View Full Version : Community Update 03/14/10
03-14-2010, 12:43 PM
Community Update for 03/14/10
Update Overview:
Recent Announcements
TC News
Object Restructure
Staff Comments
Quick Stats
Closing Words
Recent Announcements *Wanted, IRC Moderators: We are looking for a few community volunteers to help with IRC moderation, especially if you live in the following time zones: Europe, Australia/Pacific, Asia, Africa, or Late US. Please see the original thread ( and follow the directions if you are interested in joining the EMU Team!
*We are still looking for a few Volunteer Support Helpers to assist their peers in #swgemusupport. Please email with the following information if you are interested in helping out!
Forum Name:
Character Names in Game:
Times available to help in IRC: (including timezone)
Days usually available:
*We are open to hearing from new Developers. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel up to challenge! Contact: for more information. TC NewsReminder! Greetings fellow testers. As GMs with SWGEmu, it is our job to make sure the testing environment is as conducive to testing as possible. A few problems we have encountered as of late are AFK grinding and spamming. This includes regular spamming and macro spamming. There also seems to be a slight influx of the use of inappropriate words, mainly that of racial slurs.
I would like to remind you all that the afore mentioned activities are against our Rules and Policies.
3.11. You will not perform AFK camping of a spawn, NPC or cave. Camping is defined as repeatedly hunting a lair, spawn or NPC in succession. TC allows a single account and multiple connections, therefore using multiple toon instances to create a chain of characters and "out damage" other players is considered AFK camping. There is only one toon actually operated by a single player and all successive toons are considered AFK camping. All toons in such instances are subject to disciplinary actions. Obviously, this camping rule does not restrict all multiple game instances. For example, it is acceptable for two game instances to be operated by one player where one instance is an AFK crafter sampling ground resources and the other is a combat character that is being played At The Keyboard.
3.1. You may not harass or threaten other players (sexually, racially, or otherwise). Final determination of player infraction and severity will be made by a CSR. This includes but is not limited to: Hate Mongering, Sexual Abuse. Harassment, Training, Fishing and Spamming.
3.1.1 Harassment is defined as any unwanted or unwelcome behavior beyond the limits of good taste, civility and appropriate game context.
3.1.2 Training is defined as pulling/leading a hostile NPC or creature along behind you and attempting to get it to attack another player who does not desire that engagement.
3.1.3 Fishing is defined as deliberately wandering into the "visibility" radius of a jedi to make BH terminals produce Jedi missions for waiting a BH that are present at the mission terminals so that the BH can hunt the same specific jedi over and over.
3.1.4 Spamming is defined as excessive and inappropriate use of spatial communications, i.e. emote spamming, excessive hawking or tip spamming. Rule of thumb, once every 8-10 minutes is plenty for hawking an item. Note: excessive numbers of hawkers in an area may be @kicked by a CSR.
Please follow our Policy and Rules and your testing experience will be as smooth as possible.
OR News
Code cleanup and restructuring continues as planned.
Oru is fine tuning the Engine and testing a new concurrency control technique.
Kyle and Thoop are continuing work on the Resource Manager.
TheAnswer is working on the in game mail system and the bazaar.
In addition, starting professions now generate items with all of the correct stats on character creation. Progress is steady and we are all excited as we move closer to internal testing of the OR code. Staff Comments
Now that we are nearing Quality Assurance internal staff testing of the OR, the QA Department is being reorganized to better fit the needs of the Community and the Devs. Right now we are NOT asking for new QA applications but at some point (when business picks up) there will be a public announcement requesting apps with all of the details on the new department structure.
I would like to thank all of you still testing on Nova and reporting issues on Mantis. When the OR reaches Nova, we will update Mantis and archive all the current issues so the Devs and QA can use all of your great feedback/input.
TAfirehawk, Quality Assurance Manager Stats 02/12/10-03/12/10
Developer Code Commits: 38
Average Web/Forum Daily Hits: 6263
Total Web/Forum Hits: 187,878
Total Users who used the Website: 41,812
Average TC Daily Logins: 686
Total TC Logins: 206,076
Total Users who used the TC: 20,553
Total TC Character Count: 57152 Closing Words
Although "the light at the end of the tunnel" may appear dim at times, we want to reassure the EMU community that we will complete our goals here. There are bumps in the road and mistakes are made but our commitment to all of you is stronger than ever. The entire Emu team would like to thank our great community for your participation and continued support of the project. In the words of Elbert Hubbard, "Constant effort and frequent mistakes are the stepping stones of genius."
03-14-2010, 12:53 PM
hey does anyone know when ships are going to be coming out? personally i found them to be one of the best parts of SWG and i hope that you guys add them soon! great work on the server so far btw
mell kerrigan
03-14-2010, 12:55 PM
the ground game development is the focus at this point i believe, JTL has not even been looked at.
(corect me if i am wrong though!)
03-14-2010, 01:01 PM
Great work guys!
03-14-2010, 01:07 PM
Hawt :)
03-14-2010, 01:15 PM
Thank you.
03-14-2010, 01:15 PM
Good to see features are being implemented on the OR
03-14-2010, 01:51 PM
Awsome work so far. Keep up the good work, we are behind you all the way.
/me growls at the afk grinders
03-14-2010, 02:34 PM
Awesome news. :)
03-14-2010, 02:55 PM
the ground game development is the focus at this point i believe, JTL has not even been looked at.
(corect me if i am wrong though!)
That is correct. There is some preliminary data for JTL, but it will not be worked on until v1 is out and relatively bug free.
Tow'lin Tow
03-14-2010, 02:57 PM
03-14-2010, 03:45 PM
hey does anyone know when ships are going to be coming out? personally i found them to be one of the best parts of SWG and i hope that you guys add them soon! great work on the server so far btw
Try out SOE Swg then. Space hasn't changed all that much, it's only been expanded. Alot of people really like it.
OT: Good to have an update again :D Was dieing for it :rolleyes:
03-14-2010, 04:18 PM
03-14-2010, 05:10 PM
03-14-2010, 05:28 PM
Try out SOE Swg then. Space hasn't changed all that much, it's only been expanded. Alot of people really like it.
OT: Good to have an update again :D Was dieing for it :rolleyes:
I believe he want to play JTL as a multiplayer game not as a singleplayer ;)
03-14-2010, 05:33 PM
umm how do i download and playgame?
03-14-2010, 05:39 PM
umm how do i download and playgame?
You have to buy the SWG discs. Then you donwload the SWGemu client trough "Launchpad" that can be downloaded here
03-14-2010, 06:27 PM
How is this considered a community update? Its just nagging us about rules, and telling us about the light at the end of the tunnel. -.-
03-14-2010, 06:33 PM
Thanks for the update, guys. Can't wait for the OR to be finished!
03-14-2010, 06:49 PM
Thanks for the update, lovely to see things are coming along in the background even if it isnt "visable" to everyone.
Been back in the EMU for a month or so now having logged on very early on when you could load into Anchorhead and run about like a chicken doing dervish2 animation and not a lot else and very impressed with the progress you have all made.
Please keep up the good work, the greatest star wars sage ever told, mine, had come to an end but now it continues and I thank you for that :)
03-14-2010, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the update, guys. Can't wait for the OR to be finished!
well said
Thank you.
03-14-2010, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the update! It's always nice to get an insight into the inner workings of the development process.
How is development progress (in terms of how much is getting done) relative to a month ago? A year ago? Two?
Ozas Darkdust
03-14-2010, 09:21 PM
=D Yay for another update!
03-14-2010, 09:54 PM
when you could load into Anchorhead and run about like a chicken doing dervish2 animation and not a lot else
Man, that was fun =)
Think I still have some screenshots from then hanging around.
03-15-2010, 12:25 AM
That is correct. There is some preliminary data for JTL, but it will not be worked on until v1 is out and relatively bug free.
Tow'lin Tow
any word or estimate on CH DE or housing ?
03-15-2010, 12:30 AM
I believe he want to play JTL as a multiplayer game not as a singleplayer ;)
haha you got me there:D
03-15-2010, 12:48 AM
How is this considered a community update? Its just nagging us about rules, and telling us about the light at the end of the tunnel. -.-
I was hoping on an announcement for the lowering of requirements to hunt Jedi. The more the merrier :D
03-15-2010, 12:56 AM
The fact that he says they are nearing internal testing tells me that its approacing time for it to hit OR.. I just wish they'd give a rough time estimate just once on when we might maybe see OR on NOVA and put big block letters THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL DATE BUT A ESTIMATE so people don't hold them to anything :( But allas I know they won't and i'll continue to mumble under my breath.
03-15-2010, 01:07 AM
How is this considered a community update? Its just nagging us about rules, and telling us about the light at the end of the tunnel. -.-
Gotta give em some credit. If it's all they've got for an update, would you prefer this or nothing?
03-15-2010, 04:22 AM
hey does anyone know when ships are going to be coming out? personally i found them to be one of the best parts of SWG and i hope that you guys add them soon! great work on the server so far btw
JTL features will NOT be in the 1.0 release of swgemu
03-15-2010, 08:51 AM
so correct me if i'm wrong but does that mean if your implementing features into the OR that it is at its 3rd stage of development :) thanks in advance
03-15-2010, 08:54 AM
OR News
Breaking down the OR:
The OR can be divided into 3 main sections for completion.
Part 1 - The engine that runs the game
Part 2 - The core mechanics of the game
Part 3 – The content of the game
The engine (part 1) has been completed leaving only possible bug fixes. The core mechanics of the game (part 2) are getting closer to completion. This will allow for the content of the game (part 3) to be implemented.
sorry i meant to put this in here as well from 5th of february update just why i thought it may be in 3rd part :)
03-15-2010, 09:52 AM
I believe he want to play JTL as a multiplayer game not as a singleplayer ;)
SWG never had a multiplayer JTL :p
Also thanks for the update guys. Even if it wasn't an exciting update, I am still just happy to see everything is still progressing swimmingly.
03-15-2010, 10:27 AM
I know that my opinion doesn't fall into line with all the ass kissers who would have you believe "OMG STANDING WAITING FOR SHUTTLES IS WHY I PLAY THIS GAME!" but I think there are some things you guys may want to at least consider for immediate fixing.
1. Shuttle waits. We know that waiting works. Shuttles could stay longer AND be reduced to 3 minutes so that more time is spent testing and less time spent finding out who does and doesn't love *****es. It's annoying.
2. Increase Bazaar limits to 100k. 20k was an idiot move meant to make people go to cities. There are no cities rendering this useless.
3. Decrease, slightly, the decay on vehicles or the max health so we don't go through so many. Buying more swoops and replacing them isn't testing anything.
03-16-2010, 09:49 PM
great job guys
03-16-2010, 09:56 PM
I liked it up until the quoting of hubbard
03-16-2010, 11:57 PM
Great update! Thank you. :)
03-17-2010, 12:09 AM
I know that my opinion doesn't fall into line with all the ass kissers who would have you believe "OMG STANDING WAITING FOR SHUTTLES IS WHY I PLAY THIS GAME!" but I think there are some things you guys may want to at least consider for immediate fixing.
1. Shuttle waits. We know that waiting works. Shuttles could stay longer AND be reduced to 3 minutes so that more time is spent testing and less time spent finding out who does and doesn't love *****es. It's annoying.
2. Increase Bazaar limits to 100k. 20k was an idiot move meant to make people go to cities. There are no cities rendering this useless.
3. Decrease, slightly, the decay on vehicles or the max health so we don't go through so many. Buying more swoops and replacing them isn't testing anything.
C- for presentation, but I do agree with these points for the most part.
03-17-2010, 01:41 AM
JTL features will NOT be in the 1.0 release of swgemu1.01 then?
Really though, the more I think about it... the more I like the idea of jtl coming this way. Nothing more than that though... well except for the rebel assault armor... that was the most beautiful armor in comparison to any other game armor in existence from any game.
03-17-2010, 06:09 AM
I was hoping on an announcement for the lowering of requirements to hunt Jedi. The more the merrier :D
Go play the NGE.
P.S. Ty for the update. :)
03-17-2010, 06:18 AM
awesome update, cant wait for the OR :)
03-17-2010, 07:19 AM
It would be nice to be able to repair our swoops at the garage, or slow the decay down. they do get expensive when you're new to the game.
03-17-2010, 07:35 AM
thanks for the update
03-17-2010, 07:44 AM
Thanks for the update, and big *HUGS* for this massive project you are doing :)
03-17-2010, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the updates guys, you got a true player base, probably more dedicated then any other mmorpg game.
Also to the guy above, I am pretty sure JTL had pvp in spaceships right?
03-17-2010, 11:08 AM
I believe he want to play JTL as a multiplayer game not as a singleplayer ;)
IC wut yoo did thar...
03-17-2010, 11:17 AM
Thanks for all your hard work.3.1.3 Fishing is defined as deliberately wandering into the "visibility" radius of a jedi to make BH terminals produce Jedi missions for waiting a BH that are present at the mission terminals so that the BH can hunt the same specific jedi over and over.That's funny, considering how "visibility" "works" right now. :|
03-17-2010, 01:12 PM
Go play the NGE.
Umm... go play Disney Toontown :/
03-17-2010, 01:24 PM
Thanks for all your hard work.That's funny, considering how "visibility" "works" right now. :|
reroll a pikeman and quit *****ing
03-17-2010, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the update guys, I'm absolutely loving playing this...Keep up the great work!
03-17-2010, 02:25 PM
This update is great! It's been a while. Go Dev team!
03-18-2010, 08:47 AM
I hope we will be allowed to see the fruits of labour on the OR progress soon :)
Meh ..
Thank you for the wonderful news.
03-18-2010, 01:37 PM
great work guys, cant wait till its done, i am so scare of the wipe, ololol
03-18-2010, 03:57 PM
OR News
Code cleanup and restructuring continues as planned.
Oru is fine tuning the Engine and testing a new concurrency control technique.
Kyle and Thoop are continuing work on the Resource Manager.
TheAnswer is working on the in game mail system and the bazaar.
In addition, starting professions now generate items with all of the correct stats on character creation. Progress is steady and we are all excited as we move closer to internal testing of the OR code.
The Light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter... must keep hope....
Thank you guys and gals :)
As usual, thank you very much for all of the selfless effort.
03-18-2010, 09:03 PM
Thanks again DEVS and community!
03-18-2010, 09:59 PM
so yeah the part about racial slurs does this mean offensive names such as N****R DOG will finaly get these idots banned? I for one am tired of seeing such rampant and blatant use of that and its numerous variations every time i log in, getting to the point where i dont even want to bother anymore, and honestly all its going to take is for the wrong person to see crap like this get offended and we can say bye bye emu.
03-19-2010, 02:18 AM
I can't wait for Bio-Engineer :D
03-19-2010, 10:23 AM
Thanks very much for the update. We are very excited about the OR.
03-19-2010, 12:39 PM
so yeah the part about racial slurs does this mean offensive names such as N****R DOG will finaly get these idots banned? I for one am tired of seeing such rampant and blatant use of that and its numerous variations every time i log in, getting to the point where i dont even want to bother anymore, and honestly all its going to take is for the wrong person to see crap like this get offended and we can say bye bye emu.
I had forgotten how odd SWG was in terms of community. It had a moderately-sized group of people that were fantastic human beings, and then it had/HAS a whole lot of people that are obviously transplants.
Regardless, I'll put up with a lot to have this game back as it once was.
I can't wait until there's some policing in game for the really idiotic stuff.
03-19-2010, 12:41 PM
Thank you for the update
03-19-2010, 01:03 PM
Updates are good.
03-19-2010, 04:38 PM
Thank you devs! <3
03-19-2010, 07:10 PM
nice update thanks odwill
PS: what happened to max? thought he was supposed to deliver this one heh
03-20-2010, 06:35 PM
awesome keep up the good work devs getting closer now :D
03-21-2010, 08:25 AM
I believe he want to play JTL as a multiplayer game not as a singleplayer ;)
After the server merging SWG servers are far from dead and space sure aint dead in SWG. Its tons fo people in space.
03-23-2010, 03:39 AM
You're so bat s#!t crazy you may as well quote L Ron Hubbard if you think anything about this tortuous dev process has been genius.
I will have full on gray pubes by the time this emu is finished.
Years of donations - no finished product, only some bastardized version of swg-lite.
Cascade half decade fail.
03-23-2010, 05:33 AM
You're so bat s#!t crazy you may as well quote L Ron Hubbard if you think anything about this tortuous dev process has been genius.
I will have full on gray pubes by the time this emu is finished.
Years of donations - no finished product, only some bastardized version of swg-lite.
Cascade half decade fail.
03-23-2010, 10:04 AM
You're so bat s#!t crazy you may as well quote L Ron Hubbard if you think anything about this tortuous dev process has been genius.
I will have full on gray pubes by the time this emu is finished.
Years of donations - no finished product, only some bastardized version of swg-lite.
Cascade half decade fail.
I agree with vlada here. just hand tight and chill. the people working on the emu are doing this in thier free time. this isnt a job for them. they have real lives, family, jobs and sometimes school.
the question is, would you prefer a good working emu or a half assed version?
dont complain about something you dont have to pay for. if you are donating, I'm sure the team is grateful but it doesnt cover a salary for them. just operating costs.
03-23-2010, 05:24 PM
hey does anyone know when ships are going to be coming out? personally i found them to be one of the best parts of SWG and i hope that you guys add them soon! great work on the server so far btw
Not sure if this question was ever answered in terms of SWGEmu, I saw recommendations to play SOE SWG (who would want to punish this poor kid like that?)
From what I've heard they probably wont work on space until post 1.0 of the ground game.
Edit: also thanks for the update, greatly appreciated.
03-23-2010, 08:51 PM
After the server merging SWG servers are far from dead and space sure aint dead in SWG. Its tons fo people in space.
after what i heard of the latest attack on the swg crafting community
i will never and i quote "NEVER" play the SOE SWG ever again
for those who haven't heard they now have a card game from which you can get housing, vehicles, mounts, weapons, pets, ships, etc
Never again will i play an soe game if this is how they choose to treat there crafters
because of this my loyalty is fully and further renewed for the EMU :D
03-23-2010, 09:03 PM
after what i heard of the latest attack on the swg crafting community
i will never and i quote "NEVER" play the SOE SWG ever again
for those who haven't heard they now have a card game from which you can get housing, vehicles, mounts, weapons, pets, ships, etc
Never again will i play an soe game if this is how they choose to treat there crafters
because of this my loyalty is fully and further renewed for the EMU :D
I think they have had that for like 2 years...btw this doesnt belong in the community update.
03-23-2010, 11:38 PM
You're so bat s#!t crazy you may as well quote L Ron Hubbard if you think anything about this tortuous dev process has been genius.
I will have full on gray pubes by the time this emu is finished.
Years of donations - no finished product, only some bastardized version of swg-lite.
Cascade half decade fail.
Maybe you could lend the devs your magic wand so this could all be finished with the flick of a wrist?
Oh ... wait ...
03-24-2010, 02:49 PM
I havent been around for a month or so.Looks like things are moving forward nicely!! Great job! Thank you for the update!
I don't post frequently, only when I feel moved to. I know we are all eager for the 1.0 release of this game but, don't take for granted the fact that we are playing it right now and it's working well, be grateful for what these people have done; they have donated their time without compensation, to recreate what we love. They need support, not negative attitudes.
Thanks for the update and keep up the amazing work.
03-25-2010, 09:44 AM
personally, I'm just glad I can play. I miss the old swg pre-cu! I would rather wait and let the devs get things working properly than to have a broken 1.0 release.
03-27-2010, 06:09 PM
Absolutely love the work you guys are doing. I'd wait until the end of time to get a chance to play pre cu the way it was, but you guys made it happen before then, you guys are angels! I'm here if you need me!
03-29-2010, 04:00 PM
I will have full on gray pubes by the time this emu is finished.
Years of donations - no finished product, only some bastardized version of swg-lite.
Funny. You don't sound like someone with pubes.
I'm not seeing any proof of these donations you made either. Certain nothing recent. And certainly not that having made donations entitles one to anything, anyway.
Please stop complaining and enjoy what we have.
03-30-2010, 07:23 AM
Funny. You don't sound like someone with pubes.
Loled heartily.
03-30-2010, 09:00 PM
I liked it up until the quoting of hubbard
at least it wasn't L. Ron
04-03-2010, 09:49 AM
man im gonna be an irl jedi itmo waiting for this
04-03-2010, 10:56 AM
go play nge you haters.
04-03-2010, 04:54 PM
nge is **** compared to 50000000000000 other games released in this 6 years
04-03-2010, 05:23 PM
Thank you to all of those involved with this project.
SWG is very special to me and its a joy playing it in a Pre-CU atmosphere with a fair amount of the content working. Like many, looking forward to seeing my beloved Creature Handler whenever it's ready.
A heartfelt thank you for all of the effort and time!
Game Vyse
04-04-2010, 09:52 AM
thx for doing this guys! i having a lot of fun...
but can someone get rid of the very big ewoks now?
04-04-2010, 11:07 PM
This is all great news, thank you very much on the development and if there is anyway we can help in the community, just say, You have breathed life into an amazing game that we lost long ago.
04-04-2010, 11:18 PM
personally, I'm just glad I can play. I miss the old swg pre-cu! I would rather wait and let the devs get things working properly than to have a broken 1.0 release.
hey question for you did you play fallen earth? if so was your toon named ayrll stark ?
04-05-2010, 01:01 PM
Right now, the only thing I need fixed are all the mission lairs not spawning and the lag in the execution of specials and actions in combat. Oh, and the implementation of CH.
04-05-2010, 01:28 PM
I thank you guys for bringing back the true star wars game. Thank you for all you hard work. You guys are doing a bang up job. keep it up.
04-06-2010, 10:18 AM
Hi everyone. I am a bitter person that has nothing better to do than post rude comments on an open source game forum. How are you?
04-06-2010, 10:36 AM
Forgive my bluntness, but this update worries me. In the development section, there were three pieces of written news, one of which was that "the mail and bazaar systems are being worked on". I asked a question earlier that was missed:
How is development progress (in terms of how much is getting done) relative to a month ago? A year ago? Two?
I'll feel like an ungrateful ass if you guys really are busting your butts, but I feel that this question is worth risking coming off as ungrateful for.
04-06-2010, 10:49 AM
It's OK ekowraith. I understand those concerns but consider this: You have to start with the core fundamentals and build the foundation solid before adding the structure above that. Once the core systems have been re-coded the other systems that go on top of that will come more quickly. That was the focus of the developers at the time of this update. You cannot measure the success or progress in terms "how much is getting done" relative to a year or two ago because the code has never been written this way before. It terms of "before" things were done quickly but not always correctly. We had many different people all coding the same sections with very little if any standards. Which all leads us to the need of the Object Restructure in the first place.
04-06-2010, 08:29 PM
Thanks guys!!
I'm just gonna log into this cool free SWG game world that someone made for me to have fun in.
Go figure. :P
As much as I want to see the OR, the long wait has given me the chance to have fun and experiment with classes I had not played back in the day. I'm grateful for that. Sometimes I get irate because of the bugs. But I don't want to see time wasted on bug fixes for this dead branch of the code. I know that bug fixes and new things will be coming our way fast once the OR is implemented. The momentum of the project was truly impressive in the months before work was started on the OR.
Unfortunately it takes longer to fix something than it does to do it right from the start. But I don't think you can plan a database for an existing game when coding and packet analysis are going on at the same time. And I'm glad they stopped everything to streamline the DB and fix it when they did. It would have been a bad idea to reach 1.0 with a sloppy DB and program.
Thanks for taking the heat to make things right.
04-08-2010, 02:32 AM
+1 Swgmu. Here here to volunteers.
04-08-2010, 01:29 PM
Forgive my bluntness, but this update worries me. In the development section, there were three pieces of written news, one of which was that "the mail and bazaar systems are being worked on". I asked a question earlier that was missed:
How is development progress (in terms of how much is getting done) relative to a month ago? A year ago? Two?
I'll feel like an ungrateful ass if you guys really are busting your butts, but I feel that this question is worth risking coming off as ungrateful for.
I agree. Somebody wake me up when the OR is finished. I can't play this half finished game any longer. No offense.
Ozas Darkdust
04-08-2010, 04:28 PM
Well then good news! You don't have to play! ;)
04-08-2010, 09:29 PM
hey all, Im loving the emu, thanks for all the hard work.
I was wondering if there was anywhere where we could look up the progress, i saw a link a while ago that showed like milestones and stuff.
Keep up the hard work everyone, I cant wait to see how things keep going. :)
04-09-2010, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the updates guys, you got a true player base, probably more dedicated then any other mmorpg game.
Also to the guy above, I am pretty sure JTL had pvp in spaceships right?
Yes, they did, it was pretty fun, added another aspect to the game. However smuglers ended up learning to overload their drives, which would cause an AOE to wipe out even the strongest ships. Made it kinda unfun.... SOE coulda balanced it but 2 weeks later they did the CU and ruined the entire game. :) Viva la raza SOE
04-09-2010, 07:33 PM
Is there an idea or sense of how long it might take to put out the OR? I am enjoying the game, but am put off from playing by the fact that it will be wiped clean at some point. Any idea?
04-09-2010, 08:48 PM
I have tons of idea's...
I postd an idea for possible addition to the game and a bit of a rework of the idea
forget clones, change the focus of when you are suposdlly dead you are found picked up and med evac'd by med lifter to the nearest med center, mash unit
I knwo clones have been a big thing and easy out fr the original creators of the game but the med centers and the medics doctors are feeling no love heh everyone is in the cantina
also maybe add some new vehicle for thoses that master doctor?.. a med lifter =-)
anyways I love that we are back to the sandbox idea and it's alot fo fun again, thank you guys for everythign youa re doing
ps, Med Lifters can be like the republic gun ships of the clone wars, maybe more sleek designe maybe, also can go in space ( not sure if you all are gonna do a atmospheric flight idea or not)
I have tons of idea's...
I postd an idea for possible addition to the game and a bit of a rework of the idea
forget clones, change the focus of when you are suposdlly dead you are found picked up and med evac'd by med lifter to the nearest med center, mash unit
I knwo clones have been a big thing and easy out fr the original creators of the game but the med centers and the medics doctors are feeling no love heh everyone is in the cantina
also maybe add some new vehicle for thoses that master doctor?.. a med lifter =-)
anyways I love that we are back to the sandbox idea and it's alot fo fun again, thank you guys for everythign youa re doing
ps, Med Lifters can be like the republic gun ships of the clone wars, maybe more sleek designe maybe, also can go in space ( not sure if you all are gonna do a atmospheric flight idea or not)
They are creating the server for us to use the existing client program with. Rewriting the client to be able to change/add new things like that is not possible since it would be violating the licensing of the game we bought from the stores. Sorry to disappoint you with that news.
The only reason they will be able to do things like adding planets is that there are unused planets existing in the client that were placed for future expansion. The raw materials exist if information is sent from the server to tell the client to use it.
04-11-2010, 09:23 AM
I agree. Somebody wake me up when the OR is finished. I can't play this half finished game any longer. No offense.
I'm with you on this one bro, while I think we all realize what a massive amount of work it is this project entails, I have to admit I'm on the same boat when it comes to how long it's been. Truth be told, I could care less about all the "cool ideas" flying around, I'd just like to have the old game back preferably with JTL and I'd be completely happy with that. I won't play on Nova for the most part unless something needs tested, I mean what's the point? If we're going to end up wiped again anyways, I don't want to heavily invest in trying to establish a toon. No offense to the team or what not, but I can't see the community holding together much longer, it seems like everyone I've talked to has either given up on SWGEmu, or is about to.
Well, you haven't talked to me =P.
I'm enjoying the ability to exist in even a shadowy duplicate image of what was such an amazing game, so for now, Nova is satiating my desire for SWG. You just can't take it too seriously knowing the wipe is coming...
Do you guys still want us reporting bugs etc? I just started playing again...hadn't played since back when Core 3 was implemented and I've been compiling a bug list again, I've run through almost every melee profession.
Are these reports still helpful, do you want us to keep reporting or do you think you've got most of it under control and should we just patiently await the OR?
I'm sure this has been addressed before as well, and if so, someone please be kind enough to point me in the direction of the answer I seek!
04-12-2010, 03:00 AM
I agree Eko... when will OR be done? There's so much hanging on it.... a note from someone would really help.
04-12-2010, 04:49 AM
Been awhile since I've been here but its nice to see that there is still a team working the emu and that its at a playable state.
Thanks for the hard work guys
Now I've gotta remember what I did with my swg disks :D
04-12-2010, 12:10 PM
Rip your disks to ISO images and install them with daemon tools, its faster and you only lose your disks when you reinstall.
04-12-2010, 01:45 PM
I'm not ready to give up on this project just yet, although I won't sugar coat it, every time a significant event occurs like the "OR" it rattles the community and gives birth to frustrations and doubts which eventually leads to more and more players giving up or losing interest. I don't think most people understand that in development there are many many times where you take one step forward and two steps back. The steps back allow a team to expand upon or to streamline foundational systems, often times when I'm coding something, I have to drop back and revise older code to support it for one reason or another. I'd venture to say that unforeseen code needed to be added to support and allow the project to move ahead, therefore the 'OR' was a necessary step back.
You have to give the team a good bit of respect for what they have accomplished so far, while I won't claim to be an expert on the SWGEmu code base, although I do have a pretty good working knowledge of it at this point and have done some pretty fun stuff with an older revision I still have. Massive projects like these aren't for your typical programmer, it takes months just to get a real "feel" for the code and to gain an understanding of the mechanics. It definitely isn't something a CircleMUD/Diku/Smaug coder could just leap into and immediately be successful.
It is my "opinion" that a more candid effort should be made to keep the community updated on the progress being made however, the project has taken an excessive amount of time to get to this point and it's only human nature to have doubts or to be frustrated. Regardless on if you just joined or have been here since the beginning, we're all here because we have a deep desire to play the game that we once had in all it's glory, with or without the little quirks that came with the experience.
Anyhow, I'm a wordy bastard, so I'll sign off on this post for now hehe.
- J.
04-12-2010, 03:17 PM
I agree with Raithe
said it perfectlly, and i would add on that the players are not paying for anything here so they don't really have any room to complain about a bloody thing
the game is being redone MOSTLLY from scratch, SOE verson is comeng to a close soon, ( soon being anytime in the next year or two), and they are nolonger a sand box design, this is
I dont' agree with keeping the AFK'ers and macro makers in here but that's just me, ( Roleplayer and casual player)
but I look forward to seeing what these gods of code come up with next, as is I'm praying that the jedi thing can be more story less grindage but that's me
We now return you to your Normal Rant sessons god day
< laughing and runs for cover>
04-12-2010, 11:26 PM
It is my "opinion" that a more candid effort should be made to keep the community updated on the progress being made however, the project has taken an excessive amount of time to get to this point and it's only human nature to have doubts or to be frustrated. Regardless on if you just joined or have been here since the beginning, we're all here because we have a deep desire to play the game that we once had in all it's glory, with or without the little quirks that came with the experience.
They update us when they have something to tell us about. They're re-writing the code to make it more stable and easier to maintain. This means standardizing things so all the raw code looks similar. They built the game and now they're optimizing the code in order to provide smoother play and stability. What they're doing isn't fun but needs to be done. They're not making new they're fixing old.
I would like an update everyday but something major isn't done everyday so I'm ok with that. The community has backed this project for YEARS; I really doubt that an extended period between updates (like it hasn't happened before?) will make every one run away.
** quoted for support not to rebut.
04-14-2010, 08:32 PM
They update us when they have something to tell us about. They're re-writing the code to make it more stable and easier to maintain. This means standardizing things so all the raw code looks similar. They built the game and now they're optimizing the code in order to provide smoother play and stability. What they're doing isn't fun but needs to be done. They're not making new they're fixing old.
I would like an update everyday but something major isn't done everyday so I'm ok with that. The community has backed this project for YEARS; I really doubt that an extended period between updates (like it hasn't happened before?) will make every one run away.
** quoted for support not to rebut.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not by any means saying a daily update is necessary to maintain the member base. What I am saying however, is that when big things happen in a project of this scope, it benefits to keep a more frequent (bi-weekly) update, even if it's just to say, "Yep we're still working on code, nothing new here." This gives a little reassurance to the community that things are under control and helps to keep the frustrated and impatient at bay. As for the community backing the project for "years", that illustrates my point actually, people have been behind this for years, and no offense intended, but we aren't getting any younger. I applaud those who have managed to stay patient and have shown such a strong resolve, but not everyone has such a deep commitment as is human nature.
All in all, I think the project is getting dangerously close to release personally, this rewrite which many consider to be a set back, at least in my eyes is more like a precursor to a very fast and furious push until release. They are drawing back the bow, getting things lined up, and then WHAMOLA, they'll release. Truly, I'm excited again and can't wait to see this thing launch.
04-14-2010, 09:36 PM
Well, I am glad to finally see others are posting their frustrations with this farce of a dev process.
The OR needs to get done NOW. People will wait... right.
The emergence of other pissed players on these once fanboi plastered threads is heartening. Maybe you'll get crackin' and turn out a finished product - but that would make way too much sense, and based on your conduct thus far I wont hold my breath.
In summary, continual cascade fail by the dev demiGods.
Y'all suck. Finish and polish this turd already.
04-14-2010, 09:41 PM
Well, I am glad to finally see others are posting their frustrations with this farce of a dev process.
The OR needs to get done NOW. People will wait... right.
The emergence of other pissed players on these once fanboi plastered threads is heartening. Maybe you'll get crackin' and turn out a finished product - but that would make way too much sense, and based on your conduct thus far I wont hold my breath.
In summary, continual cascade fail by the dev demiGods.
Y'all suck. Finish and polish this turd already.
I surely hope you are kidding.
I have never gone down to simple name calling in any post, but you sir are an arse.
Be frustrated, be irritated, be whatever makes you sleep better at night. If you want to all riled up and call out the devs, then go make the damn game yourself and play in your own little world.
When will you people understand that these folks dont get paid for this? Its simple. Play in the free game world they have provided or go away.
Have a nice day, and don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on your way out.
04-14-2010, 09:44 PM
I surely hope you are kidding.
I have never gone down to simple name calling in any post, but you sir are an arse.
Be frustrated, be irritated, be whatever makes you sleep better at night. If you want to all riled up and call out the devs, then go make the damn game yourself and play in your own little world.
When will you people understand that these folks dont get paid for this? Its simple. Play in the free game world they have provided or go away.
Have a nice day, and don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on your way out.
04-14-2010, 09:58 PM
I knew that within minutes the fanbois would rally and pull out the same tired points.
"They're not paid."/"You don't have to pay..."
Well, when you solicit for donations - and collect those donations - people generally expect results. I mean - instead of dev donations you could really just call it a money sink. Voluntary donations still carry an obligation by the recipient to perform and work toward w/e stated goal the sucker donated for in the first place.
"Help them..."/"Make your own"
I can't, plain and simple. I can barely type without looking at the keyboard. I'm the last guy to dismiss my own liabilities - I openly acknowledge them. The dev team are the ones who can't admit their crap performance.
"See ya!"/"Go play somewhere else"
I do. Haven't logged onto this bullsh** since the OR was announced. Why would I? Wipe will come "eventually". Even w/o the wipe, why play with a broken toy?
"The devs are God"
Yes, and that's the problem. No accountability, coupled with this cult of personality, by default equals fail.
So for my second summation tonight -
You are fail if you think this emu has a prayer in hell.
Devs are fail, but at least they're consistent with the fail.
I'd love for this thing to be playable and popular - but since it's neither, wake me when it's done. I'll still be around to pour the occasional gas on the fire, whenenver I think to check this fail site out. Main page hasn't updated in months.
Whatever - keep wankin' your little stubby chubby in glory of the fail dev panel. Maybe one day they'll... On second thought, no they wont.
04-14-2010, 10:16 PM
Well, I am glad to finally see others are posting their frustrations with this farce of a dev process.
The OR needs to get done NOW. People will wait... right.
The emergence of other pissed players on these once fanboi plastered threads is heartening. Maybe you'll get crackin' and turn out a finished product - but that would make way too much sense, and based on your conduct thus far I wont hold my breath.
In summary, continual cascade fail by the dev demiGods.
Y'all suck. Finish and polish this turd already.
That's just plain rude man, you need to seriously polish your social skills. It's understandable to be frustrated or even irritated, but my GOD, let's not resort to ****ting ourselves and throwing it at the Devs in a frothing rant just because it's not done yet. At least SOMEONE decided to work on the emulator, albeit I never expected to see this team get this far, figured it would have died out by now. Pleasantly enough, they are still hard at work on it and have proven me wrong, which I am very grateful for.
04-14-2010, 10:18 PM
Haven't logged onto this bullsh** since the OR was announced.I'd love for this thing to be playable and popular - but since it's neither, wake me when it's done.Hmm... I'm seeing a conflict here...
04-14-2010, 10:22 PM
Wow, I'm gonna get into a forum-fight with a total douche.
Let the record show it. This is the first tard in all my time that has truly pissed me off.
Your either a child, as immature as a child, or just an ITG. (internet tough guy) But I'm sure you already knew that definition didn't you.
We say go away if you are so against Emu cause we mean it. Just go away. We will survive without you. I promise.
If you dont want to donate for costs..............then don't.....Wow that was hard.
Cant make the game? Geez dude...this isn't rocket science here...Play or go away. If you don't play cause you don't like it or the OR, then b!tch on the WOW forums about that game. At least there you pay a subscription fee and have a RIGHT to hold them accountable.
Peeps that simply hang around to b!tch about progress aren't helping or contributing. Your just a whiner.
"Devs are fail"......well....lemme sum this up again.....don't go away mad...just go away.....Kbye
04-14-2010, 10:25 PM
Hmm... I'm seeing a conflict here...
LOL! Well at least it solidifies my earlier point, there are many frustrated people out there. Wasn't fishing for anyone to substantiate my claims, instead I hooked into the legendary Fecal-flinging Emo Fish. (referring to Leoten). /ducks
04-14-2010, 10:32 PM
You should also point out Big, that while "some" hold the title of Developer, the contributions span much farther than them and to say the Devs fail clearly targets any and every contributing person that's ever been involved in this project. When I heard that this team was put together by a 13 year old (or 15 year old), at the time I was pretty much convinced this thing was gonna fall flat on it's face.. However, I saw something that you very rarely get to see, and that was unification, a community formed and dedicated their time and effort to this, and guess what? SWGEmu may not consists of die hard coders from the industry, yet this emulator project is leaps and bounds ahead of the other so called teams. When is the last time you heard anything from the other teams working on an SWG emulator?
I may complain at times about how long things have been in the works, I may even get a chip on my shoulder from time to time about it, but I'll never NEVER disrespect the efforts being made, these people have overcome major obstacles and are still standing tall and regardless on how "irritated" someone is with the project, they still deserve your respect.
04-14-2010, 10:40 PM
Yes Raithe...very true indeed.
Ok...lets see how long this lasts...i'm gonna take a step back...comb the hair back down...and chill.
I understand peoples frustrations. They want to play the game exactly as they remember it, and are desperately waiting. This includes Leoten. Having to wait, especially for those who have long tenure here, can be irking. Got it.
The simple fact don't have to. Not trying to be obnoxious, but it really is true. There is another group out there trying to do this, the ANH folks and equally as dedicated to SWG we all remember, but they are NOT closer to the final product. Period.
This is the only place where you can play old SWG like it was, and with a whole group of other folks. Our devs will get there, but it can take time. Stick with the process, be it months or years, or go ahead and fall to the side. Its ok, and we understand.
But #2........
Please don't rant about how the rest of us who still have fun here are fanboi slaves who don't know any better. Some of us like it here, and support cause we want to.
Its one thing to bring up a point of contention...its totally another to be so rude. We always welcome new players, and invite all to come in and have some fun. Tirades and discourteous posts just discourage other players. This benefits no one.
04-14-2010, 11:00 PM
I seriously considered typing out a rebuttal to his posts... then realized time is better spent doing other things.
My only message to him is this: if you don't like what you see here, keep your donations to yourself. We're not strong arming anyone into donating, not saying "Oh, if you don't give 'x' amount of money we're closing down", we simply put up a meter of how close we are to our monthly goal. If you want to help us get there, great. If not, then enjoy the fruits of our labor once it's completed.
But don't come to our boards, complaining that we're going too slow for your tastes. You readily admit you have no abilities to do what we're doing, so why do you think that your lack of ability gives you license to comment on how quickly we should be making progress?
04-14-2010, 11:39 PM
But the point is ARE you making progress. We would never know because there is no communication in that area. That's why so many people are frustrated.
04-15-2010, 01:39 AM
I'm not frustrated.
04-15-2010, 01:42 AM
I'm not frustrated.
you are so many people.
04-15-2010, 01:43 AM
you are so many people.
I know. Spooky, right?
04-15-2010, 04:11 AM
"What right do you have to comment on..."
This is America, Jack. It's how we do.
"I'm not frustrated."
You never are.
"OOH Intranet tough guy RAbbleRabbLE"
Yup, that's me! With my flawless typing and structure, my MASSIVE internet-compensation signature, my full bio page, and my love for calling you out individually.
Got real angry and tried that once, one of the recent posters should remember, got hit w some forum nerf and had posting disabled for a while I guess - didn't really pop back to check.
So back to Sq 1
This all began when? 2006? Earlier?
A finshed SunCrusher heals all. Total win if you actually finish a product.
Communication is a plus. Think you might be too late to salvage that.
Having the main page NOT display last Decembers outage issues might be good for passers by stop in and get tingly excited in their wee wee like we all did the FIRST time we heard the loading music.
However - the novelty of running around Rori and the feel of a preCU HUD etc has worn off. People naturally want results - it's how the real world operates. Results.
We can debate wether accepting donations incurs an obligation to produce all day every day. Even charities and non profits in the REAL world have accountability - but you ay disagree, that's your right. (Should be at least.)
So I do what I do - I exercise my ability to call out this joke of a process.
Joke. Almost a half decade joke. Guessing some of the people on this fourm are under or about 25, good gaming demographic...
How's waiting a fifth of your life been? rabblerabbnle "You dont have to wait, you can go somewhere else..."
Yeah, we can. I would also assume other people already have. Gone are the days when I jump on a non-complete turd to run around to POIs and switch my HUD color.
Gain exp for what? The wipe? Gather loot and mats, for what? The wipe?
Wiping is a good idea - it needs to be done. Yet you can't expect people to happily play and maintain interest in a non-working/final product.
Hell, it's hard to keep people playing Finished/Professional MMOs for more than five years. UO, EQ1, AC, DAoC, McWoW, et al.
I give it even odds that this thing never ever reaches SunCrusher. Course you can rename a turd, like Acorn, but at the end of the day a turd's a turd.
So there ya go - prove us wrong. I still think y'all are fail, through and through. Your lack of comms and the absence of questions/accountability is what's pissing off peeps.
Fix it.
As always - finished product heals all.
Get it done. 50% chance at best.
04-15-2010, 04:28 AM
I'm Leoten, and I approve that message.
Paid for by Friends of Leoten Semper, a Valcyn 501c Corporation.
04-15-2010, 04:37 AM
"What right do you have to comment on..."
This is America, Jack. It's how we do.
Actually its not, its the internet.
04-15-2010, 04:43 AM
Actually its not, its the internet.
Dude - that whole post and that's the best you could do?
Now I have multi-faceted dissapointment.
Vote for Pedro.
04-15-2010, 04:47 AM
Dude - that whole post and that's the best you could do?
Now I have multi-faceted dissapointment.
Vote for Pedro.
That was the only coherent part, rest is just...
But do keep it up, you'll get there...
04-15-2010, 04:50 AM
That was the only coherent part, rest is just...
But do keep it up, you'll get there...
Just like the Emu, right? TM "Soon"
04-15-2010, 05:07 AM
Just like the Emu, right? TM "Soon"
Actually yes.
I don't understand all this rage. Its a free game, being "re"created by team that consists of volunteers. Even in the worst case scenario, even if they/we don't make it to SC, we had years of fun, free entertainment and tried to do what no one ever attempted to do before, not on this scale anyway.
I seriously considered typing out a rebuttal to his posts... then realized time is better spent doing other things.
My only message to him is this: if you don't like what you see here, keep your donations to yourself. We're not strong arming anyone into donating, not saying "Oh, if you don't give 'x' amount of money we're closing down", we simply put up a meter of how close we are to our monthly goal. If you want to help us get there, great. If not, then enjoy the fruits of our labor once it's completed.
But don't come to our boards, complaining that we're going too slow for your tastes. You readily admit you have no abilities to do what we're doing, so why do you think that your lack of ability gives you license to comment on how quickly we should be making progress?
Well said, just a small addition. The time we spend on this project is our sacrifice, your's can be to volunteer helping with testing it out or donating to keep the tests going on.
For those who keep questioning our ability to provide a finished product, i ask you the following question. How comes there are so many games out there with a completed emulator, yet there are none exist for SWG with even four distinct groups working on it? We have answered this a dozen times, but seems it never went through well enough but if you take the time to think this through, it might help to realize the situation.
04-15-2010, 08:15 AM
Almost pains me to say it...
Very happy that you guys cranked out an update.
+1 to you guys.
Hmm got the dates wrong.
-1 for me.
March is not April, note to self.
Oh well - w/e
My bad for a triple post, but in the hope someone from the emu team is viewin' this atm...
Please, for the love of God, update the main page.
Doesn't inspire conifidence when the most recent thing on the main page is last Decembers outage notice.
If I were John Q Public stoppin' by for the first time, I might not make it past that front page w the way it looks currently.
If I knew anything about tech/html - I'd do it for ya. I don't.
04-15-2010, 09:14 AM
Er, just 1 question, how long until you simply ban this moron?
Dont care for his ranting
Dont care for his attitude
Dont care for his abuse
Dont care for his behavior
Dont care for his lack of manners
Respect is due to those behind the EMU, respect and thanks. What worries me is that you allow someone to be abusive in such a way and still let him post...?
04-15-2010, 10:57 AM
ok this is my first post so please please do nail me to the wall...
ok if you want to know what they are doing just look at there Dev site.
here is some info Theanswer just post and update for fishing its rather large. Also it looks like hes been working with the opening tutorial problems and also alot of stuff with objects.
it looks like kyle is hammering on the resorce managment part make major updates 3 updates in 2 days.
so in the past week there were atlest 10+ updates to the code.
is it going fast hell if i know but then again SOE did have a **** load of more programers working on the code than swgemu has..
if you want the code to befinish then offer to help...i would but my c++ if not that good Atm.
04-15-2010, 11:31 AM
Er, just 1 question, how long until you simply ban this moron?
Dont care for his ranting
Dont care for his attitude
Dont care for his abuse
Dont care for his behavior
Dont care for his lack of manners
Respect is due to those behind the EMU, respect and thanks. What worries me is that you allow someone to be abusive in such a way and still let him post...?
So we just stifle any op[inion that doesn't jive w yours? Is that what those gold bars mean?
They updated front page a little, a good start. I asked, and we received. +1 for everyone.
Sorry you don't care for me - quite frankly, I now don't care for you. Can we ban him Daddy? Please, Daddy?
Pathetic. I'm sure after reading this you'll pm the big boys and threaten to not continue w your donations.
I speak for many who are frustrated - leaf through the thread, I'm hardly the sole critical voice. I may be more colorful than the others, but within an hour of my latest triple post - the front page looks marginally better, and it benefits all of us. Long sentence fail.
The fact they haven't banned me at least lets the community know that the devs have nothing to fear from criticism and that they are above petty forum politics. Fanbois love to push for the ban, the men-in-charge have the courage to let dissent stand and allow for the individuals to draw their own conclusions. If only you were so brave.
You can ban me today, but I'll be back - and as time marches on I can guarantee there'll be more just like me.
Help yourself to a kleenex and learn to deal w opposition.
What kind of man are you? For shame.
04-15-2010, 11:52 AM
You can ban me today, but I'll be back - and as time marches on I can guarantee there'll be more just like me.
But seriously, you did make a valid point in one of your previous posts. Lack of updates on front page, or better yet total lack of any moderating. They are probably just understaffed, but still, both website and forum are a mess.
04-15-2010, 12:04 PM
So we just stifle any op[inion that doesn't jive w yours? Is that what those gold bars mean?
They updated front page a little, a good start. I asked, and we received. +1 for everyone.
Sorry you don't care for me - quite frankly, I now don't care for you. Can we ban him Daddy? Please, Daddy?
Pathetic. I'm sure after reading this you'll pm the big boys and threaten to not continue w your donations.
I speak for many who are frustrated - leaf through the thread, I'm hardly the sole critical voice. I may be more colorful than the others, but within an hour of my latest triple post - the front page looks marginally better, and it benefits all of us. Long sentence fail.
The fact they haven't banned me at least lets the community know that the devs have nothing to fear from criticism and that they are above petty forum politics. Fanbois love to push for the ban, the men-in-charge have the courage to let dissent stand and allow for the individuals to draw their own conclusions. If only you were so brave.
You can ban me today, but I'll be back - and as time marches on I can guarantee there'll be more just like me.
Help yourself to a kleenex and learn to deal w opposition.
What kind of man are you? For shame.
There is a way of giving constructive feedback and it seems its a life skill you have failed to learn. We exported supernanny over to the US as it seemed you had plenty of children who dont know how to behave, maybe you can ask for a visit from her - if you are an adult and still think that stamping your feet will make things happen faster as you are not happy with current progress it seems you really have a lot to learn in life.
Gold bars, ah you mean the donations. Yes I donate as I feel this is something worth donating to. My donation rate is just the same as if I were paying an active sub in any other MMO, I play so I pay - it is quite simple.
After visiting the EMU when it was first released I decided the progression rate was such that it would be frustrating for me so I let everyone get on with it while keeping 1 eye on the action along with the rest of my guild. I finally decided to jump in a few months ago when I was happy I wouldn't rage over the progression and fill the forums with negative threads about how long it was taking, maybe you should think about doing the same, it may help your stress level.
Like you I cannot code so cannot contribute on that front but what I can do is make a conscious effort to not be destructive and negative but instead be thankful for the work done so far. I used to smile at those that played MMO's but complained about them saying why are you paying if you dont like the game as it is, here you are not even paying but still wish to complain so have taken this to a whole new level I guess.
Have a nice day :)
04-15-2010, 12:20 PM
Like you I cannot code so cannot contribute on that front but what I can do is make a conscious effort to not be destructive and negative but instead be thankful for the work done so far.
This is absolutely correct.
The one thing I can say for certain is that we would all be sublimely happy if the devs would drop us a little note on progress every now and then. Anything - even if it's technical. After all, to have a vague certainty that things are progressing is one thing, but to hear about it is an entirely different boost to morale!
04-15-2010, 12:30 PM
But seriously, you did make a valid point in one of your previous posts. Lack of updates on front page, or better yet total lack of any moderating. They are probably just understaffed, but still, both website and forum are a mess.
Yes? Oh, I guess it's not a call to my address. :D
Well, you got a point there. But on the other side, anyone can anytime inform himself about the progress of the project at the devs site at
I personally prefer them rather to work on the emu than to release empty phrases on a weekly or bi-weekly base.
But nevertheless, being frustrated and unhappy isn't an excuse for the lack of manners.
04-15-2010, 12:34 PM
Yes? Oh, I guess it's not a call to my address. :D
Nah, i was actually taking about a certain Governor.
Well, you got a point there. But on the other side, anyone can anytime inform himself about the progress of the project at the devs site at
I personally prefer them rather to work on the emu than to release empty phrases on a weekly or bi-weekly base.
But nevertheless, being frustrated and unhappy isn't an excuse for the lack of manners.
Still, front page could be more up to date and look at the state of these boards. Im not asking for updates, just some kind moderating.
04-15-2010, 12:38 PM
anyone can anytime inform himself about the progress of the project at the devs site at
This kicks ass!
04-15-2010, 01:52 PM
Alright I see they cleaned out half a page of this thread.
I also picked up some disciplinary points.
See you guys again mid May when my "time-out" points get lifted.
04-15-2010, 01:56 PM
Bye, don't get hit by a bus between now and then!
04-15-2010, 06:04 PM
Well, you got a point there. But on the other side, anyone can anytime inform himself about the progress of the project at the devs site at
great link
and am especially glad to see that they are working on ch :D
04-15-2010, 06:36 PM
Here are the updates:
This is awesome :robotsurprised: and should be pinned here for the general community to see that work is actually being done :robotveryhappy:
I have to agree it seems like a huge chunk of the staff has been gone on vacation for awhile. The site has needed to be cleaned up for a good bit. I can understand everyone's frustration with the lack of a completed product after so long. Most of that frustration is misplaced though. It shouldn't be directed at the volunteer dev group. Trying to do this and having a real life must suck. People want to play the game again, but don't want to invest the character time with testing, especially since the current code is going the way of poop and getting flushed when the OR is done. I think once they can start testing the OR code it might make a difference.
As to forum manners, both frustrated people and avid supporters have been rude. The Internet gives everyone license to be a free form ass and most take advantage of it. This is where community managers, directors, and moderators need to step up and calm things down. I think you will never be able to calm every single individual down, but it's worth trying.
The more news the better. I check out Assembla every day, but many others don't. They check the main page and the forum front pages. They don't see anything new and then they leave. After awhile people stop checking in all together or get frustrated and want to know why no one is making a point to devulge information. Some don't take the time to look or just plain get mad about the fact they have to go look at lines of code to see what's changing.
I've been here since the start waiting, I must say that as time goes by I get just a little more sad. Not just by the time it is taking, but more so by the fact I really miss the game as it was Pre-CU. I can't blame anyone here though for the amount of time. I don't code so I can't complain, and even if I did my spare time would be limited. However the people who are community leaders need to step up and try to promote getting news out and keeping a positive tone on the boards.
It's slowly stating to degrade back to what it was in the old days which was a little more than any of us want to step back to. I know many of you remember the fights, arguments and the holders of the high post counts sniping at people for various reasons.
Anyway I've rambled for long enough. Keep on chugging along and you'll continue to have supporters. Don't let what Ramsey and the others did fall apart though. Don't let the community become a rage zone for every Internet fool to feed on.
04-15-2010, 11:56 PM
I signed onto Emu in January of 2007. The game was very incomplete but I knew going in that this was going to be the case.
A little over 7 months ago I suddenly had trouble and I could no longer log onto my account. I searched the site, wrote emails and did not get a fix. Still in back of my mind I knew this was temporary and called on my ability for my complex brain to muster up some patience and decorum. Of those 7 months I spent the first 3 trying to log onto TC. The next 4 months I didn't bother, knowing that someday I will indeed be able to enjoy TC again and even the finished product! Sure enough, after doing various real-life and gamer activities elsewhere, the day came when I nervously clicked on my Launchpad Enhanced Icon which up to 6 days ago sat unused, patiently awaiting my cursor's brave double-click.
Eureka! I was able to create a new toon and actually log on. This was merely 6 days ago, and I cannot tell you how elated I am to see so much progress from just 7 short months prior! 'Excellent job, Devs!... really awesome!' I kept saying to myself, and to the imaginary developer I spoke these words of kudos to.
I was so excited to see SO MUCH had been implemented and improved upon that I got my husband to join me. The last time I was on TC there was no combat balance, no NPCs, no Crafting, no Training other than freebee trainers, no Schematics, no mobs to fight other than one bugged Kryatt and an occasional Syck, no bikes, no nothing. All you could basically accomplish was training from a freebee trainer and then travel to and from Mos Eisley to Theed or Bestine. Oh and watch freebee jedi PvPing or fighting that bugged Kryatt. I can honestly say, if I hear another light saber noise again it'll be too soon!
Thru these past 6 days, yes we've (my husband and I) had our dc's our crafting bugs, and some other minor happenstances occur, but I tell you as God as my witness that I am elated to just hear the familiar clicking sounds, or the combat music, or even the whale songs as you enter a tree'd area on Naboo much less being able to experience some crafting, bazaaring, banking, biking, fighting and all the other activities I've done in these glorious 6 days!
I will attempt every single profession available on TC despite the upcoming OR wipe if it helps them grow closer to the goal! I do wish there were a better way of defining what sort of reports you need from me but I'm hoping that will come in time, as my only mission is to help you help me.... and if that includes having some fun in-between then all the better.
Aka Leelahfwek Flangermungel
PS: For any whiners out there, please stop already. It is due to whining we find more games being ruined rather than improved!
Whiners always want something for nothing, or for little effort. Whiners think they are entitled to an easier way. Whiners think THEIR ideas on how to improve the game's combat or PvP is the only idea that will work. Whiners are unacceptable, incooperative and socially inept at tolerating the reality set before them. Stop whining already and go to another galaxy far far away!
Side note: Yesterday I met a kid on TC. He said he just came from NGE which he loves! As we chatted, he mentioned to me that the older version of the game (pre-CU) would have been too confusing for him as he would have only been 10 years old. (can you say SOE Propaganda at work?)
At this my skin crawled and I shuttered with immediate feelings of mass emotion begin to well up..."I'm talking to the enemy..." I thought to myself. But instead of giving into those emotions, I simply wished him well and briefly went AFK.... to kick my precious doggy. You see, SoE's lame excuse for the NGE was "to make it more simple for a younger demographic". Supposedly this justifies the senseless murdering of countless pets, Bio-Engineers, Creature Handlers and Trillions of dollars worth of wasted components that one day were sitting in a factory waiting to be used in a stimpack and the next day were completely useless without warning! Okay I'll take SoE's "It's for the kiddies" excuse at face value... However I happen to know of several youth playing SWG with me at that time, who had found the pre-cu game mezmerizing because of it's complexity and unique craft system. Of course these younger folk had to actually LEARN the game. The fact that NGE took place was just insulting to the whole of society as SoE basically said we want to appeal to the moronic who are unable to read or learn, screw you who can follow instructions. Had SoE given a flying hoot, they'd have learned that many people taught others in-game and the populace was growing daily and with a strong loyalty, which was partly proven after thousands left due to the NGE.
My points are basic: be patient... accept what you've got... ask questions if you don't understand something. Someone in game is always happy to help explain a certain aspect, and don't assume nobody is hard at work on this game because that makes an ass out of YOU and only YOU.
Now, go away if you don't like something!
04-16-2010, 09:29 AM
Anyone who thinks we don't pay attention to the community is sadly mistaken. We are very grateful for any constructive feedback that is given. Sure the "Awesome job guys!" posts are also nice but we DO value criticism when it is done in a constructive manner. However, if someone comes off in a fit of rage throwing around insults or a negative attitude..., well we pretty much don't take that seriously at all. Most of us have a limited time every day to work on this project and reading a bunch of "get this done! or you guys are terrible" posts without any real solutions is a waste of that time.
If you want to see something changed around here, do something to see it changed. Make a real effort to contribute to the community. Be a model member, help others, invest some of YOUR free time (much like we do) and make a real difference around here. I would be happy to sit down and talk to anyone who thinks they have some ideas conducive to community improvement.
Updates.... We've been trying to roll out updates about once a month or when we have enough content to talk about. As matter of fact, there is one in the works right now which I would rather be working on than writing in this thread. So I will say again, when we have enough to talk about we will have updates. If we had a weekly update people will still complain because they have nothing in them. It has happened before, just look back over this thread and you will see it. We are damned if we do, damned if we don't. You can please none of the people all of the time or some of the people some of the time.
Development... Yes we all would love to have things further along then they are but they aren't. That doesn't mean the work isn't being done. The developers are busting their back-ends. Anyone who checks Assembla will tell you as much. Want it to get done faster? We need more developers who want to code. We need people that want to get the job done but very few will rise to the challenge. Out of the 10 people I personally saw come into #opendev this week asking how to become a dev, only one person actually did anything. This has been going since the launch of this project. People say they want to become a dev but at the end of the day they don't write one line of code. Bottom line: People want the title but they don't want to do the work.
So the next time you may think we suck, we don't care, we don't listen, this is never going to get done etc... How about coming up with an idea or two to help us out and contribute to this project instead of just coming here and running us into the ground. To be blunt, criticism without a solution is just a bunch of hot air.
04-16-2010, 11:58 AM
Great post Odwill! This reminds me of before SWG was officialy launched and there were similar rage posts about how people wanted out of beta and everything fixed NOW.
Now, years later it's probably the same people complaining about it, but what they fail to realize is SOE had an army of paid developers working on it round the clock, compared to the handful that are working on the emu for free and in their spare time. Back then, people were complaining for release on a game that they had to pay for as well.
In my opinion I consider the work that the emu devs are doing as a favor to the people that loved this game, and once there is a fully functional Suncrusher, I will have no problem donating every month. That being said I believe the saying "no news is good news" does not apply here. Since this IS being done in the devs spare time from what I understand, not getting any news could be a sign of boredom or giving up. I'm not saying that's the case at all, but I think everyone here could admit it's possible. It would be nice to see more updates on the main page, but I know you guys are working as hard as possible.
I just signed up here and started playing the emu recently, but I've been following it for quite a while. I absolutely look forward to Suncrusher, and I do appreciate the hard work.
Being unemployed at the moment, it makes me wish I knew coding since I have a lot of time on my hands, but if there's any way I could volunteer, I'm here to answer the call.
Keep up the good work guys!
04-16-2010, 12:11 PM
Also, I think it's definitely counter-productive to get into the "don't alienate the community" mindset. Swing that ban-hammer hard! Those of us who are appreciative of your efforts will be patient. Everyone else will get tired and move on, anyway - and who needs 'em?
04-16-2010, 12:35 PM
Excellent Post, Odwill! I second, third AND fourth it!
Some people are just unappreciative and rude by nature and I for one am sick of it!
Before I sign off.. any way we can get more than 5 min notice of server shut down? I spent 2 hours running all over looking for a buff, no kidding 2 hours! Finally found a guy to buff me and ran to starport to go get some missions and the message 5 minutes til server shutdown came before my faint eyes. That was my last 15k but luckily someone tipped me.
Also, I think it's definitely counter-productive to get into the "don't alienate the community" mindset. Swing that ban-hammer hard! Those of us who are appreciative of your efforts will be patient. Everyone else will get tired and move on, anyway - and who needs 'em?
That's part of why we are waiting on the emu.You don't ever alienate your community, the community is what makes or breaks a or not. And quite simply put you need the community. Otherwise you will be playing by yourself, or on a server with 20 people. Love or hate them, people who moan and groan have their place in a community. If we all got along all of the time life would get boring, so would these forums.
04-16-2010, 02:08 PM
Let me rephrase, then.
The thing to avoid is worrying about alienating people in general. Some people bring nothing to the table except misery and frustration. Such people, while members of the forum and account-holders, are not true members of the SWGEMU "community".
You could easily boot 20% of the people for a variety of reasons (hacking, spamming, complaining, griefing, or just general immaturity) and the "community" would be better off. This isn't a business - the goal here isn't to maximize subscribers.
Let me rephrase, then.
The thing to avoid is worrying about alienating people in general. Some people bring nothing to the table except misery and frustration. Such people, while members of the forum and account-holders, are not true members of the SWGEMU "community".
You could easily boot 20% of the people for a variety of reasons (hacking, spamming, complaining, griefing, or just general immaturity) and the "community" would be better off. This isn't a business - the goal here isn't to maximize subscribers.
Oh I agree with that, you will always have people that you can't tiptoe around, but "swing that ban-hammer hard" is not a good policy, except in cases of exploiting and cheating. Then in some cases those people are truly helpful at helping the devs find holes in their code to fix so those issues don't go live.
And you are also correct that this isn't a business, however you want to maximize your testers.....even the ones who are questionable. People who might actually test and do a good job at it might be turned off by all of the negativity.
04-16-2010, 04:02 PM
The big thing many people need to remember that TC, as it stands now, is in beta testing stage as far as content and game mechanics goes.
I've had the "pleasure" of beta testing several games, both free and to be paid for, and they've all had a large pool of paid staff members who were devoted to coding, customer service, advertising and even in game testing. SWGEmu does not have that. We have the pleasure of being able to play a game we loved, or a friend loved dearly and dragged us into, for free while they work out the kinks.
Yes, the project has been in the works for several years but, unlike the games pushed out by companies such as SOE, Blizzard, Mythic, EA, etc, this game has not had the devoted staffing that those companies have. I mean devoted in the, "this is my job I work on it 8 hours a day" way. Emu has been coded by many people working in thier spare time.
I mentioned all this to ask those who are ready to start jumping on the "you're not working fast enough," "I want and update," "You devs don't know what you're doing" band wagons to think back to how long before a game was released did they hear about it. I personally heard about the Star Trek Online game being in the works over five years ago and followed it through the various companies who worked on the project, the strikes, the scrapping of code, the loss of funding, change in direction, yadda, yadda, shmackity, shamckity. What happened with that game? It finally hit open Beta and there were a slew of complaints about how the game wasn't done and that they needed to fix this problem or that problem NOW. I experienced similar issues with CoH, DAoC, EQII, and even SWG. Concidering the changes in the Emu team's make up and the VOLENTEER nature of the labor, I'd say they've done a fine job of returning us to the game we loved.
The current code on TC is not being worked on anymore, as I understand it, in favor of the OR. I would loook at this as a minor set back in favor of the stabilization expected as well as the implementation of features such as housing, and the larger facilities.
Keep plugging away at it Devs. Toss us an update a little more often or maybe play with the main page abit but, keep it up. You're giving many of us back a part of our gaming youth we've missed.
04-16-2010, 11:02 PM
That's part of why we are waiting on the emu.You don't ever alienate your community, the community is what makes or breaks a or not. And quite simply put you need the community. Otherwise you will be playing by yourself, or on a server with 20 people. Love or hate them, people who moan and groan have their place in a community. If we all got along all of the time life would get boring, so would these forums.
Oh please! Alienate a community by telling them to be patient and kind? Give me a break! We are all capable of human decency. There is NO reason to keep nay sayers around as there are lots more people who value every minute a dev puts into this game. They DON'T need us... we need them! Do you actually believe that when this project is finished only 20 people will be left to play due to banning the evil-spirited ones? *put the crack pipe down please* The day we accept bad behavior for fear of not being around bad behavior is the day we need to check into therapy! People who moan and groan for the sake of moaning and groaning offer NOTHING constructive. They DO give us insight as to how reprobate their need for attention is!
If we all got along life would be much BETTER! Get a clue!
04-17-2010, 01:34 AM
Oh please! Alienate a community by telling them to be patient and kind? Give me a break! We are all capable of human decency. There is NO reason to keep nay sayers around as there are lots more people who value every minute a dev puts into this game. They DON'T need us... we need them! Do you actually believe that when this project is finished only 20 people will be left to play due to banning the evil-spirited ones? *put the crack pipe down please* The day we accept bad behavior for fear of not being around bad behavior is the day we need to check into therapy! People who moan and groan for the sake of moaning and groaning offer NOTHING constructive. They DO give us insight as to how reprobate their need for attention is!
If we all got along life would be much BETTER! Get a clue!i can understand a little *****ing from ppl you throw coin each month but all and all you're on point. there is definitely more than 20 ppl that have the patience enough to wait. Hell you could ban every nay-sayer and when the live emu is released half of those guys will be itching to find a way back. I agree with ban the bastards that dont contribute and bring negativity. Btw is coding hard to learn lol. I would do it if i knew how.
04-17-2010, 01:17 PM
Btw is coding hard to learn lol. I would do it if i knew how.
Seek education and you shall learn
:// (i dont have 5 posts, i cant post the link, add the appropriate http in front of the ://)
stanford /mit computer science for beginners
04-17-2010, 05:14 PM
Well... I think the community would be alot better off if we didn't feel as if we're bottle necked inside.
Yeah it's open-source, but who really wants to tamper with it and set a server up if it has a 1 hour time-limit or 20 player cap?
It honestly has felt that SWGEMU is just wanting to be as professional as possible, but pissing the players off in return because they could care less about that.
I for one, have supported the emulator from the day it was mentioned years ago. But when do we stand up and say? "Alright, charade's over... go home."
It's been well over 4 years now, at least. The game would make MORE progress with people who don't want to worry about the restrictions on the source.
Why are their restrictions anyways? From "party" servers? People want to play the game and host their own servers, not be forced into one without a subscription. Or are you guys worried that someone might take the code and claim the project as their own? Perhaps ANH? Or some other unheard community?
Honestly, we need to stop worrying about glory and respecting one another and just get this damn thing done already, or at least reliable source code that can probably test much, MUCH more than the "official" server could.
This is just my 2 cents, like it or don't. It's been many years now, I think we the community should get a bigger bone.
04-17-2010, 09:17 PM
Wosa been several months now all I have been hearing is burbbling whining and crying about how nothing is getting done. I agree with those who say then get off your butt and help out if you have the time to complain then you have the time to code otherwise stop the whining.
Personally I find myself going on for about 2 hours every month in the games current state. Every time they release something new like the recent Corvette or the Boba Fett hunting. Other than that I have done all I can on my character for now however when Suncrusher goes live this game will have my full support.
Every day I have been checking the forums and gathering any info I can on the prgress the Admins are making I have to say good job to you all. Look how faryou brought us in just 1 year. last summer the only action was on Naboo there were gungans handing out free gear of all sorts no economy and nothing more than just a few million creatures to constantly destroy now we have a role playing element player run economy in 1 year this game has gone from just a test of the basic mechanics to looking and feeling like the game we all loved so long ago.
Of course the code is going to need restructuring and the admins are doing a great job at gettign things doen in what time they can spare. If I had the time and could code I would do so however I am more comfortable letting people that know what thier doing take that burden thus I give up any right for cokmplaints on it. Keep up the amazing job
04-17-2010, 10:03 PM
The big thing many people need to remember that TC, as it stands now, is in beta testing stage as far as content and game mechanics goes.
I've had the "pleasure" of beta testing several games, both free and to be paid for, and they've all had a large pool of paid staff members who were devoted to coding, customer service, advertising and even in game testing. SWGEmu does not have that. We have the pleasure of being able to play a game we loved, or a friend loved dearly and dragged us into, for free while they work out the kinks.
Yes, the project has been in the works for several years but, unlike the games pushed out by companies such as SOE, Blizzard, Mythic, EA, etc, this game has not had the devoted staffing that those companies have. I mean devoted in the, "this is my job I work on it 8 hours a day" way. Emu has been coded by many people working in thier spare time.
I mentioned all this to ask those who are ready to start jumping on the "you're not working fast enough," "I want and update," "You devs don't know what you're doing" band wagons to think back to how long before a game was released did they hear about it. I personally heard about the Star Trek Online game being in the works over five years ago and followed it through the various companies who worked on the project, the strikes, the scrapping of code, the loss of funding, change in direction, yadda, yadda, shmackity, shamckity. What happened with that game? It finally hit open Beta and there were a slew of complaints about how the game wasn't done and that they needed to fix this problem or that problem NOW. I experienced similar issues with CoH, DAoC, EQII, and even SWG. Concidering the changes in the Emu team's make up and the VOLENTEER nature of the labor, I'd say they've done a fine job of returning us to the game we loved.
The current code on TC is not being worked on anymore, as I understand it, in favor of the OR. I would loook at this as a minor set back in favor of the stabilization expected as well as the implementation of features such as housing, and the larger facilities.
Keep plugging away at it Devs. Toss us an update a little more often or maybe play with the main page abit but, keep it up. You're giving many of us back a part of our gaming youth we've missed.
you sir or madame or Fing awesome. hey guys at least two of us get it lol
04-18-2010, 12:17 AM
Well... I think the community would be alot better off if we didn't feel as if we're bottle necked inside.
Yeah it's open-source, but who really wants to tamper with it and set a server up if it has a 1 hour time-limit or 20 player cap?
It honestly has felt that SWGEMU is just wanting to be as professional as possible, but pissing the players off in return because they could care less about that.
I for one, have supported the emulator from the day it was mentioned years ago. But when do we stand up and say? "Alright, charade's over... go home."
It's been well over 4 years now, at least. The game would make MORE progress with people who don't want to worry about the restrictions on the source.
Why are their restrictions anyways? From "party" servers? People want to play the game and host their own servers, not be forced into one without a subscription. Or are you guys worried that someone might take the code and claim the project as their own? Perhaps ANH? Or some other unheard community?
Honestly, we need to stop worrying about glory and respecting one another and just get this damn thing done already, or at least reliable source code that can probably test much, MUCH more than the "official" server could.
This is just my 2 cents, like it or don't. It's been many years now, I think we the community should get a bigger bone.
Im sure there are rules and regs that come along with using SOE's source and title. Also i feel like your forgetting the part where this whole thing is free. Opinions and criticism definitely help keep the ball rolling but dont forget that your not have to pay for this.
you sir or madame or Fing awesome. hey guys at least two of us get it lol
He put into more extensive words what a lot of us have been saying. Its beta, its free, contribute to the devs or the community, but keep your *****ing to yourself or GTFO
04-18-2010, 08:47 PM
I log in, the game gets better and better, I will continue to log in and enjoy the updates of the sweat of other people's brows... From testers to developers to the guys who complain and get things fixed. For my part I play the game and hope my time online on the EMU is time that others find my toon(s) to be helpful and entertaining so their time is enriched. Like 99% of the community I can't code, but I can follow a code of conduct; Be gracious and courteous in the forums and in the game and try to have a bit of fun.
04-18-2010, 11:25 PM
I liked it up until the quoting of hubbard
04-18-2010, 11:37 PM
You're so bat s#!t crazy you may as well quote L Ron Hubbard if you think anything about this tortuous dev process has been genius.
I will have full on gray pubes by the time this emu is finished.
Years of donations - no finished product, only some bastardized version of swg-lite.
Cascade half decade fail.
I am actually very impressed with the progress these guys have made!!! It may not be quite the game was prior to SoE's NGE, but it is world's closer than SoE's SWG will ever be! I am having a blast playing on NOVA in its current state, and is so much more that any of us who truly miss the old game could have hoped for.
04-19-2010, 05:20 AM
If you check this you can see that the emu team has done a shed load of hard work so far this month so maybe people may think twice about saying how much effort the team is putting in :)
good job devs keep the good work going just letting you know the date is not intirely correct 03/14/10 you mean 14/03/10 14th march 2010 and for the european players they have alot of problems keepng connected to the server if the server is not fast up then its bed time almost midnight here
04-19-2010, 06:48 PM
I don't think anyone here can dispute that the wheels of progress are turning, albeit to a lot of people they seem to be turning kinda slow. Still, progress is progress and I think it best that we all take the time to acknowledge and be thankful for that. I'd be a liar if I didn't say I wasn't at least a little frustrated, it has literally been years now and I was really hoping to get back to at the very least a finished SWG base game (JTL can come later). I started following the EMU project almost 6 years ago? Has it really been 6 years? I think my son was either 1 or 2 years old when I got an in-game communication from someone in the project to come check it out. The only reason I remember at all is because my son absolutely loved Galaxies and used to often perch himself on my knee to watch me play my Jedi and Bounty Hunter toons.
So yeah, if I'm a teeny tiny bit impatient from time to time, I think as long as I can at least acknowledge the fact that they are working on it, progress is being made, and that they deserve some respect for their dedication, then yeah I can probably get away with a "whimper" or "whine" now and again I mean let's be real here, I'm 37 years old, I ain't getting any younger, and most of us older Star Wars fans (guys and gals) were waiting for a Star Wars game like the pre-CU most of our lives, so yeah we want it back NOW! lol.
Truth be told, once I originally found out there was going to be an emulator, I immediately set plans into motion to obtain a suitable server and home for that server at a local data center. Thankfully, I managed to stop myself from being too spontaneous and too overly ambitious and didn't drop the money on a box and hosting right away, not everyone however managed to stop themselves. Instead I took up my reading glasses, yes, I do have reading glasses, and I started studying C++ and doing the little homework projects in books and online courses. Even now, the code can and does sometimes overwhelm me, but at least now I know and can understand what I'm looking at, even if I don't always know associations or what certain functions that are being called do. (That's the beauty of grep or find.)
So why did I want to run my own server? Control. Yes, that's right, control. Nothing pissed me off more than how SOE let so much bull**** slide in their live servers. Offensive names, even worse offensive behavior, cheating, duping, hacking and exploiting. SOE had such a terrible turn around on tickets and complaints that by the time someone actually got caught duping, they had already badly damaged the economy and caused a major shift in inflation, it was RIDICULOUS. I wanted to relive the experience I had as a player in a roleplayer's community as well, names were decent, people stayed in character, homes were decorated and cities teemed with interaction, it was much like "the Sims" only it was in a kick ass world with a kick ass IP attached, instead of some craptastic reality based suburb.
For me at least, SWG Pre-CU was the first MMO I actually enjoyed enough to invest my time and patience into, as time progresses I find myself more and more unwilling to even try a newer MMO when it comes out, fact is SWG Pre-CU was home for me as a gamer and nothing that has come out since has been worthy of a second mention, not even World of Borecraft. I just hope that the EMU project finishes up soon, we've been waiting a long time for this project and if your older like I am, you know the clock is ticking. :P
04-21-2010, 08:56 AM
Well... I think the community would be alot better off if we didn't feel as if we're bottle necked inside.
Yeah it's open-source, but who really wants to tamper with it and set a server up if it has a 1 hour time-limit or 20 player cap?
It honestly has felt that SWGEMU is just wanting to be as professional as possible, but pissing the players off in return because they could care less about that.
I for one, have supported the emulator from the day it was mentioned years ago. But when do we stand up and say? "Alright, charade's over... go home."
It's been well over 4 years now, at least. The game would make MORE progress with people who don't want to worry about the restrictions on the source.
Why are their restrictions anyways? From "party" servers? People want to play the game and host their own servers, not be forced into one without a subscription. Or are you guys worried that someone might take the code and claim the project as their own? Perhaps ANH? Or some other unheard community?
Honestly, we need to stop worrying about glory and respecting one another and just get this damn thing done already, or at least reliable source code that can probably test much, MUCH more than the "official" server could.
This is just my 2 cents, like it or don't. It's been many years now, I think we the community should get a bigger bone.
You kno, i've been waiting for 4 years also and guess what? I don't mind getting the project done right if i have to wait ANOTHER 4 years.
I can see if this were an actual Gaming company dedicating their full staff, and spending 8 hours a day 5 days a week at it but it's not. It is 10 people, dude! & doing this on their non-working hours! omg Chillax. What do YOU do when you get home from work or school? Sit and play? What if you had to code 1000s of lines of code with your spouse ragging on you to spend time with them and the kids?
If you don't like the idea of waiting like a good little boy, then leave. If you're paranoid they will take off with the game, well, it is rightfully theirs as they've been the ones putting in the hours. No I see a product in test just like every other game, only this one isn't sponsored by a big fat paycheck and structured hours. Nor is it very supported by us, the community!
If you can't stand waiting for emu 1.0 to launch, then go to another game, or start helping them code, or report bugs, or just leave... there will certainly be no loss if you did go to a galaxy far far away.
I don't see these fellas pissing anyone off, I see spoiled brats who want their toy! No please gain some decorum before all of you reprobate minds drive them to abandon this project due to your hemming and hawing all the time. If they do updates every week, they get yelled at for doing them too much, if they do the updates once a month they get yelled at for doing them too seldom, my god people grow up, get a hobby, or at the very least suck your thumb and call mommy!
Now, I apologize for being a mean old granny however some of you need a good spanking with a dolovite iron spoon!
04-21-2010, 09:08 AM
....Like 99% of the community I can't code, but I can follow a code of conduct; Be gracious and courteous in the forums and in the game and try to have a bit of fun.
Excellent way of putting it! Kudos I couldn't agree with you more. Tomorrow my paypal monies come from my bank transfer and I be donating what I can, without question or complaint!
04-21-2010, 04:41 PM
I really wish the original emu test center was up just for comparison. Some of you remember.
No Combat
No Guilds
No Shuttles
No Working NPC's
No Classes
etc etc etc
If it where some of these "johnny come lately" who want to ***** and moan about slow progress would see the major strides that have been in the code. And Basically what you have to realize is that the OR makes up about 75% of the total work thats been done since that time. So its gonna take a little while. But once its completed progress can speed up a little.
I really dont think many of them truely understand what the OR is or even why its needed. However just look at it this way. Once its out the EMU is about 50% closer to being completed. After that its just a boat load of testing and working on implimenting the ""FEW"" remaining missing features. And bug fixing. OR + 1 year is my guestimate.
04-21-2010, 04:55 PM
I really wish the original emu test center was up just for comparison. Some of you remember.
No Combat
No Guilds
No Shuttles
No Working NPC's
No Classes
etc etc etc
If it where some of these "johnny come lately" who want to ***** and moan about slow progress would see the major strides that have been in the code. And Basically what you have to realize is that the OR makes up about 75% of the total work thats been done since that time. So its gonna take a little while. But once its completed progress can speed up a little.
I really dont think many of them truely understand what the OR is or even why its needed. However just look at it this way. Once its out the EMU is about 50% closer to being completed. After that its just a boat load of testing and working on implimenting the ""FEW"" remaining missing features. And bug fixing. OR + 1 year is my guestimate.
Indeed, patience is a virtue, as the post in my signature just said.
04-21-2010, 05:24 PM
I beta tested the original..this seems much further along and in some ways further along than at release. Thanks for all the hard work and long hours!
04-23-2010, 10:26 PM
Yes? Oh, I guess it's not a call to my address. :D
Well, you got a point there. But on the other side, anyone can anytime inform himself about the progress of the project at the devs site at
I personally prefer them rather to work on the emu than to release empty phrases on a weekly or bi-weekly base.
But nevertheless, being frustrated and unhappy isn't an excuse for the lack of manners.
I just checked out one of these assembla posts and it was just insane. I think we are extremely lucky to have a group of people who are intelligent enough to understand this stuff but who are also willing to do it in their free time simply for us to be able enjoy the final product. They could just as easily be off making good money with their talent and saying goodbye to all the idiot haters on these forums.
Thanks so much you guys for doing this for us.
04-23-2010, 11:09 PM
I just hope that the EMU project finishes up soon, we've been waiting a long time for this project and if your older like I am, you know the clock is ticking. :P
LOL I got ya beat bro, as I'm 43 years young :) Anyway I don't think we are going to die off just yet (at least I hope we don't). I'm sure we aren't too far off from the initial release. In the meantime we can continue to pass our time with paying the bills, watching our stomachs grow, etc... as long as I can play this game ad infinitum in the retirement home, I'm good.
04-23-2010, 11:09 PM
After that its just a boat load of testing and working on implimenting the ""FEW"" remaining missing features. And bug fixing. OR + 1 year is my guestimate.
I am new to the emu, and so excited that I am perfectly willing to be very patient. But let's be realistic. As Nova stands, only about 50% of the game is implemented! Saying "FEW" remaining missing features is absurd.
04-24-2010, 04:35 AM
Well that's Nova, the devs are much farther along in their current build. We just won't be seeing that build on Nova any time soon because they're not finished with the OR.
04-25-2010, 09:48 AM
Remember, before OR can even be considered for implementing into the EMU, it has to be tested by our guys in the QA department. It's not easy, so we need to be patient, hold tight, and give our support in any way possible. Being impatient is only gonna tick the devs off and take their focus off of the project.
04-28-2010, 01:15 AM
so yeah the part about racial slurs does this mean offensive names such as N****R DOG will finaly get these idots banned? I for one am tired of seeing such rampant and blatant use of that and its numerous variations every time i log in, getting to the point where i dont even want to bother anymore, and honestly all its going to take is for the wrong person to see crap like this get offended and we can say bye bye emu.
profanity filter. use it
Chelle Psyops
04-28-2010, 06:10 AM
many thank you's .. all gentlemen and scholors
05-10-2010, 03:49 AM
The new features for the OR sound awesome. Overall i say keep being awesome EMU team, you've got my respect when you do something like this and make it free... Thats like being god :P Keep up the good work!
05-10-2010, 07:04 AM
A lot of the areas on Tat have creatures whose altitude settings are too low causing them to travel and attack from under ground where they most often cannot be engaged.
05-10-2010, 01:33 PM
A lot of the areas on Tat have creatures whose altitude settings are too low causing them to travel and attack from under ground where they most often cannot be engaged.
its not just tat, but it can be dealt with. use a gun, or run back and force them to come up so you can attack. works with me, and i'm just a crafter. lol
05-10-2010, 02:28 PM
considering the amount of grief the developers and other volunteers get, im amazed they dont just close off the tc to the general public allowing only people they choose to test it who actually TEST it for the purpose of improving the final product. Think how much fast the OR would come out if if the staff didnt get dragged into IRC or the forums only to have to listen to some whiner go on a tagent about how a jedi can out damage them even though they are a master ______. I wouldnt be surprised if the idea crossed their minds, and shudder to think how close they may have come to doing just that. No one is being forced to play this TEST SERVER, there is no subscription fee, and just because a person DONATES money to it, doesnt mean they get to call the shots. So instead of whining, or going into a rage cause a jedi stole your kill why not simply choose something else to amuse yourself with? if its causing that much stress or anger for you chances are your playing the wrong game.
05-10-2010, 11:14 PM
You do realize that by complaining about other people complaining, you stoop to their level? Not only does it spark up even more controversy, it solves nothing. A person who donates feels obligated on some level to give their input, since its their money and they'd like to make sure it goes where they want it. As unlikely as the latter may be to accomplish, that psychological aspect is still there.
The way to approach the situation of someone who is whining about jedi is to say nothing, or perhaps give a lulcat roflmao and then ignore them. As for your other statement regarding people who donate don't get to call the shots, who gave you the right to tell other people what to do? It is the job of the admin/csr to decide where the line is drawn between complaining noobs and the rest of us complainers, not yours.
As for shutting down TC public beta, the devs would have to change the part in their TC summary about "even logging in helps us test" and at this point, being picky about the beta participants of a free game is a difficult move to make since it would require a whole new task of screening players and monitoring their game play even further.
05-11-2010, 05:15 PM
and YOU realise your comment is hippocritical right? i mean your complaining about me voicing MY opinion and the way im going about it....just saying.
05-11-2010, 05:53 PM
and YOU realise your comment is hippocritical right? i mean your complaining about me voicing MY opinion and the way im going about it....just saying.
Hahaha this
05-11-2010, 11:53 PM
Tell me something, in what way does my post come off as "complaining"?
I merely offered response to your cliche complaints (not that I don't agree with any of them, but I believe you're missing the point of my post). I did ask you a question in there somewhere, but that's not a complaint, rather it's a rhetorical question to ask yourself the next time you try voicing your opinion.
Here's a summary:
Responding -- The devs say even noobs should play to help test, let them complain all they want since it's just the game logs that the devs want. Tell the noobs what to do if you have a problem, don't sit there an (&*^% about it.
If you don't understand that:
The difference between my post and your post is that I didn't complain, I told you what to fix. Complaining is when you merely moan about something you don't like, with no constructive criticism; or clear reasoning for why what you don't like shouldn't exist.
Quit your complaining, because it gets us no where. Take a moment to explain to the noobs who complain that jedi is stronger that, indeed, jedi is supposed to be stronger. Or tell the people who donate that their donations are not stock shares; but not that the donors are jerks or what ever for assuming they are now stock holders.
And finally:
Learn to tell a complaint from criticism.
05-13-2010, 04:54 PM
To be clear I was complaining about the grief people in general give the developers and staff that volunteer their time, not because noobs are being noobs-i just offered examples from stuff I had just finished reading. Who am I to tell anyone what to do? no one at all, but I am as free to voice my opinion as you are to criticize it. Im sorry if in my attempt to make people think twice about griefing the volunteers on this project offended you, from what i can tell so far you seem like someone I would get along with otherwise but if what I wrote makes someone think twice about going on a rant about the people that give up their time to bring us this project than its served its purpose. Im not saying I worded my post the best possible way but im blunt. If you want to discuss this further feel free to pm me, and we can debate this further if you like to clear up anything.
05-14-2010, 03:15 PM
ugh *switches channel*
05-17-2010, 04:36 PM
Is there a time frame when houses, factories and creature handler and Bio engineer will be fixed?
05-17-2010, 05:03 PM
Is there a time frame when houses, factories and creature handler and Bio engineer will be fixed?
There is never an ETA. Best guess, sometime after the OR.
Oh, and they were never broken, a part from CH they were never really implemented, so its not the matter of fixing, its writing that entire code.
05-17-2010, 07:15 PM
Looks like all that drama from the Poll/Florida Recount killed traffic around here...
Time to say this thing is dead? Fishing minigame on assembla?
*yawn* I come back to sow some discord and it looks like I'm too late - the deed is done.
05-17-2010, 07:23 PM
Looks like all that drama from the Poll/Florida Recount killed traffic around here...
Time to say this thing is dead? Fishing minigame on assembla?
*yawn* I come back to sow some discord and it looks like I'm too late - the deed is done.
Don't you think you're being a bit over dramatic?
05-17-2010, 08:11 PM
Once the OR is complete, I'm sure popularity will fly back up. :)
05-18-2010, 07:05 AM
Long live the Emu!:p
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