View Full Version : [NOVA] Partial Wipe 4/25/2009
Partial Database Wipe
Saturday April 25
17:00 PDT (Los Angeles) | 19:00 MDT (Denver) | 20:00 CDT (Chicago) | 21:00 EST (New York)
Sunday April 26
2:00 UTC (London) | 3:00 CEST (Berlin) | 5:00 MST (Moscow) | 11:00 AEST (Sydney)
At 9pm EST on 4/25/2009 a partial wipe of TC:Nova was effected. The following areas were wiped:
All character inventories
All bazaars
All character datapads (includes vehicles)
We are attempting to quell the rampant Inventory bugs that are prevalent at the moment on TC, while waiting for the object revamp to be completed.
For info on the object revamp, refer to the following thread and quotes:
Inventory Full Issue (
Misc fixes to TC that will hit on the next restart:
Please retest the 3 missions given at the Theed SWGEmu Mission terminal to make sure they work as intended, a few things were changed in script to make room for upcoming lairs. The following mission issue is already known:
I was unable to reproduce the TC inventory bug locally...if you encounter the issue after tonight, please comment on this bug report if you have any new info to add:
I know it is hard to test when there are rampant bugs such as the inventory one...but it is when we need testers the most. Thank you for your understanding.
The problem is that the object restructure which will fix all these problems is a few weeks away. We don't want to have people finding their time on Nova so frustrating that the leave in that time. We need to keep testers interested and engaged; and that means addressing major issues that affect them today, so they're still here tomorrow.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. The only way we can find these issues is through the reports of helpful people on the TC. Dangerous times are the times to get online more often, not less often.
04-25-2009, 08:12 PM
Thanks for the info MAX :D
04-25-2009, 08:25 PM
Aww I didn't have this problem :( Anyway I don't really care.
Oh thanks for the info/support :)
04-25-2009, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the info.
The great news is I managed to keep my items obtained after the wipe and subsequent reset :D
With any luck the wipe will have slowed the inv bug down enough for Ramesy to tie up the object rewrite. ;)
Great info!
Also making attempts to gather more testers (with valid disks, lol). Great work guys, never thought it would be as good as it is when I first logged on (few days/a week ago).
04-25-2009, 10:03 PM
Misc fixes to TC that will hit on the next restart:
Please retest the 3 missions given at the Theed SWGEmu Mission terminal to make sure they work as intended, a few things were changed in script to make room for upcoming lairs. The following mission issue is already known:
I was unable to reproduce the TC inventory bug locally...if you encounter the issue after tonight, please comment on this bug report if you have any new info to add:
I know it is hard to test when there are rampant bugs such as the inventory one...but it is when we need testers the most. Thank you for your understanding.
04-25-2009, 10:28 PM
Two thumbs up!! Great job! :)
04-25-2009, 10:59 PM
thanks for the tip.
I'll mess around with inv and bazar as much as I can over the next few days...
Do backpacks work correctly yet? or correct-ish?
04-25-2009, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the update. Keep up the good work team.
04-26-2009, 04:48 AM
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the stuff I just made to be there when I log back in tomorrow! And thank you for the wipe, it was very much needed. :)
04-26-2009, 05:39 AM
thanks for keepin us posted max!
04-26-2009, 06:29 AM
great :D
04-26-2009, 08:21 AM
Misc fixes to TC that will hit on the next restart:
Please retest the 3 missions given at the Theed SWGEmu Mission terminal to make sure they work as intended, a few things were changed in script to make room for upcoming lairs. The following mission issue is already known:
I was unable to reproduce the TC inventory bug locally...if you encounter the issue after tonight, please comment on this bug report if you have any new info to add:
I know it is hard to test when there are rampant bugs such as the inventory one...but it is when we need testers the most. Thank you for your understanding.
can we get the LPE updated so it reflects the current build number as well?
thanks for all your hard work and efforts!
04-26-2009, 08:55 AM
Top notch again, Thanks Max!
04-26-2009, 12:32 PM
so far no probs fingers crossed
04-26-2009, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the update. I know we all appreciate at least having our inventory space back. :-) Will monitor inventory & bazaar for any bugs that may appear. Thanks again!
04-26-2009, 11:43 PM
As an aside, harvesters placed at 1pm Sunday are still there now at 3pm Monday. Also resources are no longer shifting madly.
04-27-2009, 08:20 AM
thanks! and about time lol
04-27-2009, 01:34 PM
Been playing with this and will see here in a bit on the inventory. I have so far managed to put on a backpack, fill it to 72/50 and my inventory to 80. Going to see if the pack stays on with the items in it or not. I have already did a bug on the backpacks going over limit and it has been confirmed, so no need to do another one.
But I will update it later, depending on the outcome of this.
04-28-2009, 07:30 PM
Having no issues so far with inventory problems. Mondo, wicked props to the fix. Also with the recent updates, no more texture problems.
On that note, I can craft and make my own clothes again! Woo! No more loggin in nekkid. Now placing up shoes and other assorted clothing daily on the bazzaar for your fashion fix.
04-28-2009, 07:36 PM
I lost my clothes again today :(
And it was on a toon actually made after this wipe...
04-29-2009, 06:28 PM
Anyone else lose clothes or items in inventory? If so on what day did you notice?
Anyone seeing issues retrieving items from Bank Safety Deposit....especially resources?
Please update Bug Report 1142 ( if you have.
04-29-2009, 07:04 PM
wierd. everytime i had this bug it appeared 3 days after i made a new toon.
Is there some database maintenence routine thats running. that might have bugged so that is something is older then 3 days... it loses its mind on it. It doesnt appear to be something that happens when we are playing our character. more so when the server does it thing.
I however have NOT had this duplicate since the wipe. but i have 2 new characters that should hit Day 3... tomorrow.
05-03-2009, 03:40 AM
Does anyone what is the respawn timer for resources atm? As far as I can remember they changed 04/25/09, and it's been a week already without new resources.
05-03-2009, 03:47 AM
Does anyone what is the respawn timer for resources atm? As far as I can remember they changed 04/25/09, and it's been a week already without new resources.
And what does that have to do with a partial wipe of NOVA?
05-03-2009, 03:51 AM
And what does that have to do with a partial wipe of NOVA?
Last resource change was after server restart, after inv. wipe :P
Since there is no thread about updates, made during the server restart, I decided to post here :P Or should I make one more thread to get a simple answer for a simple question?
05-03-2009, 03:56 AM
Last resource change was after server restart, after inv. wipe :P
Since there is no thread about updates, made during the server restart, I decided to post here :P Or should I make one more thread to get a simple answer for a simple question?
There i no thread about updates probably because there were none. Be-Weekly will come out soon. As for making a thread this clearly doesn't deserve to be posted here, or anywhere else for that matter because its just not that important, why don't you ask someone in game?
05-03-2009, 04:03 AM
There i no thread about updates probably because there were none. Be-Weekly will come out soon. As for making a thread this clearly doesn't deserve to be posted here, or anywhere else for that matter because its just not that important, why don't you ask someone in game?
It might not be important for you, but it's still important for me :D And ofc I asked ingame first - noone knows :P
P.S. And there were some updates during the server reset :) For tailor and swordsman and resource change timer - those are that I know of.
05-03-2009, 04:25 AM
It might not be important for you, but it's still important for me :D And ofc I asked ingame first - noone knows :P
P.S. And there were some updates during the server reset :) For tailor and swordsman and resource change timer - those are that I know of.
Point is not everything that is important to you needs to be shared with the rest of us, and if posting about resource spawns in thread about inventory wipe makes sense to you it doesn't mean that it really makes any sense at all.
It is a artisan or a crafter issue, so that section would have been a better place to post.
05-03-2009, 04:30 AM
I think what dj is trying to say as that your post isn't relevant here and to post a new thread where it might be more relevant. He's not trying to argue just saying it doesn't belong here.
05-03-2009, 04:40 AM
I think what dj is trying to say as that your post isn't relevant here and to post a new thread where it might be more relevant. He's not trying to argue just saying it doesn't belong here.
Aye, I kinda got it :) If he'd written his thoughts in that way, there would have been no arguing :)
P.S. Don't like breeding threads, if it just takes 1 post for a question and 1 post for an answer :)
05-03-2009, 06:06 AM
Aye, I kinda got it :) If he'd written his thoughts in that way, there would have been no arguing :)
But i did write them:
And what does that have to do with a partial wipe of NOVA?
P.S. Don't like breeding threads, if it just takes 1 post for a question and 1 post for an answer :)
And I'm all for that, if its in a correct section ;)
05-03-2009, 06:57 AM
But i did write them:
And I'm all for that, if its in a correct section ;)
Nah, u asked a question and I answered it ^_^
Anyway, let's end this :) It's already taken more than 2 post to find and answer :)
05-03-2009, 07:19 AM
Nah, u asked a question and I answered it ^_^
Nope you tried to justify posting in the wrong section and in a thread that has nothing to do with your question. And continued to post even thou it was clear that you were wrong.
But i guess it easier to argue than to admit you are wrong... :(
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