View Full Version : 12/19 - 12/21 Outages
12-20-2009, 01:17 AM
Our host (FDCServers) has been having outages in both of their Chicago and Denver locations. We currently have tickets on file with their support about the issue.
We'll post updates as soon as we can.
Enjoy the snow (
I threw together a small page on to check up on the status of any of our services, should Chicago (web) go down again.
Update: Well, good news. The Denver server is back on the web, and await a reboot. Shouldn't be long now.
Update: The server outages have now been resolved and we expect full operating capacity.
Thanks for your patience. Why not unwind at the event today? for details!
12-20-2009, 01:20 AM
We love snow in Alaska...send it all here please.
12-20-2009, 01:31 AM
Appreciate it! Thanks for the update
12-20-2009, 01:32 AM
Had started wondering why the site and TC was down, now I know. And knowing is half the battle!
12-20-2009, 01:36 AM
Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
12-20-2009, 01:37 AM
think i'll have a BBQ tommarow.
and thank god i live on the
12-20-2009, 01:39 AM
Thanks for the update. It's nice just to know what's going on. :)
12-20-2009, 01:43 AM
Who moved the server to Hoth
12-20-2009, 01:44 AM
Who moved the server to Hoth
LOL.... thanks
12-20-2009, 01:47 AM
i usually dont get sunlight because of this i literally cant because i cant get out my door...
12-20-2009, 01:47 AM
Thanks for the update, Ramsey. I hope the servers are warm and safe inside!
12-20-2009, 01:51 AM
Thanks for the update Ramsey, and I cannot believe this is my first post on the forums. It is absolutely amazing how far this project has advanced since its inception all those years ago. Keep up the great work.
12-20-2009, 02:04 AM
When I first learned about the site and server going down, the FIRST thing I thought was,
"I wonder if the servers on the East coast?"
Power outage due to storms >=D
12-20-2009, 02:39 AM
Oh well...
Awesomesauce! I thought I was banned or something :emperor:
Great news.
When I first learned about the site and server going down, the FIRST thing I thought was,
"I wonder if the servers on the East coast?"
Power outage due to storms >=D
So, you just typed that to see if anyone would correct you, right?
Denver is on a mountain.
Chicago is on a lake, which is water, but not exactly the east coast. :p
12-20-2009, 02:59 AM
seems they have pretty mean weather over there... no wonder the hamster froze
12-20-2009, 03:10 AM
Great news, Thanks for letting us know!
Krim ;)
12-20-2009, 03:16 AM
No, I heard about the storms near East Coast, so I wuz liek. omigosh.
12-20-2009, 03:26 AM
weather radar indicates that you can see the stars from miami up to boston. bad weather excuse is no longer valid :p
12-20-2009, 05:30 AM
Thanks again for your job!!
12-20-2009, 06:36 AM
Thanks for the info... was getting my OR/wipe hopes up for a bit there.. :)
12-20-2009, 08:08 AM
thanks for keeping us updated , and I hope there is no wipe or rollback with that :)
12-20-2009, 08:42 AM
I live in chicago man we didnt even get a foot of snow prolly MAYBE 7 inches
12-20-2009, 08:50 AM
Thanks for keeping us updated.
The Denis Monster
12-20-2009, 08:50 AM
Denver and Chicago? Didn't you say East Coast?This is my first post toooooooooO!!!!!!!:D
The Denis Monster
12-20-2009, 08:53 AM
I live in Florida and I just finished downloading this today. Hope it wont take long. You know how many hours I spent downloading this thing? D:
12-20-2009, 08:58 AM
I live in Florida and I just finished downloading this today. Hope it wont take long. You know how many hours I spent downloading this thing? D:
It takes hardly any time if you have the original discs... ;)
12-20-2009, 09:33 AM
well just how long does this take, this is becoming rapidly unfunny.
12-20-2009, 09:34 AM
Oh well. I just thought.... OR.... maybe just a little OR?....
PS: google "survey reveals geographical illiteracy". Detroit is almost another time zone and Chicago is! Can't post links until I have 5 posts. Jusazn we're just j/king. It's because we're not playing.
12-20-2009, 10:25 AM
this suck my only 2 days off from work this week til Xmas and the servers down both days
12-20-2009, 10:27 AM
Chicago is on a lake, which is water, but not exactly the east coast. :p
north coast?
12-20-2009, 10:30 AM
so how about an update then please.Do the host's open on a week-end, or are we offline till monday...or have they gone away for Christmas.
12-20-2009, 10:36 AM
Actually, it's NOT ok to use a downloaded copy of the game, no matter what.
12-20-2009, 10:46 AM
hope it gets fixed soon
12-20-2009, 11:09 AM
Thanks for the update
12-20-2009, 12:26 PM
So, I'm Meri-come-lately, but just to put my two cents in ~ I bought my discs six years ago (in fact, I found the receipt from Walmart in the box!) when I played under the SOE Regime. Not long after that, I moved from Vermont to California and then back again. I knew right where the box was when I learned of the existence of this wonderful group of people and was able to retrieve them in five minutes. I was thrilled beyond measure to get the update SWGEmu provided free of charge and really love the LPE. Now, I know many of you have been playing this for ages and have watched the server grow and I'm sort of just off the shuttle. I was also looking forward to playing last weekend and this weekend when I had blocks of time set aside, but Life happens (and usually at the most inopportune time).
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff and developers and volunteers who give of their time, energy, living-space, and wallets to this effort and server for all the tedious work that they do.
I'll check back now and then (probably every hour being the junkie that I am) and count my blessings that this Server is available when it is.
12-20-2009, 12:32 PM
what confuses me, is that the FDC servers website itself is up, but "our" server is not. that kind pf says to me that:
a) the don't host their own website, or
b) something else has happened.
Has there been any word at all from them?
12-20-2009, 12:37 PM
what confuses me, is that the FDC servers website itself is up, but "our" server is not. that kind pf says to me that:
a) the don't host their own website, or
b) something else has happened.
Has there been any word at all from them?
no mate no word not for 12 hours, looks like the Ghost of SoE lives on here
12-20-2009, 12:39 PM
Can we get someone on who knows whats going on .
12-20-2009, 12:46 PM
Can somebody tell them to hit the "on button" for the server already?
12-20-2009, 12:48 PM
Can somebody tell them to hit the "on button" for the server already?
Patience is a virtue my friend :)
12-20-2009, 12:52 PM
Patience is a virtue my friend :)
Tis a good thing to have:)
Waited 4 years for SWG to come back can wait a lil longer:)
12-20-2009, 12:54 PM
Tis a good thing to have:)
Waited 4 years for SWG to come back can wait a lil longer:)
'tis the truth.
People just need to have faith it is Christmas after all.
12-20-2009, 01:22 PM
Think there will be a server-rollback once it finally goes back up?
12-20-2009, 01:25 PM
Think there will be a server-rollback once it finally goes back up?
I depends on when your toon was last saved. Database is saved every hour if your toon was saved 1 minute before that crash you will only lose that minute, but f it was saved 59 minutes before the crash, well say goodbye to a whole hour of playtime. :)
12-20-2009, 01:52 PM
O btw ty ramsey for taking time out to let people check status on the web. Def the small and big things you have done for this project ,make me want to give a donation for x-mas. Keep up the great work
12-20-2009, 02:50 PM
Care to explain what it is we're lying about?
I,personally, feel you are not lying ..but the info as to whats happening has inded dried up..and when people feeel un-informed then thats when they get restless..perhaps if you were to say go play another game a while until its sorted then maybe the muppets would not get so irate
12-20-2009, 02:50 PM
Soo.....whats everyone else doing while waiting for the server to come back up?
12-20-2009, 02:51 PM
Yes being able to check the status of a server, while the main web page is down, makes me happy.
Not in a way that turns me on or anything, just a way that shows me the small things that you do...
Kind of like how I kiss the smaller portions of your butt.
Ha, Merry Christmas everyone! 5 more days. Let the joy and cheer spread, Forget about the emu for a coupe days. It will be back up.
12-20-2009, 02:53 PM
Oh FYI, The Saints got beat! whoohoo!
12-20-2009, 02:53 PM
So regarding these outages.
I'm assuming your service provider "FDCServers" isn't granting you server space/bandwidth for free. Normally you would expect to have an SLA or Minimum Uptime agreement of some sort tied to your paid service with outage agreements, etc.. etc...
So is penalty payment coming into play here? Just curious regarding the details of your agreement with your provider.
As always if all you intend to do is respond with flames, stupid pictures or other degrading/infantile/childish/crude/smack-tard speak responses, please keep them to yourselves as I have no interest in reading anything other than intelligent mature replies.
If you insist on responding with hate-speech or other "wtfbbqlullzaby" crap I'll make it my singular goal in life to have your 12yr old behind banned.
Having said that, any informative reply is more than welcomed and I look forward to reading it.
12-20-2009, 02:54 PM
i meant no offense... really. all i was saying is that im sure its OK to download the game over seaching.. because, you own it right? So downloading it is very much the same as finding it in your garage or wherever you put it...
Didnt mean to start something over all this. I was simply just making a statement.
I live in Florida and I just finished downloading this today. Hope it wont take long. You know how many hours I spent downloading this thing? D:
Just an FYI to BOTH of you. It's illegal to download a copy of this game to use for the EMU. You will be instantly banned. The only possible way of playing the EMU is installing the game FROM the original disks. If you do not have them anymore, you will have to purchase them again. No torrenting, downloading, or installing the trial on sony's site will help you.
so how about an update then please.Do the host's open on a week-end, or are we offline till monday...or have they gone away for Christmas.
I'm sure they'll update something when they get the chance to!
12-20-2009, 03:57 PM
the main thing is ,as I see it ,is as follows. ... Almost all of the players are Ex-preCU players. We are all so desperately wanting that place again.So therefore Its a huge hit when the server goes down.... for however long. The biggest thing to help is to keep the players informed. This has happened to a small degree so far...but lately its getting less and less informed when a breakdown is happening. This was the way of Soe, and its definately not the way to go 'DEV' that there was no progress, even that would keep the angst down. But "NO" this has not occurred.So come on guys rise above the customer treatment of know it makes sense
12-20-2009, 04:11 PM
the main thing is ,as I see it ,is as follows. ... Almost all of the players are Ex-preCU players. We are all so desperately wanting that place again.So therefore Its a huge hit when the server goes down.... for however long. The biggest thing to help is to keep the players informed. This has happened to a small degree so far...but lately its getting less and less informed when a breakdown is happening. This was the way of Soe, and its definately not the way to go 'DEV' that there was no progress, even that would keep the angst down. But "NO" this has not occurred.So come on guys rise above the customer treatment of know it makes sense
Posts like this make me sad.
Let's take a step back and look at the big picture, shall we? The volunteer staff here- so we're perfectly clear on this- are impressing upon themselves a great undertaking; this is a labor of love and not a job. They are not paid in any fashion for their hard work and deserve to not be hounded everytime the server experiences hiccups (however severe.)
How about we cut them some slack around the holidays and let them enjoy a little free time with their families? Would that be alright with you?
12-20-2009, 04:11 PM
the main thing is ,as I see it ,is as follows. ... Almost all of the players are Ex-preCU players. We are all so desperately wanting that place again.So therefore Its a huge hit when the server goes down.... for however long. The biggest thing to help is to keep the players informed. This has happened to a small degree so far...but lately its getting less and less informed when a breakdown is happening. This was the way of Soe, and its definately not the way to go 'DEV' that there was no progress, even that would keep the angst down. But "NO" this has not occurred.So come on guys rise above the customer treatment of know it makes sense
The devs are doing their best i bet you. Unlike the SOE employees these guys are not getting paid and are doing a GREAT job as it is, besides its chritmas holidays and devs might be busy with family stuff wich is first prio whatever you like it or not.
Keep up the good work :)
12-20-2009, 04:12 PM
So you don't want replies that you consider immature but then you go out of your way to bait for them non the less... seems somewhat counterproductive.
Begs to question, what other goals do you have besides attempting to ban 12 year olds instead of leading behaviorally by example?
If you consider that baiting then that's unfortunate. It most certainly was NOT my intent to bait anyone into anything despite what you might think. If you're asking me "ok, if you're not trying to bait people then what exactly was/is your intent here?". It's simply this.
There are so many smack-tards on this board that you can start a thread simply asking "what time is it in your part of the world" and you're pretty much guarenteed that some leet speaking 2-year old smack-tard will chime in with the usual "wtfhaxorroflcopterlulque/i'm a stupid idiot whose only goal in life is to look cool while marginalizing you at the same time" response.
Frankly, it's all but impossible to ask a legitimate and/or intelligently thought out question or remark without getting a few (and more likely many) replies of that nature. If it weren't already obvious I'm really really really REALLY tired of that s**t. I'm tired of not being able to ask questions or more importantly READ OTHER PEOPLES' informative questions without having to sift through 8 pages of stupid childish remarks.
With that said I'm taking the hard line and qualifying every post with "If you reply to my question like a smack-tard then yup, i'm going to do everything in my power to have your behind banned." In an ideal situation the mods/staff/whoever would ban these people without needing a nudge from anyone. There should be a minimum mature level of conduct enforced here. The fact that there isn't absolutely baffles me.
12-20-2009, 04:14 PM
Posts like this make me sad.
Let's take a step back and look at the big picture, shall we? The volunteer staff here-
Key point. Be thankful
12-20-2009, 04:27 PM
If you consider that baiting then that's unfortunate. It most certainly was NOT my intent to bait anyone into anything despite what you might think. If you're asking me "ok, if you're not trying to bait people then what exactly was/is your intent here?". It's simply this.
There are so many smack-tards on this board that you can start a thread simply asking "what time is it in your part of the world" and you're pretty much guarenteed that some leet speaking 2-year old smack-tard will chime in with the usual "wtfhaxorroflcopterlulque/i'm a stupid idiot whose only goal in life is to look cool while marginalizing you at the same time" response.
Frankly, it's all but impossible to ask a legitimate and/or intelligently though out question or remark without getting a few (and more likely many) replies of that nature. If it weren't already obvious I'm really really really REALLY tired of that s**t. I'm tired of not being able to ask questions or more importantly READ OTHER PEOPLES' informative questions without having to sift through 8 pages of stupid childish remarks.
With that said I'm taking the hard line and qualifying every post with "If you reply to my question like a smack-tard then yup, i'm going to do everything in my power to have your behind banned." In an ideal situation the mods/staff/whoever would ban these people without needing a nudge from anyone. There should be a minimum mature level of conduct enforced here. The fact that there isn't absolutely baffles me.
If you think these forums are bad... stay completly away from most official gaming forums. But by ( from what i've seen ) claiming what you won't tolerate usually ends up getting you buried in exactly that. (SOE's SWG Forums are almost famous for that crap.) That you haven't been is a testament TO the increased maturity of the people on the forums. Yes your going to have the odd few who have to be trolls, but will have those no matter what.
If I may I suggest possibly rephrasing or ignore the garbage and sift for good posts. I know you've posted taht your tired of it..but is best solution of you feel the mods aren't doing "enough"
12-20-2009, 04:27 PM
This has gone far enough!
i only want to hear from the adults and SWGEmu STAFF!!! >_<If I say I like Moonlighting, can I be an adult?
Yes your going to have the odd few who have to be trolls, but will have those no matter what. ears are burning...
12-20-2009, 04:44 PM
the main thing is ,as I see it ,is as follows. ... Almost all of the players are Ex-preCU players. We are all so desperately wanting that place again.So therefore Its a huge hit when the server goes down.... for however long. The biggest thing to help is to keep the players informed. This has happened to a small degree so far...but lately its getting less and less informed when a breakdown is happening. This was the way of Soe, and its definately not the way to go 'DEV' that there was no progress, even that would keep the angst down. But "NO" this has not occurred.So come on guys rise above the customer treatment of know it makes sense
I find posts like these refreshingly honest and not the least bit antagonizing or ungrateful. He's simply stating the truth, being honest about it and saying it all very politely and respectfully so lets all try not to jump down his throat and chastize him like a leper.
Fwiw, this type of guy/girl is EXACTLY the kind of participant you want playing on emu once it's all finished and released. Some one who takes ownership and value's what's being worked on here. So having said that, jumping down his throat and marginalizing him isn't what I'd call a smart move.
I also agree with Johnny's remark, that this is entirely a volunteer effort and we are in the christmas period so that should be kept in mind.
With respect to communication and the importance of it, the truth is, when I was unable to log in yesterday (to neither the game nor the website/forums), after some searching I was able to dig up the emu irc address and logged in via mIRC but had to head over to that semi-private swgemusupport channel to find out what was going on exactly. Why? because I wasn't able to readily find details as to what the situation was. I posed a question in the main channel which was pretty much ignored so off to the support channel I went where ellysia was kind enough to fill me in on the details, (for which I was thankful for the communication).
Should the details of what the Server/Forums/Website status been readily available, in big bold letters some place obvious to see? in my opinion yes. It would have saved me a trip to the support channel where I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to use to ask "server status" questions but the info wasn't readily available anywhere else that I could see.
Did I want to know what was going on because DAMNIT I WANT EVERYTHING FIXED IN THE NEXT 30secs!!!!! no absolutely not, I just wanted to know what the status of everything was. It'll be back up and fixed when it's fixed, I get that. I just want to know what's currently going on. For all I know it might have been a problem with me or my connection. Who's to know unless the status of everything is easily and readily communicted to those who care about the success of this project.
12-20-2009, 04:51 PM
If you think these forums are bad... stay completly away from most official gaming forums. But by ( from what i've seen ) claiming what you won't tolerate usually ends up getting you buried in exactly that. (SOE's SWG Forums are almost famous for that crap.) That you haven't been is a testament TO the increased maturity of the people on the forums. Yes your going to have the odd few who have to be trolls, but will have those no matter what.
If I may I suggest possibly rephrasing or ignore the garbage and sift for good posts. I know you've posted taht your tired of it..but is best solution of you feel the mods aren't doing "enough"
Fair enough, I appreciate your suggestion. I'll see what I can do.
12-20-2009, 04:52 PM
I find posts like these refreshingly honest and not the least bit antagonizing or ungrateful. He's simply stating the truth, being honest about it and saying it all very politely and respectfully so lets all try not to jump down his throat and chastize him like a leper.
Fwiw, this type of guy/girl is EXACTLY the kind of participant you want playing on emu once it's all finished and released. Some one who takes ownership and value's what's being worked on here. So having said that, jumping down his throat and marginalizing him isn't what I'd call a smart move.
I also agree with Johnny's remark, that this is entirely a volunteer effort and we are in the christmas period so that should be kept in mind.
With respect to communication and the importance of it, the truth is, when I was unable to log in yesterday (to neither the game nor the website/forums), after some searching I was able to dig up the emu irc address and logged in via mIRC but had to head over to that semi-private swgemusupport channel to find out what was going on exactly. Why? because I wasn't able to readily find details as to what the situation was. I posed a question in the main channel which was pretty much ignored so off to the support channel I went where ellysia was kind enough to fill me in on the details, (for which I was thankful for the communication).
Should the details of what the Server/Forums/Website status been readily available, in big bold letters some place obvious to see? in my opinion yes. It would have saved me a trip to the support channel where I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to use to ask "server status" questions but the info wasn't readily available anywhere else that I could see.
Did I want to know what was going on because DAMNIT I WANT EVERYTHING FIXED IN THE NEXT 30secs!!!!! no absolutely not, I just wanted to know what the status of everything was. It'll be back up and fixed when it's fixed, I get that. I just want to know what's currently going on. For all I know it might have been a problem with me or my connection. Who's to know unless the status of everything is easily and readily communicted to those who care about the success of this project.
Bravo, sir. I could not agree more.
12-20-2009, 05:00 PM
I guess I am just of a different mindset as I am just thankful that we even have the TC and an ability to enjoy with Pre CU at all again.
If we get any information at all from the DEVs I am grateful. If we don't then hopefully sooner or later we will. They are doing this on their time.
Will be extremely happy when SC goes live.. but till then will enjoy what is available.
12-20-2009, 05:04 PM
This thread is about the outage, if you have nothing productive to say about it take your babble with others to PMs please, I'd much enjoy this thread not to be locked so we can continue to get updates as they roll out on server status.
12-20-2009, 05:09 PM
I guess I am just of a different mindset as I am just thankful that we even have the TC and an ability to enjoy with Pre CU at all again.
If we get any information at all from the DEVs I am grateful. If we don't then hopefully sooner or later we will. They are doing this on their time.
Will be extremely happy when SC goes live.. but till then will enjoy what is available.
Excatly :)
if i was to run something and dident get paid for it, Just to see people posting im not doing my job "good enough" i would be more or less offended. Evervyone should be gratefull with the information their getting. And since the homepage was down for more than a day.
in the end of the day the game is still in test period and its not the final release of the game, aslong its still in test you can expect the servers to go down sometimes.
I guess I am just of a different mindset as I am just thankful that we even have the TC and an ability to enjoy with Pre CU at all again.
If we get any information at all from the DEVs I am grateful. If we don't then hopefully sooner or later we will. They are doing this on their time.
Will be extremely happy when SC goes live.. but till then will enjoy what is available.
I haven't posted on the forums since I've joined due to not finding a need, but I feel that I should say here that they don't have to have anything at all out for us to mess with, let alone enjoy, while they are working. Look at other development projects such as the 'Black Mesa source'. Six years, and all anyone has had is screenshots and videos. Just be glad the developers here are kind enough to allow the unfinished product to be played instead of doing closed beta testing.
Hello all,
I've just spent about 20 minutes cleaning up this thread; there were a number of off topic and inappropriate posts. Please do not let this continue. Consider this a formal warning.
I have no further details for this downtime (I've been away from home for the last 2 days). I have clarified the downtime on IRC and the LPE, thanks for the person who pointed that flaw out.
Kind Regards
12-21-2009, 06:41 AM
Concur. Do not take to insulting another member here, it won't be tolerated. When information is known, it will be made available.
Well, good news. The Denver server is back on the web, and await a reboot. Shouldn't be long now.
12-21-2009, 07:25 AM
Well, good news. The Denver server is back on the web, and await a reboot. Shouldn't be long now.
12-21-2009, 07:33 AM
well, good news. The denver server is back on the web, and await a reboot. Shouldn't be long now.
Cool Beans
look at me im a duck .
All over red rover. We are back in action. And so is today's event! for details.
12-21-2009, 07:58 AM
Yay :D
12-21-2009, 11:13 AM
thank You :)
12-21-2009, 11:36 AM
Thank you *big hugs*
12-21-2009, 03:10 PM
Now i just need to finish up at work and go home and continue where i left off hopefully. I was in the middle of an ocean near C-net.
Can anyone confirm if there was any "slight" rollbacks? If any at all?
12-22-2009, 04:16 AM
Thank you very much for your efforts!
12-22-2009, 05:29 AM
Apparently there was a slight rollback, as my main lost a box in Doc and one in Swordsman.
12-22-2009, 02:16 PM
Apparently there was a slight rollback, as my main lost a box in Doc and one in Swordsman.
There always are rollbacks if the server goes down before your character data is saved on its (hourly?) timer and you weren't able to force a save by logging out before your connection was lost.
Sucks, but you might as well get used to it.
03-10-2010, 07:06 AM
he called a flashlight a torch...
03-11-2010, 07:06 PM
he called a flashlight a torch...
?Who what?
A torch is a high powered flashlight, I have one. Also a term often used for a flashlight outside of North America as well.
Still though, strange post, you miss your thread?
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