View Full Version : Community News Archives

  1. Up and running again!
  2. Lions and Tigers and Vendors Oh My!
  3. Insert catchy cliche here for NPC Trainers.
  4. Sir. The radar, sir. It appears to be ... Jammed!
  5. You had me at hello.....
  6. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid
  7. Ready?
  8. 278....
  9. Important: New NGE Patch.
  10. we would like to hear your opinion about network LAG!
  11. we would like to hear your opinion about network LAG! - 03/21
  12. Discussion
  13. SWGemu Q&A 4/4/07
  14. NPC Stress Test - Sunday 4/15/07
  15. What we learned.
  16. SWGEmu Q/A 4/21/07
  17. SWGemu Project Status:
  18. Update woot woot
  19. 6/2 Test - postmortem
  20. These boots were made for dancin..
  21. Update - 6/11/07
  22. Update 6/27
  23. Update 07/17/07
  24. Update 08/18/07
  25. Update 9/4
  26. small Update 10/7
  27. New Front Page
  28. Financial Status
  29. Happy Holidays from SWGEmu
  30. SWGemu Anniversary, and new years update
  31. SWGEmu Client Update Coming: Publish 14
  32. Client Update: 01/09/08 (Publish 14)
  33. IRC Server
  34. State of the Community (04/13/08)
  35. Interview with Darjani Server
  36. OFFLINE Q&A - Now's your chance to ask those burning questions!
  37. SWGEmu Client Development Team
  38. Test Center Login Changes: Now Using Forum Accounts! (08/29/08)
  39. Forum Activation and Test Center Access
  40. New Theme!!
  41. [POLICY] Duplicate accounts
  42. Forums Upgraded
  43. General Forum
  44. [UPDATE] Forums Upgraded/Restructured.
  45. [Forums] IRC Java Client
  46. *Password Security*
  47. Community Server Admins Please Read
  48. Interview with CrunchGear.com
  49. Donation Private Message - PLEASE IGNORE
  50. Another Great Article on SWGEMU
  51. [UPDATE] Stress Test is ON!
  52. [TC UPDATE] Friends List and Item Placement
  53. [TC UPDATE] All Players moved to Theed
  54. Launchpad Enhanced is currently down. [NOW RESOLVED]
  55. [UPDATE] Launchpad Enhanced Now Operational
  56. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
  57. The Christmas Announcement
  58. [FORUM] Regarding Sun Crusher Questions
  59. [FORUMS] Dealing with harassment/troublemakers
  60. [TC] A letter to the wise....
  61. [FORUMS] Updates Jan 19th
  62. [NOVA] Service Interruption and Database Wipe 1/23/09
  63. [NOVA] Service Now Resumed 1/25/09
  64. [TC] Login Problems 1/27/2009
  65. [LPE Change] Connecting to TC:Nova
  66. February 1st Deadlock
  67. [NOVA] Avoid Theed!!!!
  68. [Notice] Using fireworks
  69. A Special Thank You...
  70. [NOVA] 1/1 HAM Bug!
  71. [NOVA] Deadlock 2/16/09
  72. [NOVA] Vehicle Wipe 2/17/09
  73. Bi-Weekly Delay 3/1/2009
  74. [Forum] General Forum
  75. [NOVA] Slicing Interface Bug 3/10
  76. Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 3/16
  77. TC:Nova Downtime and Wipe 03/17 - 3/19 [OFFLINE]
  78. Recent Item loss/structure/toon deletions
  79. Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 3/24
  80. Further Downtime 3/25/09
  81. Stop The Duplicate Accounts
  82. Current Major Issue: Characters Inaccessible
  83. New SWGEmu Website Now Online!
  84. QA Applications
  85. [NOVA] TC Weapon Wipe
  86. [WEB] Email Problems - FIXED
  87. [NOVA] Deadlock 4/12 - FIXED
  88. Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 4/13
  89. [NOVA] Dude, where's my clothes?!
  90. ATTN: Users Being Assisted via Email with Accounts
  91. Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 4/21
  92. [FORUM] New Theme Available (SWGEmu 2.0)
  93. Inactive Accounts
  94. [NOVA] Partial Wipe 4/25/2009
  95. [NOVA] Login Problems TODAY! ALL DAY! TODAY!
  96. [NOVA] Warping to 0,0 Upon Entering Buildings
  97. [FORUMS] Report Function
  98. If you can't connect, TC is down
  99. [ACCOUNTS] Bad Password/Acct in Use/Inactive?
  100. [IRC] If you ask about Server Status...
  101. Development Status - May/June 2009
  102. [nova] 6/08 deadlock
  103. Update 6/14/09
  104. Resources on Nova...
  105. Phase Testing Tasks for 6/23 through 7/07
  106. EMURadio!
  107. New Events Minisite
  108. Strange and Unusual: TC and the Times
  109. [NOVA] 7/23 - Login Server Down
  110. [NOVA] Deadlock 7/25
  111. Current State of Affairs
  112. Are you a Helper?
  113. [NOTICE] Why was my account banned?
  114. I need an update!!!
  115. QA is 'Hiring'!
  116. Special Thanks
  117. TC Deadlock 8/31
  118. [NOVA] Theed Cantina
  119. Downtime September 13th - 14th
  120. [NOTICE] Bad Password? Account in Use? Too Many Characters?
  121. [NOVA] 9/15 Deadlock 5:30PST
  122. 600+ on NOVA!
  123. [NOVA] 9/16 - 9/17 Up/Down/Deadlocks
  124. [NOVA] 9/18 Connecting to Galaxy...
  125. [NOVA] I can't connect!?
  126. [LPE Issues] 09/23/3009
  127. [NOVA] 9/28 Offline
  128. [NOVA] 9/30 9:30PM PST Offline
  129. [TC:Nova] Multiple Instances
  130. [LPE Issues] 10/05/2009
  131. [IRC] Etiquette
  132. Website Downtime Bulletin 10/07/09
  133. Website Downtime Bulletin (10/11/09)
  134. TC Bulletin and Policy Change 10/15/09
  135. TC Bulletin and Policy Change 10/18/09
  136. TC Scheduled Downtime - 28th - 29th October 09
  137. [LPE] Persistent LPE Issues 10/30/09
  138. Travel Note on Kadaara
  139. Rubberbanding in a Box
  140. [LPE Issues] 11/19/2009
  141. Website back online - 11/25/09
  142. [IRC] What constitutes Support?
  143. TC Nova Maintenance Downtime - 12/15/09
  144. TC Nova Login Server Crash 12/17/09
  145. 12/19 - 12/21 Outages
  146. Merry Christmas!
  147. 12/30 TC:Nova Login Server Down
  148. Jan 7th - TC: NOVA Changes.
  149. [Community Update] 1/20/10
  150. [LPE] Launchpad Downtime 1/23/10
  151. [NOTICE] Feb 1st 2010 Login Server Down Temporarily
  152. February 5, 2010 Update
  153. [HIRING] IRC Moderators
  154. Community Update 03/14/10
  155. [Notice] 3/29/10 -Login server down "Password incorrect or account already in use.
  156. [IRC] Bans Removed
  157. [Re-Revised] TC:NOVA Wipe Proposal
  158. TC:NOVA Wipe Poll Results
  159. [IRC] July 2nd Outage
  160. [NOTICE] Name Server Change (8/2 - 8/5)
  161. TC: Nova Downtime 10/2/2010 - It is over, server is up now