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Old 03-30-2007, 08:11 PM
KROM KROM is offline
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Originally Posted by SwgEMUtester View Post
I understand this may be interpreted as a flame, and so be it if that’s the case. But since no one else has said it and probably won’t out and that typical fear which seems to linger around of a ban, I will say it. I find it extremely ironic and I bet a large majority does as well, that your help pledge to the community for contribution begins with the above lines.

The fact many members have tried, consistently to do just what you’re talking about, being creating forum topics, and discussing in IRC numerous topics and what not. Only to be shut down by what could basically be summed up as elitist attitudes. The irony? That these very attitudes are backed up by what seems to be the core of the moderation staff within the emu.

Obviously change is needed, and I for one applaud you Ramsey for starting this initiative. For that, you have my respect.

Onto my point though, for change to be made, problems need to be named.

From a IRC perspective (I am a major idler, I idle almost 23 hours, with a minor connection interrupt whilst I change computers from home / work) and I do read the majority of what is said in #swgemu and #test. For what I do not read, I log it. Anyhow, from a pure IRC perspective change can begin with two active @’s in IRC.

Phantomleader – Many idlers think he’s a mere bot, I would have thought just that, except I surprisingly saw him posting him on the SWGEMU forums. Many of his actions in IRC consist of kicks from half ass reading of the IRC channel, alongside repeating the same thing over and over. He hardly contributes in there, it just seems he enjoys being a internet cop.

Ultyma - He seems to be the godsend of the elitist attitudes which thrive mostly in IRC, he never takes action against the rude or the flamers and mostly insults new members, kicks or bans them in a heartbeats nice. You say we need to build a community, you say recruit friends, build up interest Ramsey. How can we do that when they say something which doesn’t agree with Ultyma and they end up with a ban? It not only makes the swgemu project as a whole look bad, but it makes myself look bad to my friends.

My fingers are slightly tired now, but please, the above issues are critical to needing reviewing, we can then move on from there.
I said most of this in previous posts. I agree. But don't say people aren't telling mods and devs to shape up too. We are.
Old 03-30-2007, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Ramsey View Post

I don't see why you guys are bashing Ultyma when he is the reason you have half the things on TC. Sure he gets ticked off, but look at the reasons why. He gets asked the same questions over and over, and gets blamed for being impaitent when people send him "**** you's". Can you imagine how he feels about doing this project?

Ultyma is part of SWGEmu, so if there is a problem you blame SWGEmu.

Now, as I said, the ban policy has changed and I have asked ultyma as well as stated here that this community thing is MY responsibility. Don't point your fingers because its easy. You tell me that its ultyma's fault, nothing will get done because the ban problem has been fixed when I made this post.

I hope you guys know he reads these threads and is keeping quiet while you blow away at him.

I am asking for constructive ways to improve this project, not dwell in the past with "ultyma this, ultyma that". No one is being banned right now anyway, so I dont see what the problem is anymore.

Was it IRC, or forums that was cleared? Or has it not happaned yet.

Since I'm still banned on IRC, and I think my Forum acount is stil banned too.
Old 03-30-2007, 08:27 PM
NeroBailadoor NeroBailadoor is offline
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Yes i have a suggestion. On many of the planets, you would be doing a mission for instance say you were doing a Pickett Lair on dantooine. More offen than not the lair would despawn in the middle of your mission. Im not sure exactly waht the issue was but maybe you guys could make sure that doesn't happen. That and also in precu and cu their were always error messages that said Can't KD Recover while KD.
Old 03-30-2007, 08:36 PM
Pake Pake is offline
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How about creating a thread for specific suggestions? For instance perhaps a thread dedicated to what community members or future server opporators would like to see implemented as scriptible. These questions could have their own category and could be a way for the community to offer specific feedback to specific wants in the emu. Also after several suggestions are given you could take the most plosible ones and create poles to see which are most wanted. Could help with prioritizing suggestions, etc.
Old 03-30-2007, 08:54 PM
Fallacy Fallacy is offline
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new player

ive never even played SWG, ive just seen it played and i hear stories all the time of "the glory days" back when beign a jedi took an assload of work. WHICH IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!! i liek starwars and i support independent porgramming, im a programmer myself, not of your calibur, but nonetheless i try, and i support you guys all the way!! ****en rock on! so, i dont have much to offer, but i spread the word. i guess thats about the only way ill be able to help.

PS: dont bother flaming me for this, i wont check back to it.
Old 03-30-2007, 09:00 PM
KROM KROM is offline
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Originally Posted by Ramsey View Post

I don't see why you guys are bashing Ultyma when he is the reason you have half the things on TC. Sure he gets ticked off, but look at the reasons why. He gets asked the same questions over and over, and gets blamed for being impaitent when people send him "**** you's". Can you imagine how he feels about doing this project?

Ultyma is part of SWGEmu, so if there is a problem you blame SWGEmu.

Now, as I said, the ban policy has changed and I have asked ultyma as well as stated here that this community thing is MY responsibility. Don't point your fingers because its easy. You tell me that its ultyma's fault, nothing will get done because the ban problem has been fixed when I made this post.

I hope you guys know he reads these threads and is keeping quiet while you blow away at him.

I am asking for constructive ways to improve this project, not dwell in the past with "ultyma this, ultyma that". No one is being banned right now anyway, so I dont see what the problem is anymore.
You told the community that they were screwing up. The community is replying with "We aren't the only ones." I think we can all learn some valuable lessons here and make some changes in the way we act. THAT will make for worlds of improvement.
Old 03-30-2007, 09:01 PM
Dvol Dvol is offline
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*On TC allow us to actually have the skills for the profession tree(when its possible of course) this is alot of content for many.Would also help resolve bugs and boredom issues..This would help if like one week was melee testing and next range so on and so forth.This can help with individual issues or random bugs.

*Forums- section specific based on whats being tested.Currently testing animations..Each section should remain open till that portion of testing is done..

*IRC-lord knows what will fix that mess..

I try to test things when i can not much else i can offer really other than that..I do appreciate what you guys are trying to do reguardless.But i read more than i post.Not that i dont want to help more just i feel it waste your time..Well i cant wait for the next updates so far things look promising..Thanks for the time and work you guys are putting in.
Old 03-30-2007, 09:28 PM
audwin audwin is offline
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Sadly, I'm short on time, and thus unable to read every post in this thread to make the most informed, constructive post. Though I shall do my best with the 4 pages I did read.

As I've heard many suggest, being part of this community, to me, feels like walking on a thin layer of ice above a pit of spikes. I've been on some tough forums before, but this one literally frightens me. I'm still trying to get unbanned from the IRC, for doing absolutely nothing. I was idling, in the correct places, following all the rules, and suddenly Ultyma starts banning people, including me.

The first step to raising the community involvement in the Emu, would be trying to sooth these feelings. I understand that it's often hard to do, with all the flame-worthy noobs running around, starting fights, crowding the forums, and messing with the flow of IRC, but there has to be a balance between enforcement and acceptance. Between power of authority and level headed-ness
Old 03-30-2007, 09:34 PM
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I think main reason people dont post here is...

1. Ultyma banning people for nothing
2. People posting suggestions to nerf DoT's,weaponry,comp armor etc
3. People who never actually played preCU coming with suggestions

Fix those 3 and you might get more posters
Old 03-30-2007, 09:40 PM
Genraka Genraka is offline
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Originally Posted by Ramsey View Post
We have 8k members I dont see why people don't get on IRC or create forum topics and discuss.
Well this is my first post, but i just wanted to say that the only reason why i choose to lurk the forums rather than join it is the atmosphere you guys have set up in the forums, i was afraid of getting banned, im sure im not the only lurker who feels the same way.

I was lurking these forums, checking your progress way back when you guys made your code open source, i was also there for the whole joker thing.

Well i will most likely continue to lurk, but i just wanted to say that and that i used to play in Ahazi as "Genraka Dirinson".
[EDIT] I just wanted to add that i used to play way back after the first week of SWG's Launch.

Old 03-30-2007, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by SwgEMUtester View Post
Phantomleader – Many idlers think he’s a mere bot, I would have thought just that, except I surprisingly saw him posting him on the SWGEMU forums. Many of his actions in IRC consist of kicks from half ass reading of the IRC channel, alongside repeating the same thing over and over. He hardly contributes in there, it just seems he enjoys being a internet cop.
I concur.
727 + 66.6 = 4

Old 03-30-2007, 09:47 PM
Vreed Vreed is offline
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Alright, I've patiently watched and waited as the one thing I want back in my game has been overlooked...
I want my MUSIC! Hehehe
Seriously. If I could play music on the test server, I'd be there all day, hanging out, playing those odd instruments that nobody really likes. That's what the entertainers do. You want a community? Let the entertainers do their thing. We'll clog up every availble area dancing/playing, and we'll give you all the feedback you could ever want or need.

I've never posted my desire for the music, however, cuz I figured you guys would get to it once the big stuff was taken care of, but you asked!

/beg "Please give me the music!"

Thanks for caring what we think, Devs!
Old 03-30-2007, 10:09 PM
Naveed Naveed is offline
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Originally Posted by Ramsey View Post

I don't see why you guys are bashing Ultyma when he is the reason you have half the things on TC. Sure he gets ticked off, but look at the reasons why. He gets asked the same questions over and over, and gets blamed for being impaitent when people send him "**** you's". Can you imagine how he feels about doing this project?

Ultyma is part of SWGEmu, so if there is a problem you blame SWGEmu.

Now, as I said, the ban policy has changed and I have asked ultyma as well as stated here that this community thing is MY responsibility. Don't point your fingers because its easy. You tell me that its ultyma's fault, nothing will get done because the ban problem has been fixed when I made this post.

I hope you guys know he reads these threads and is keeping quiet while you blow away at him.

I am asking for constructive ways to improve this project, not dwell in the past with "ultyma this, ultyma that". No one is being banned right now anyway, so I dont see what the problem is anymore.
i think everyone knows that Ultyma is a huge reason we have what we have but people still do not deserve to be mistreated. no one likes to have someone be rude to them. but you asked the questions and we gave the answers. all the things that Ultyma has done for the project does not give him the right to ignore the basic respect due to everyone. there are alot of server forums demonstrating great unity and getting great support because people feel wanted and respected there. Yes i can imagine everyday having to deal with the fact that you will never make everyone happy, no matter what you do. and that no one appreciates your effort but if he looks deeper he will find that is not the case everyone loves Ultymas dedication, effort and work he puts in its just his attitude people dont like. they are two seperate things.

Last edited by Naveed; 03-30-2007 at 10:12 PM.
Old 03-30-2007, 10:09 PM
Smusatto Smusatto is offline
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Originally Posted by LSky View Post
Take on more forum staff and instruct them not to be so extremely hostile. Perhaps Smussato and especially Ultyma don't ban people for asking a question, but they sure do succeed in making the environment very unfriendly on the forums and on especially on IRC. I can give examples, but I'm sure you all know what I'm referring to.
Yes, please give examples of how I have made the environment "very unfriendly." I'd really like to know...
Old 03-30-2007, 10:11 PM
PhantomLeader PhantomLeader is offline
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Same here. Please PM me with links/posts/logs/etc.
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