Originally Posted by BladeSpinner
As always I am deeply grateful for the efforts of a group of people who stood up to the mighty corporate dictators of the old SWG, this 53 year old dude is glad to have the privilege of gaming with you all as and when the situation allows - as a true addict of SWG and a 6 year Veteran refugee from that dark side - may you all remember the great gift and debt of gratitude we share with the creators of the EMU.
That's pretty deep. Well said, sir!
Originally Posted by amphitryon
anyhoo..this is a good test... a test of operations and what needs to happen when the hampster running the server gets its leg stuck in the wheel and it wont turn, and who is spose to go get him unstuck before he starves to death or bleeds out. Hoepfully nobody is playing the 'hey I thought you were spose to get him unstuck game'. be nothing but a desicated hampster husk left after Xmas break if that is the case.
They're training new hamsters to run the server.