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Developer Chat Logs Once a month, on the second Saturday, at 7PM EST, we will hold an open Developer discussion on IRC. The logs from these chats will be posted here.

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Old 01-04-2009, 10:35 PM
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Max Max is offline
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DevChat Log - January 10th, 2009

Dev Chat January 10th 2009

Zasha asks, Is there a fix in the works that stops crafted sub-components from giveing a final product a negative starting value in the experimentation line?

<kyle> Crafting is still in progress, i have spent most of today implementing a new system and the new data for it
<kyle> That isn't broken either, that problem only exists because that item ONLY has the wrong values on the scripts
<kyle> So, there is no fix, cause it isn't broken, but we should have the right values very soon
Otet asks, What would be the current status of the housing system? Any possible ETA?

<kyle> There will be no ETA answers, but the first 1/2 of the question is good.
<cRush> With the recent completion of the heightmaps, placement of houses has taken a step forward. We are currently investigating some house storage issues as well, but progress is being made.
Dame asks, to Kyle: I know that everything takes time and i never ask this out of impatience, but what is the current delay on the schematic tool and adding in the schematics that have been coded with the tool? Thanks and keep up the great work!

<kyle> The schematic tool was "finished" as of about 3 hours ago. It's basically function, a few days of bug testing and we should be ready to roll. I plan on getting back into data entry monday *crosses* fingers
<kyle> If you have access, you can go see it now
Audio asks, Will SWGemu keep a pure vanilla server after 1.0?

<Seaseme> It will be vanilla at first. We have some things that we would like to see, we want to revamp a few systems to make them a bit more useful / fun to play. W
<Seaseme> There's a lot of little tweaks we would like to see. Obviously we'll talk more about it and you'll know more about it when we get the Suncrusher
<kyle> Main Point: 14.1 is a great patch - but SWG could be so much more with fixes that we all wanted back in the day.
Sosko asks, everytime there is a new patch put in there is also a new bug, will there be something done about the new equip/vechile/attack bugs?

<cRush> As with any bug, yes it will be fixed.
<Max> Every bug which appears in SWGEmu's core will be fixed before release
Walker asks, After release, will devs pursue any types of community-approved improvements to the GCW, smuggler, JTL, etc?

<cRush> We value the communities input about what changes they would like to see, but we will only pursue implementation of ideas that will not radically impact the persona of SWG
Jabbit asks, I was wondering if there have been any signifigant advancments toward CH?

<cRush> We have recently begun research and planning into this profession. Basic classes are being outlined, and we look to start implementation soon along with rudimentary Creature AI.
<Seaseme> Dannuic is going on it - Finally we could start because Heightmaps are working!
Audio asks, Moreover on pure vanilla - The main systems that I am concerned about is Jedi and BHs getting mods that were not part of Pre-CU. The main reason to play an emulator was to relive "how it was" Are Jedi and BHs going to bemodded into something other than how it was?

<cRush> While the SWGEmu release 1.0 will be vanilla, with obvious bug fixes, changes to professions that would cause an unbalance will be avoided. We will address the direction of SunCrusher momentarily.
Mijom asks, at Panchjr, are you planning to implement the new combat code in one huge chunk or or bit by bit after you have finished it?

<panchjr> TMost of the combat revision has been merged back in to the trunk and has been releasedto TC
<panchjr> Updates from now on will be to the trunk so will show up on TC very quickly
Vrico asks, As the crafting classes are further developed and brought live on the core 3 test server can we expect to see resource kits avaliable from the blue frogs to make for quicker testing of these classes?

<kyle> Yes.
Red asks, is there plans for focus groups to help devs test stuff on TC? and how can one join/apply?

<Thrin> Yes there is a professional focus group, called Quality Assurance, that is already running organized and structured tests. How to apply for a position in QA? Well I will be expanding the Quality Assurance Department in the next few weeks: there will be more info shortly on the forums including an application page to send in your applications, please, only serious inqueries.
<TAfirehawk> Specifics related to the Professions will also be addressed by the Profession Reps. Now that the Combat Test code is on TC, you should see more activity

Master-Jedi-Harry-Flores of True Galaxies asks, How far done is the Combat Medic Profession? Will it be done before Sun Crusher is released?

<link> Valkyra has been working on Combat Medic and I am currently looking it over so you should see more about that very very soon
Praxi, of True Galaxies asks, What is the status of Housing/harvesters and do you think implementations will be soon and will it be tested before on TC:Nova before implementation onto TC:SC?

<kyle> Harvesters are working quite well at the moment on SVN, and housing as well. Yes they will be on NOVA first.
Glandor Asha, of True Galaxies asks, What will the predicted server cap be for most of the servers out there?

<kyle> Population in SWG isn't a matter of hardware, it's more a matter of players. SOE had the caps pretty good to keep the experience good.
<kyle> We don't want people to never be able to do certain content because it's always camped (Akava Min)
<Max> Put simply - as the player population increases, the game world becomes more crowded
<kyle> Although Core3 will handle a ton more players on 1 server that live probably could, we will set the caps so people can still have fun
Kryten asks, Hey mate, I have a question. How long will Suncrusher be considered to be in its beta stage untill it is restarted and considered a finished product? (very loosely using the term finished product)

<cRush> SunCrusher will be in a beta stage until the release of SWGEmu 1.0
<kyle> When 1.0 is done, beta is over =p
Dame asks, To DM: as seen in the end of year update, the new suncrusher website looks amazing, can you elaborate a little more on whats planned for it?

<_DM_> It's not SunCrusher website. It's SWGEmu.com website. It's necessary to unity our Community. We have so much members from other countries all over the world and I want to make all stuff easier for all people. It will work on the new technologies and some of them innovate
mibbit of True Galaxies asks: "What next projects are going to be working on? (in terms of development areas)

<cRush> Recently, I implemented cloning facilities and item insurance terminals which will be making their way to TC soon.
<kyle> When crafting is done - AI for me
<cRush> Ramsey is also finishing up Missions and creature scripting which will provide a boost to what can be worked on next
<link> squad leader
<Kellina> Creature Spawns,
<cRush> I am looking to continue with implementing more functioning structures, as well as finishing off the work I did with food/drink/spice
<panchjr> I still have a lot to do for combat
<Thrin> Dannuic is doing DE/CH
<cRush> Tonight, I am also predicting the completing of the Pre-CU smuggler slicing experience
<Anakis> I'm working on medic drag right now.
<cRush> We are all working very hard to get SWGEmu ready for it's beta debut with SunCrusher
<Thoop> I'm finishing up resource spawns
<Valkyra> I was thinking about doing some more work that I had started on Enhancement Skills: Force Feedback, Force Absorb, and Force Shield. Force protection buff self skills. Then I will see what needs to be done for Squad Leader (possible Collab with Link again)
Vrico asks, Under the announcements section of the fourms Seaseme provided a post on the SWGEmu Project Status, (http://www.swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3498). This post was last updated 11/13/2008, I was wondering if there are plans to provide another update to this post soon?

<cRush> With the rapid development course that SWGEmu has taken recently, it has been nearly impossible to keep this list updated. However, we plan on going over it and updating it shortly.
Vrico asks, I was wondering what the development status of the zabrak racial ability equalibrium was?

<cRush> It will be done shortly
Vexter asks, Wondering what the status of missions are at.

<cRush> Ramsey is finishing up the final stages of mission implementation. We should see it on TC:Nova in the upcoming weeks.
Audio asks, Are skill tapes going to make it to sun crusher?

<kyle> Of course.
Xavia asks, I would like to ask Thoop: Is there anything additional that L'Aasin and his team could work on for the Resource Spawn Mapping Project that would make your life easier? Thanks! - Xavia of True Galaxies

<cRush> Thoop stepped out of the room apparently, but he would like to let L'Aasin and his team know that there is always work to be done at SWGEmu and we encourage everyone to participate in any way possible.
<Thoop> haha sorry, yes l'aasin and his team did an amazing job
<kyle> We are extremely grateful for the mapping project
<Thoop> i just finished the generation of the heightmaps and now i am moving into taking their research and applying it
<cRush> Anyone willing to lend a hand in assisting the development of the project should stop by #opendev
<Thoop> they've done an extremely amazing job
<kyle> Anyone that was on the resource mapping team should apply to be on the Crafting QA team - See Thrin
<Thoop> I think i should have all the information that i need at this point from their work

Icok asks, Any chance that factory crates and resources stack sizes can increase instead of what they were on the ogame to save storage space?

<kyle> Well, that easy
<kyle> Servers will be able to change stack sizes without issue
Shakazulu asks, I have no clue on game scripting or dev., for someone like me is ther anything i can do to help the development of SWGemu? Anything to compliment the great work that is being done?

<cRush> We are always looking for help in research, compilation of screenshots, and other information.
<kyle> And just getting on the server and playing, testing things
<kyle> Pointing out bugs with reports
<cRush> Please be descriptive with bug reports.
<cRush> Don't report to us that "I can't mount my vehicle"
<Valkyra> Bug testing on the TC, and reporting your bugs to our support system is very helpful, as cRush stated please be descriptive, the more the better you help us get a fully functioning emulator.
Wiggles asks, Currently, what problems remain in terms of cell integration? For example, the cell separations in caves that do not allow you to fire at targets in a neighboring cell. Are there any cell issues concerning housing?

<kyle> McMahon is working on cells while finishing housing. So still some things to go before that works.

Also please remember to report all bugs to our support system using @help in game or visit http://www.swgemu.com/support.


<cRush> We would like to thank everyone for their well phrased questions tonight.
<cRush> As for the future of SunCrusher, we plan to open the forums to the public shortly.
<cRush> We would like to remind you all that questions regarding the fate of SunCrusher should be withheld until SunCrusher's forums are operational. At that time, we will be holding a special chat designed to answer some of the long awaited questions.
<cRush> Again thank you all for attending. We appreciate your undying loyalt and support.
<cRush> This concludes tonight's Developer Open Chat!
Communications Director (On Leave)

www.swgemu.com | max@swgemu.com

SWGEmu is a non-profit, open source community project.

Last edited by Kellina; 01-11-2009 at 01:28 AM.

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