. If that genuinely bothers you, I think you need to calm down and not take everything so seriously.

Hate to break it to you guys, but I'm not always going to come off as "professional." Want to know why? I'm not a professional. I don't get paid to mod these forums. I don't expect to be paid for it either. I do this in my spare time. If I want to be sarcastic when responding to someone ignorant enough to come here and brown nose ANH, I'm going to do it. I highly doubt anyone on the team cares how we respond to people who come here brown nosing ANH. If anything, they'd think I went easy on him.

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to be "unfriendly" to Ioiny for his comments. I just thought they were rather absurd and I had to ask if it was a late April Fool's joke. I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if it was. Unfortunately, it sounds like it wasn't.

Last edited by PhantomLeader; 04-02-2007 at 08:52 PM. Reason: Sorry Smu, but please don't quote crap like that :)
Old 04-02-2007, 03:55 PM
Baron_Primus Baron_Primus is offline
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Well, lets actually find something worth talking about.

Lets be realistic: How many "Remembering SWG", "What are you gonna do the moment you log in?", "How bout those jedi?", "*LOCKED THREAD* Please Help Me!" are worth imputing on? I also very much agree with Viz about beating down the newbs (not to be confused with the very-much batter-able noobs). Ive even been to IRC and there is shockingly little chatter about how the emu is going. Please restore SWG to its 12 pre cu glory. Im not sure what else you want/need to add since you guys are the ones blazing the trail here. I thought the servers themselves would mod the content.

I, and I imagine 7/8 of the community, keep my/our eyes peeled on the front page and eagerly await some sort of "easy install" client and a stable server to actually begin playing on. With that, users would subsequently become more active in the community. Soon I hope to see WTB and WTS threads somewhere in here.

Last edited by Baron_Primus; 04-02-2007 at 04:03 PM. Reason: Added some clarity.
Old 04-02-2007, 03:55 PM
criticalbill criticalbill is offline
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Disagree with Smusatto if you want to, but be sure to look at all his posts before you start attacking him. He's generally the most level headed person here through all the turmoil. Cut him some slack.
Old 04-02-2007, 04:00 PM
Smusatto Smusatto is offline
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Originally Posted by criticalbill View Post
Disagree with Smusatto if you want to, but be sure to look at all his posts before you start attacking him. He's generally the most level headed person here through all the turmoil. Cut him some slack.
Thank you. It's nice to see someone recognizes that. I try to be level headed and neutral as much as I can, but as many of you know by now, biting my tongue isn't my strong suit.
Old 04-02-2007, 04:01 PM
Bennjimin Bennjimin is offline
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I think people are afraid to discuss b/c they fear banishment from the fourms and IRC that and there are so many people willing and ready to flame that players have been discussing their ideas on other forums where people don't flame as much.

Which is sad because some of the ideas are really good and the devs might like them too.


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Old 04-02-2007, 04:04 PM
Damean1 Damean1 is offline
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Originally Posted by ioiny View Post
You are so f****** unproffesional it's a f****** joke, hope you can see that now.

This is a thread where ramsey ask people what they think is wrong here and want the community too help.
You can't f****** strike em down then can you when they are saying thiere opinon. Listen to it, consider it and swallow your bollox, instead of making your thought the greatest.

f****** hell man.
This is just sad, now granted I have said the mods, and devs could use a bit more patience, but if everyone talked to me like this I would act like an ass too. I'm not saying you're 100% wrong Ioiny, I'm only pointing out that if you talk to people like this you can't expect respect in return. I will concede that Smusatto's post could have been taken as insulting, but at the same time I also agree with him that a bit of sarcasm is not unexpected if you insult him and his friends by fawning over the competition in what is basically enemy territory. The respect issue can't be a one way ticket, if we want to be treated with respect by those in charge here, we must in turn treat them with the respect we expect to receive.

Call it brown nosing, or sucking up if you choose, and I'm not one who's been here for a long time, but I lurked for a long time before I joined, and I have found Smusatto to be generally respectful intelligent and helpful. Lets not create more problems by hurling insults because we feel insulted ourselves. Constructive criticism is a good thing, but if your post is full of insults and this type of language few will take into account what you may think, and you're only going to receive as much respect as you give.

Last edited by PhantomLeader; 04-02-2007 at 08:53 PM.
Old 04-02-2007, 04:16 PM
knightprodigy knightprodigy is offline
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A few observations to answer your rants...

Theres only about 20-30 ppl from my guild still interested and they monitor the progress. It's not lack of faith in the project, its lack of communication and faith in the community. With little updates directed at the community and everyone being pushed to IRC and than being banned for little to no reason, I understand 100% if people dont want to put up with the moderator's BS.

It's like this, you put 8K people in a little area expecting something they want...say food. And you throw a few scraps at them every once in a while, just to keep them alive. After so long with not seeing progress and getting the silent treatment from the people they look up to, people become disappointed, tired, irritable, lose faith and most importantly are easily pissed off.

Forum mods are supposed to lead the forum community, not kill it. I'm not pointing any fingers or putting any names out there, but a project like this with so much anticipation, will receive a lot of dumb and irritating posts and responses. You can continue to piss people off by banning, flaming and then kindly closing the thread, or you can just ignore them and let the other community members take care of holding the newb's hand, than kindly close their topic.

Yes, it gets old, yes it pisses everyone off, but take some anger management classes and let other community members help with crowd control.

As far as the IRC banwagon, put a limit on that ****. If your going to ban someone, make sure its for a good reason, and use it as a punishment system. Like 1st offenders get a 1-week ban (or something non absolute). You keep pushing the community to IRC and than you ban them for stupid ****, than you complain because you do not get as many people on IRC as you want. This is stupid, it's like shooting someone for trying to eat that scrap of food you just threw to 8K people.

To solve all of the installation questions, has anyone thought of grabbing a fraps movie of a full installation, instead of people trying to follow the nuclear instructions that people have posted and that the forums decided to devour?

How about some people willing to put their IM names in a sticky for the support page in case people are having problems? They can IM or mail someone instead of posting, getting flamed and than ultimately getting banned.

How about a few different rooms in ventrillo or teamspeak for support or general discussions? The point is, support is very poorly implemented here, and people need other means to contact the community than IRC and the forums since it has been proven that if you need help installing it, the people here feel you dont deserve to be part of the community.

Thats the message that's being sent, and that covers most of why you do not get 'participation' from your community. It's been turned into a dictatorship, and people wont put up with it. This is why sites like truegalaxies and spraticnet have a much friendlier atmosphere and more community participation.
Old 04-02-2007, 04:25 PM
Damean1 Damean1 is offline
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Originally Posted by knightprodigy View Post
It's been turned into a dictatorship, and people wont put up with it. This is why sites like truegalaxies and spraticnet have a much friendlier atmosphere and more community participation.
I personally find it amusing that you put it like this. We're all fans of the Star Wars franchise, whether we be movie fans, gamers, comic lovers or those who read novels like myself, and Star Wars is all about dictators. Of course we won't put up with dictatorships, we've been watching, reading and playing the fall of tyrannies for years.
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