- Up and running again!
- Lions and Tigers and Vendors Oh My!
- Insert catchy cliche here for NPC Trainers.
- Sir. The radar, sir. It appears to be ... Jammed!
- You had me at hello.....
- Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid
- Ready?
- 278....
- Important: New NGE Patch.
- we would like to hear your opinion about network LAG!
- we would like to hear your opinion about network LAG! - 03/21
- Discussion
- SWGemu Q&A 4/4/07
- NPC Stress Test - Sunday 4/15/07
- What we learned.
- SWGEmu Q/A 4/21/07
- SWGemu Project Status:
- Update woot woot
- 6/2 Test - postmortem
- These boots were made for dancin..
- Update - 6/11/07
- Update 6/27
- Update 07/17/07
- Update 08/18/07
- Update 9/4
- small Update 10/7
- New Front Page
- Financial Status
- Happy Holidays from SWGEmu
- SWGemu Anniversary, and new years update
- SWGEmu Client Update Coming: Publish 14
- Client Update: 01/09/08 (Publish 14)
- IRC Server
- State of the Community (04/13/08)
- Interview with Darjani Server
- OFFLINE Q&A - Now's your chance to ask those burning questions!
- SWGEmu Client Development Team
- Test Center Login Changes: Now Using Forum Accounts! (08/29/08)
- Forum Activation and Test Center Access
- New Theme!!
- [POLICY] Duplicate accounts
- Forums Upgraded
- General Forum
- [UPDATE] Forums Upgraded/Restructured.
- [Forums] IRC Java Client
- *Password Security*
- Community Server Admins Please Read
- Interview with CrunchGear.com
- Donation Private Message - PLEASE IGNORE
- Another Great Article on SWGEMU
- [UPDATE] Stress Test is ON!
- [TC UPDATE] Friends List and Item Placement
- [TC UPDATE] All Players moved to Theed
- Launchpad Enhanced is currently down. [NOW RESOLVED]
- [UPDATE] Launchpad Enhanced Now Operational
- Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
- The Christmas Announcement
- [FORUM] Regarding Sun Crusher Questions
- [FORUMS] Dealing with harassment/troublemakers
- [TC] A letter to the wise....
- [FORUMS] Updates Jan 19th
- [NOVA] Service Interruption and Database Wipe 1/23/09
- [NOVA] Service Now Resumed 1/25/09
- [TC] Login Problems 1/27/2009
- [LPE Change] Connecting to TC:Nova
- February 1st Deadlock
- [NOVA] Avoid Theed!!!!
- [Notice] Using fireworks
- A Special Thank You...
- [NOVA] 1/1 HAM Bug!
- [NOVA] Deadlock 2/16/09
- [NOVA] Vehicle Wipe 2/17/09
- Bi-Weekly Delay 3/1/2009
- [Forum] General Forum
- [NOVA] Slicing Interface Bug 3/10
- Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 3/16
- TC:Nova Downtime and Wipe 03/17 - 3/19 [OFFLINE]
- Recent Item loss/structure/toon deletions
- Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 3/24
- Further Downtime 3/25/09
- Stop The Duplicate Accounts
- Current Major Issue: Characters Inaccessible
- New SWGEmu Website Now Online!
- QA Applications
- [NOVA] TC Weapon Wipe
- [WEB] Email Problems - FIXED
- [NOVA] Deadlock 4/12 - FIXED
- Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 4/13
- [NOVA] Dude, where's my clothes?!
- ATTN: Users Being Assisted via Email with Accounts
- Phase Testing Tasks for Week of 4/21
- [FORUM] New Theme Available (SWGEmu 2.0)
- Inactive Accounts
- [NOVA] Partial Wipe 4/25/2009
- [NOVA] Login Problems TODAY! ALL DAY! TODAY!
- [NOVA] Warping to 0,0 Upon Entering Buildings
- [FORUMS] Report Function
- If you can't connect, TC is down
- [ACCOUNTS] Bad Password/Acct in Use/Inactive?
- [IRC] If you ask about Server Status...
- Development Status - May/June 2009
- [nova] 6/08 deadlock
- Update 6/14/09
- Resources on Nova...
- Phase Testing Tasks for 6/23 through 7/07
- EMURadio!
- New Events Minisite
- Strange and Unusual: TC and the Times
- [NOVA] 7/23 - Login Server Down
- [NOVA] Deadlock 7/25
- Current State of Affairs
- Are you a Helper?
- [NOTICE] Why was my account banned?
- I need an update!!!
- QA is 'Hiring'!
- Special Thanks
- TC Deadlock 8/31
- [NOVA] Theed Cantina
- Downtime September 13th - 14th
- [NOTICE] Bad Password? Account in Use? Too Many Characters?
- [NOVA] 9/15 Deadlock 5:30PST
- 600+ on NOVA!
- [NOVA] 9/16 - 9/17 Up/Down/Deadlocks
- [NOVA] 9/18 Connecting to Galaxy...
- [NOVA] I can't connect!?
- [LPE Issues] 09/23/3009
- [NOVA] 9/28 Offline
- [NOVA] 9/30 9:30PM PST Offline
- [TC:Nova] Multiple Instances
- [LPE Issues] 10/05/2009
- [IRC] Etiquette
- Website Downtime Bulletin 10/07/09
- Website Downtime Bulletin (10/11/09)
- TC Bulletin and Policy Change 10/15/09
- TC Bulletin and Policy Change 10/18/09
- TC Scheduled Downtime - 28th - 29th October 09
- [LPE] Persistent LPE Issues 10/30/09
- Travel Note on Kadaara
- Rubberbanding in a Box
- [LPE Issues] 11/19/2009
- Website back online - 11/25/09
- [IRC] What constitutes Support?
- TC Nova Maintenance Downtime - 12/15/09
- TC Nova Login Server Crash 12/17/09
- 12/19 - 12/21 Outages
- Merry Christmas!
- 12/30 TC:Nova Login Server Down
- Jan 7th - TC: NOVA Changes.
- [Community Update] 1/20/10
- [LPE] Launchpad Downtime 1/23/10
- [NOTICE] Feb 1st 2010 Login Server Down Temporarily
- February 5, 2010 Update
- [HIRING] IRC Moderators
- Community Update 03/14/10
- [Notice] 3/29/10 -Login server down "Password incorrect or account already in use.
- [IRC] Bans Removed
- [Re-Revised] TC:NOVA Wipe Proposal
- TC:NOVA Wipe Poll Results
- [IRC] July 2nd Outage
- [NOTICE] Name Server Change (8/2 - 8/5)
- TC: Nova Downtime 10/2/2010 - It is over, server is up now