View Full Version : Update 9/4
09-04-2007, 10:01 PM
Hey all!
I know it's been a while since the last update, but some cool stuff is getting done. TA has worked his balls off and got vehicles working on core 3. Here's some pictures for you all.
I forgot to mention, next Oru wants to start putting in NPCs and such. So that should be cool. Vehicles should be on TC for testing this week.
09-04-2007, 10:03 PM
First Post!
09-04-2007, 10:04 PM
second? freakin awesome speeders! now exploring tatooine wont be such a chore :D
09-04-2007, 10:04 PM
omg that is bad ass :) can't wait to see vehicles in game
pie eater
09-04-2007, 10:04 PM
sweet is it in the TC now or are u guys ganna wait abit
09-04-2007, 10:04 PM
Nice work as always.
09-04-2007, 10:05 PM
You guys ROCK!
09-04-2007, 10:08 PM
sweet is it in the TC now or are u guys ganna wait abit
I don't think its in TC yet but IDK I haven't been able to log into TC since my internet at college is fuked up.
09-04-2007, 10:15 PM
09-04-2007, 10:15 PM
Andy Oakley
09-04-2007, 10:16 PM
Sweet! :bow: We're not worthy! We're not worthy! :bow:
09-04-2007, 10:18 PM
09-04-2007, 10:19 PM
wewt. now we can explore tatooine in half the time =)
09-04-2007, 10:23 PM
09-04-2007, 10:27 PM
neat :D
09-04-2007, 10:31 PM
I splooged in my pants.
is it just me, or is this the first real update in a few months? all the others are like "we are working on... be done soon!" and no word on that ever again
09-04-2007, 10:34 PM
Kick ass!
09-04-2007, 10:41 PM
Cooool :-°
*jedihandmovementmake* You guys have to give all of us one of those so we can stress test the server with them. ;)
Now I need some NPCs to blow up my swoop :p
09-04-2007, 11:05 PM
Solid guys. good progress
09-04-2007, 11:10 PM
Awesome. We appreciate your efforts.
09-04-2007, 11:28 PM
Great stuff guys, I can't express how grateful I am for all your hard work.
09-04-2007, 11:53 PM
you guys kick ass, can not wait till we can all ride one.
09-05-2007, 12:02 AM
Nice man.
09-05-2007, 12:35 AM
um how shoudl i say this......
I ****ING LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
09-05-2007, 12:44 AM
is it just me, or is this the first real update in a few months? all the others are like "we are working on... be done soon!" and no word on that ever again
First real update?
Go hang yourself.
You have no idea how much work clustering is.
Nice! Time to get in some speeder action!
Oh that sounded so wrong, but it is so right. Ah ha! :rock:
Edit: Oh and teko, everybody likes a troll!
Go kill youself.
Evidence: figures ultyma would just laught at him.. shows how great this swgemu community is!
Game, set, match.
09-05-2007, 01:16 AM
Good work!
09-05-2007, 01:18 AM
Jocastas Wigg
09-05-2007, 01:32 AM
W00T speeder time :D nice one Devs, keep us the great work!!
09-05-2007, 01:35 AM
Awesome thank u for the update Ultyma, which i have proudly asked for last night. Much appreciated buddy!
09-05-2007, 02:39 AM
09-05-2007, 02:59 AM
I just wish I had a speeder when I visited all the POIs a few months ago.
09-05-2007, 03:36 AM
09-05-2007, 04:08 AM
Great work guys, especially TA! :)
09-05-2007, 05:20 AM
Looking absolutely fantastic!
Devs: I wub you! ;)
09-05-2007, 06:03 AM
amazing work
keep going dev :emperor:
09-05-2007, 07:49 AM
Good works guys.
You are THE team ;)
09-05-2007, 08:21 AM
I'm see many posts over at asking 'what will you be playing?'. I always say PotBS, Conan look interesting etc.. But what I'm looking forward to most is a Pre-CU SWG emulator!
09-05-2007, 08:37 AM
nice job =) thanks for the update. great to see the screenshots as well
09-05-2007, 08:38 AM
I just came!
Nice update ! :)
Never played SWG, but the PRe-cu version looks more interresting than other mmorpgs... I'm waiting for every news from swgemu since the start :)
09-05-2007, 09:32 AM
not bad, well done :)
09-05-2007, 09:48 AM
Could this be the start of some more updates soon? I wonder.
09-05-2007, 10:08 AM
Thank you for the update! I can't wait to ride around Tat rather than run :)
Revan Shan
09-05-2007, 10:08 AM
I love the landspeeder
09-05-2007, 10:14 AM
nice work guys! lovin it! keep it up :lightsaber:
09-05-2007, 10:20 AM
Nice, would really like to play that tusken campaign you planned months ago xD
09-05-2007, 10:28 AM
With every announcement we come closer to being able to play the game we all love.
Thanks for the update and all your hard work.
09-05-2007, 11:00 AM
finally, everyone needed some nice update news....
09-05-2007, 11:28 AM
Abso....looootly.....awesoooooomeeeee. *Does the rick astley dance*
09-05-2007, 11:43 AM
OMFG This is soooo awesome! We have speeders! Ironic how yesterday when I was on TC, I thought about speeders...... :D
09-05-2007, 01:26 PM
Hot Diggity Damn!!!!!
09-05-2007, 03:24 PM
great news. another step forward... i cant wait to test crafting and missions. i guess those are giant steps and wont come soon but i can wait. pre-cu will always be in my heart <3
09-05-2007, 04:15 PM
well this is really cool can't wait to get my hands on one. and it would be nice to see some jedi crap even if it was just for a little bit, as i do miss my jedi vary much
09-05-2007, 05:09 PM
w00t :) Great news, fantastic work.
09-05-2007, 06:09 PM
09-05-2007, 06:57 PM
09-05-2007, 07:39 PM
It is amazing how you can do in 2 months what it takes
SOE developement to do in half a year, with less bugs.
I guess 'servicing' the board members to keep thier jobs
takes up a lot of thier development time. :eek:
I salute you all.
Watching SWGEmu go live will be a joy.
09-05-2007, 07:50 PM
woot good job!!!:bow:
09-05-2007, 08:12 PM
Thats Fantastic! congrats and great work! :D
09-05-2007, 08:48 PM
cannot wait =)
09-05-2007, 08:50 PM
Nice to finally see vehicles coming in. Reminds me way back when they were first introduced on TestCenter. The Jawa merchants that gave you a vehicle to try out. Not to mention the storing issue which led to parking lots.
Thanks for the update and keep up the good work!
09-05-2007, 09:06 PM
You have redeemed yourselves! <3
09-05-2007, 09:52 PM
i was unaware that they were condemned in the first place ;)
09-05-2007, 09:56 PM
Dearest Devs,
Thank you so much for your hard work and effort, you are truely under appreciated!!!
Keep up the hard work....
pretty please
09-05-2007, 11:00 PM
Thanks TA fer workin ur balls off man... Hope that Oru or whoever gets done with NPCs fast ^_^ i wana kill stuff :P
09-05-2007, 11:38 PM
Another step towards the ultimate goal.
This is awesome, and I would really like to thank you guys for your hard work. :D
I cant wait till it is all finished. :)
El vado
09-06-2007, 03:08 AM
Yeah Yeah Yeah Awsome!!!!!!!!
09-06-2007, 06:05 AM
thx for the update
09-06-2007, 07:39 AM
Well, tell TA to pick his balls up and get back to work :D......Sweet on the vehicles man.
09-06-2007, 11:22 AM
We need to throw an EMUPALOOZA and treat the devs to a really good time!!
09-06-2007, 11:49 AM
wicked and thanks to all for the hard work !
09-06-2007, 02:26 PM
i think its awesome work...
just 1 question for Devs.
When you release this update, will it include all vehicles? AV-21..landspeeder...swoop etc? no offense, because you guys are doing really good work!
09-06-2007, 02:33 PM
The awsomemeter of this update is out of the scale. thanks devs!
Jocastas Wigg
09-06-2007, 02:35 PM
i think its awesome work...
just 1 question for Devs.
When you release this update, will it include all vehicles? AV-21..landspeeder...swoop etc? no offense, because you guys are doing really good work!
Yh curious, can't wait to ride ride ma' AV-21 again :D
09-06-2007, 02:38 PM
It will only be swoops when we update it. It's all we need for now, but the other stuff works the same. Just have to exchange the model CRC.
Jocastas Wigg
09-06-2007, 03:02 PM
Ahh swoops are better than nothing and it's nice to know you're doing very well and getting closer to our target. /hi5
09-06-2007, 04:28 PM
Multi-passenger vehicles FTW! :D Almost pulled off a "drive-by-save-the-Jedi" once :cool:
09-06-2007, 04:51 PM
Excellent work if I do say so myself.
First real update?
Go hang yourself.
You have no idea how much work clustering is.
:| Your a very tense person Ultyma I'd hate to be (or get) on your bad side.
Edit: Ment to throw this in here... ,but I understand your take no sh*t attitude.
Eion Elrad
09-06-2007, 05:14 PM
*head explodes*
Devs: you pwn! Thank you and keep up the incredible work!
Excellent work if I do say so myself.
:| Your a very tense person Ultyma I'd hate to be (or get) on your bad side.
Edit: Ment to throw this in here... ,but I understand your take no sh*t attitude.
Eh, you can't blame them, they spend alot of time on this stuff doing the "behind the scenes" and when they see someone say something like that kid did, even i would find that very aggrivateing, here they are working there butt off then someone has the nerve to say finaly a real update...? Although it was a little harsh, it wasn't uncalled for. so eh, i think as long as you dont act like a total idiot, you'd be fine :)
Magus Schneider
09-06-2007, 06:52 PM
my true heroes...
09-06-2007, 07:48 PM
09-06-2007, 08:13 PM
i was unaware that they were condemned in the first place ;)
Touché. D;
09-07-2007, 05:27 AM
09-07-2007, 06:21 AM
Great update, thanks dev crew.
09-07-2007, 04:08 PM
Now all we need to do is have races where we bet our souls:emperor:
09-07-2007, 04:10 PM
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I love you guys. Thanks for the update. Time to fire the EMU up again!
09-07-2007, 04:13 PM
Swoop racing!
09-07-2007, 04:18 PM
is it just me, or is this the first real update in a few months? all the others are like "we are working on... be done soon!" and no word on that ever again
09-07-2007, 04:41 PM
Looking good, cant wait to test.
09-08-2007, 06:13 AM
Mmm... Creatures...
09-08-2007, 07:34 AM
zomg UBAR
09-08-2007, 08:01 AM
Now all we need to do is have races where we bet our souls:emperor:
Selling OTHER peoples souls to the devil ftw!
09-08-2007, 10:06 AM
Awesome! Good to see a update!
Is TA a god among men? Is he even human?
Him and all of you other devs cease to amaze me :)
/end brownnose ;)
09-08-2007, 11:32 AM
Is TA a god among men? Is he even human?
Him and all of you other devs cease to amaze me :)
/end brownnose ;)
He meant never cease to amaze him...
no charge.
09-08-2007, 10:02 PM
He meant never cease to amaze him...
no charge.
Lol " Rhodizzle: The defender of the non english speaking world, bless you :D:D
09-09-2007, 12:09 AM
Very good!:lightsaber:
09-09-2007, 06:43 AM
Wow, that's ****ing amazing, nice one :D
09-09-2007, 12:32 PM
Keep up the good work :)
09-09-2007, 01:12 PM
Can't wait.
09-09-2007, 04:37 PM
Speeders now for us in TC! Go open your datapad and jump in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
This is great news after being out of town for a couple of weeks. Way to go devs. I'm glad to see exciting updates like this now that the necessary clustering work is far enough along.
OMG 110 POST IM SO COOL!!! WOOHOOO! anyways... awesome job on the vehicles! now we can be tourists in style! can't wait to get my vette back.
09-10-2007, 05:08 AM
09-10-2007, 05:58 AM
whaou awsome )
next step.. the BARC :)))) and multiplayer vehicule...
09-10-2007, 04:04 PM
09-11-2007, 08:50 AM
Good Stuff!!!
09-11-2007, 09:11 AM
sorry, kid- no BARC, that was CU. and multiperson vehicles might not be possible either.
09-11-2007, 10:19 AM
Great googily Moogily, Vehicles are finally here. This is a good sign indeed.
Awesome work guys, keep it up.
09-11-2007, 10:28 AM
indeed. things are moving forward.
09-11-2007, 10:59 AM
Dont care that much for veichles xD
Finish all the crafting professions! Now! Schnell! :emperor: :D
09-11-2007, 11:37 AM
Great googily Moogily, Vehicles are finally here. This is a good sign indeed.
Awesome work guys, keep it up.
Holy purple underpants batman!:D
09-11-2007, 03:15 PM
Dont care that much for veichles xD
Finish all the crafting professions! Now! Schnell! :emperor: :D*Persuade* Crafting?! You don't need crafting..*Persuade*
How can you craft if you don't have any hides to loot?
09-11-2007, 03:21 PM
This is amazing that I hopefully soon can Play SWG again...
Best game ever before the bad update.
09-11-2007, 04:43 PM
This is amazing that I hopefully soon can Play SWG again...
Best game ever before the bad update.
Itz Coming
09-11-2007, 06:08 PM
Good job guys!!!
09-12-2007, 08:31 AM
Well just sampling, that would be great. God imagine if I could run a sampling macro. Just hearing those lovely resources flowing into my inventory.
Like wiping my ass with silk.
09-12-2007, 08:45 AM
We need some animals and NPC's to hunt...
09-12-2007, 09:51 AM
We need some animals and NPC's to hunt...
09-12-2007, 09:56 AM
Well just sampling, that would be great. God imagine if I could run a sampling macro. Just hearing those lovely resources flowing into my inventory.
Like wiping my ass with silk.
I thought that was what it was like to swear in French... ;)
Anyway, I gotta say I rode in an AV-21 for the first time in a verrrry long time. It was quite nice. I'm looking forward to many more aspects of the ol' SWG we know and love, including the crafting! :)
09-12-2007, 01:22 PM
Aye it was nice to ride in an AV-21
mine (pre-cu) had an accident envolving a night sister ¬_¬
Cool. The day when I can finally resurrect my CH draws ever closer. Well done to all on the dev team.
09-12-2007, 03:05 PM
Nice one!
Thank you.
09-12-2007, 04:39 PM
*Persuade* Crafting?! You don't need crafting..*Persuade*
How can you craft if you don't have any hides to loot?
Quote Watto: "You think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that?">_<
09-13-2007, 01:53 AM
First Post!
That whole "First" thing just never gets old, does it?
Wait, yes it does. It did about 5 years ago.
For some reason internet jokes like that, "leet speak", and many others have an amazing longevity to them.
Anyway, awesome update. Please keep up all the hard work!:lightsaber:
09-13-2007, 08:46 AM
can any1 comfirm that the vehicles dont support 2 players ? i tried with x31 x34 and av21 and we were in group but couldnt sit 2 persons in those vehicles.
09-13-2007, 11:16 AM
can any1 comfirm that the vehicles dont support 2 players ? i tried with x31 x34 and av21 and we were in group but couldnt sit 2 persons in those vehicles.
Probably not just yet.
Edit: vvvvvvv That would do it alright :) vvvvvvvv
09-13-2007, 11:45 AM
I'll give you guys a clue, SWGEmu is striving for a fully functional Pre-CU server. Publish 15 is the CU, Publish 17 introduced multipassenger vehicles.
09-13-2007, 12:31 PM
You know what I'm really interested in is when holo emotes will be ready.
I just love seeing pink holo kitten things over peoples heads. I really hope this type of feature is top of the priority list!!.
09-13-2007, 01:09 PM
You know what I'm really interested in is when holo emotes will be ready.
I just love seeing pink holo kitten things over peoples heads. I really hope this type of feature is top of the priority list!!.
09-14-2007, 07:53 AM
You know what I'm really interested in is when holo emotes will be ready.
I just love seeing pink holo kitten things over peoples heads. I really hope this type of feature is top of the priority list!!.1) Grouping 2) Stims 3) Healing other players 4) Missions 5) Guilds 6) Player housing (w/ item placement) 7) Bazaar 8) Travel (interplanetery & shuttles) 9) Vehicles & mounts 10) Buffs (doctor, entertainer, and/or food & drink)
09-14-2007, 08:13 AM
1) Grouping 2) Stims 3) Healing other players 4) Missions 5) Guilds 6) Player housing (w/ item placement) 7) Bazaar 8) Travel (interplanetery & shuttles) 9) Vehicles & mounts 10) Buffs (doctor, entertainer, and/or food & drink)
I do hope you know I was being desperately ironic. Otherwise I feel for you I really do.
09-14-2007, 10:56 AM
1) Grouping 2) Stims 3) Healing other players 4) Missions 5) Guilds 6) Player housing (w/ item placement) 7) Bazaar 8) Travel (interplanetery & shuttles) 9) Vehicles & mounts 10) Buffs (doctor, entertainer, and/or food & drink)
...and... 11) A sense of humor
09-16-2007, 11:45 PM
Great update. Now I can start planning races across the planet. and when the server really starts up, host 500K- 2mil credit race pots.
09-17-2007, 06:46 PM
Nice job on the vehicles.
+1 on the "one step closer to having my Creature Handler back."
09-19-2007, 01:41 PM
on the priority list i hope these 3 get done first:
Space Flight
09-19-2007, 05:32 PM
on the priority list i hope these 3 get done first:
Space Flight
I dunno if you could get Exp gain on skills, NPCs on one planet and crafting, you could basically start.
Everything else such as space flight, buildings (Even harvesters), macros, badges, missions, PVP, full chat, consent, travel, guilds, the bazzar, GCW etc etc is basically add ons. As soon as you can gain exp and make better weapons you are on your way.
Personally I'd happily play a cut down version with 4 or 5 proffs working and one planet and see features added over time.
But then I'm a complete junkie and need a fix. If there is an exp box i need to make it grow. If there is a number I need it to go higher.
I doubt anything we write will have any effect on the priorities anyway as the technical stuff is so far beyond my comprehension I'm just pleased to see progress.
09-20-2007, 09:09 AM
I dunno if you could get Exp gain on skillsThey said that exp is on long time ago, it's there, just not in
*invisible exp ftw!*
09-20-2007, 10:24 AM
Awesome update, much better whizzing around in vehicles, had great fun over the past few days..
09-20-2007, 11:02 AM
You know I think I would actually be happy if the exp worked and there was nothing you could do with it lol. Just that you saw it going up and up.
I'd imagine getting the right exp for each combat and within groups is quite difficult.
09-20-2007, 03:41 PM
Grat new progress!!:emperor:
09-21-2007, 04:38 PM
Thank you for the update. Keep up the great work!
May the force be with you all!
09-21-2007, 04:56 PM
1 step closer
09-21-2007, 08:21 PM
ugh, i miss the beautiful sounds of a blown swoop in starports. *tear*
09-23-2007, 01:16 PM
on the priority list i hope these 3 get done first:
Space Flight
Have to agree on that, but switch places with Crafting and space flight :p
09-24-2007, 10:05 PM
Awesome, nice work guys!
09-26-2007, 02:06 PM
First real update?
Go hang yourself.
You have no idea how much work clustering is.
*Cracks Whip* PWNT!!!
I would probably shoot myself if I didn't have the prospect of degrading my life with time consuming video games that have no redeeming value other than countless hours of pwnage by yours truly. I love you guys. :bow:
10-01-2007, 01:50 PM
Just joined the forums and this is the first thing I see!!!!!
You guys are amazing! Thank you for all of this
10-03-2007, 06:22 PM
an entire month with no update...If its a lot of testing thats been going on and not a lot of actual "content" updates, then just even say that. Doesnt have to be a bunch of eye candy. I know i dont only speak for myself when I say "updates more often would be a good thing"
Unless im completely overlooking something and missed it, the last update on the site was a month ago, and the one before that was a half a month+ i believe. we've only had like 2 updates in 1.5-2months.
Whats goin on
an entire month with no update...If its a lot of testing thats been going on and not a lot of actual "content" updates, then just even say that. Doesnt have to be a bunch of eye candy. I know i dont only speak for myself when I say "updates more often would be a good thing"
Unless im completely overlooking something and missed it, the last update on the site was a month ago, and the one before that was a half a month+ i believe. we've only had like 2 updates in 1.5-2months.
Whats goin on
Possibly there trying to make a quality bug-free game unlike what SOE has failed to do? :| I dont see how people can get so impatient about this project, for a while it looked like we wouldn't have Pre-CU back forever, so just be patient and try not to tick off the devs. 'Cause thats one way to do it
10-03-2007, 07:06 PM
We have had NPC's added to the server which is a pretty big update but it didnt get a separate thread. Hopefully since a month has passed since this thread started we will get another one soon.
an entire month with no update...If its a lot of testing thats been going on and not a lot of actual "content" updates, then just even say that. Doesnt have to be a bunch of eye candy. I know i dont only speak for myself when I say "updates more often would be a good thing"
Unless im completely overlooking something and missed it, the last update on the site was a month ago, and the one before that was a half a month+ i believe. we've only had like 2 updates in 1.5-2months.
Whats goin on
We've been getting updates to the Project Status thread every month. Many of those things have been added to the public test server. This project has been going on for a few years now. And it's been moving visibly forward since the public test server came online. I know that you're not trying to come across harsh about it. But watch and wait with the majority of the community.
In the past three weeks we have gained speeders and individual animals are spawned all over the place on tat now. Things are changing at a steady pace. And if your comments are taken as complaints it is only going to make the people who are actually doing the work get irritated and discouraged. Then they'll get busy playing another game, where they can kill something or someone, instead of working on the emu. Then you'll be waiting even longer.
10-03-2007, 07:29 PM
Possibly there trying to make a quality bug-free game unlike what SOE has failed to do? :| I dont see how people can get so impatient about this project, for a while it looked like we wouldn't have Pre-CU back forever, so just be patient and try not to tick off the devs. 'Cause thats one way to do it
did you even read my post? you are clearly new here, so please dont respond with a reply that has absolutely nothing to do with what i posted about. A few months back there was a big concern with majority of the community members requesting updates more often and the Devs were kind enough to agree with the idea. Who is impatient? Again read my post, it has to do with updates and letting the people know whats going on. Welcome new kid. read the faq or something.
We've been getting updates to the Project Status thread every month. Many of those things have been added to the public test server. This project has been going on for a few years now. And it's been moving visibly forward since the public test server came online. I know that you're not trying to come across harsh about it. But watch and wait with the majority of the community.
In the past three weeks we have gained speeders and individual animals are spawned all over the place on tat now. Things are changing at a steady pace. And if your comments are taken as complaints it is only going to make the people who are actually doing the work get irritated and discouraged. Then they'll get busy playing another game, where they can kill something or someone, instead of working on the emu. Then you'll be waiting even longer.
And you mr. Dec 2006, do you visit the forum once every 3 months? Because every active member knows about the discussion that happened last spring. Nobody is complaining, they said they were going to release updates a lot more often, and they were doing a fabulous job, now its back to once a month +. Its a request and question as to why it stopped. So if you dont remember that discussion you might as well just not even reply here
there is no need to be offensive like that
anyways we are going to post some updates soon but if you weren't lazy enough to log into the TC you might know whats going on. we are busy with work and school so it's hard to find even time to just implementing the features..
did you even read my post? you are clearly new here, so please dont respond with a reply that has absolutely nothing to do with what i posted about. A few months back there was a big concern with majority of the community members requesting updates more often and the Devs were kind enough to agree with the idea. Who is impatient? Again read my post, it has to do with updates and letting the people know whats going on. Welcome new kid. read the faq or something.
And you mr. Dec 2006, do you visit the forum once every 3 months? Because every active member knows about the discussion that happened last spring. Nobody is complaining, they said they were going to release updates a lot more often, and they were doing a fabulous job, now its back to once a month +. Its a request and question as to why it stopped. So if you dont remember that discussion you might as well just not even reply here
Lets walk through this.
Devs agreed to post more frequent progress updates, top 10, etc.
Devs do this for a awhile.
Devs stop...
What major thing has happened in the last few months that has consumed a vast majority of the devs time... one that Ultyma hinted at...hrmmm, hrmmm, thinking, thinking, maybe its...CLUSTERING!
The devs probably weren't thinking that clustering was going to be such a long matter, hence why they didn't mention that they were stopping the frequent updates schedule. Since clustering must be completed to a point to where features are put in you are seeing/have seen that apparent "dry spell" of content updates. They have apparently come back to content with vehicles and static npc spawns.
But in any case can't you possibly fathom that these guys are a little busy now? That maybe they have lives outside of the server they are coding for you? In addition, school has started up and, as such, there is a serious time crunch happening for some (all?) of the devs right now.
Seriously, with a 1,000+ posts you would think you would've gotten that hint by now.
Now wait like the rest of us.
10-04-2007, 10:42 AM
there is no need to be offensive like that
anyways we are going to post some updates soon but if you weren't lazy enough to log into the TC you might know whats going on. we are busy with work and school so it's hard to find even time to just implementing the features..
Of course there isnt, there is also no need for people to give me page long responses getting offended when I simply referred back to the statement of more updates. But lazy enough to log on TC? Thats a pretty big assumption for the many people who dont go on it. Some people might be just as busy as you, if not busier. Nobody said you have all the time in the world and everyone here understands that, we ALL know this project takes an ass ton of time.
Lets walk through this.
Devs agreed to post more frequent progress updates, top 10, etc.
Devs do this for a awhile.
Devs stop...
What major thing has happened in the last few months that has consumed a vast majority of the devs time... one that Ultyma hinted at...hrmmm, hrmmm, thinking, thinking, maybe its...CLUSTERING!
The devs probably weren't thinking that clustering was going to be such a long matter, hence why they didn't mention that they were stopping the frequent updates schedule. Since clustering must be completed to a point to where features are put in you are seeing/have seen that apparent "dry spell" of content updates. They have apparently come back to content with vehicles and static npc spawns.
But in any case can't you possibly fathom that these guys are a little busy now? That maybe they have lives outside of the server they are coding for you? In addition, school has started up and, as such, there is a serious time crunch happening for some (all?) of the devs right now.
Seriously, with a 1,000+ posts you would think you would've gotten that hint by now.
Now wait like the rest of us.
Who isnt waiting? Again you are just like every other idiot who can't comprehend a simple post and you still get offended like I stole your lunch money.
They are a little busy? o WOW I HAD NO IDEA, i thought this project was really easy to create. thanks for that
Clustering? Oh wow I had no idea yet again! thanks bud.
It takes all but 20seconds to make a forum post. Its been discussed again and again and again. Im not trying to call anyone out on being lazy or not hard working. But saying anyone is too busy to make a forum post is just idiotic. It was said updates were going to happen a lot more frequently, and it stopped for some reason. What an ass I am to wondering why it suddenly stopped.
All anyone asked for was updates a little more frequently. Im just the only one who has said anything about it because other ppl dont want to step on anyones toes. You can get offended as much as you like, i really dont care.
10-04-2007, 11:32 AM
Well looking around the forums I see this from Sesame
...Later this week I will change them to yellow cons and make it so some spawn from lairs and such.
Sounds like a pretty good imminent update to me.
Of course there isnt, there is also no need for people to give me page long responses getting offended when I simply referred back to the statement of more updates. But lazy enough to log on TC? Thats a pretty big assumption for the many people who dont go on it. Some people might be just as busy as you, if not busier. Nobody said you have all the time in the world and everyone here understands that, we ALL know this project takes an ass ton of time.
Who isnt waiting? Again you are just like every other idiot who can't comprehend a simple post and you still get offended like I stole your lunch money.
They are a little busy? o WOW I HAD NO IDEA, i thought this project was really easy to create. thanks for that
Clustering? Oh wow I had no idea yet again! thanks bud.
It takes all but 20seconds to make a forum post. Its been discussed again and again and again. Im not trying to call anyone out on being lazy or not hard working. But saying anyone is too busy to make a forum post is just idiotic. It was said updates were going to happen a lot more frequently, and it stopped for some reason. What an ass I am to wondering why it suddenly stopped.
All anyone asked for was updates a little more frequently. Im just the only one who has said anything about it because other ppl dont want to step on anyones toes. You can get offended as much as you like, i really dont care.
If you got the time to ask on the forums, why dont you have the time to get on TC instead? am i missing something? because it seems if you just replaced your forum time by looking at TC instead, you would have time to look at it, yes? I dont mean to upset you, but its just not adding up.
10-04-2007, 04:32 PM
[QUOTE=IG-EightyEight;115769All anyone asked for was updates a little more frequently. Im just the only one who has said anything about it because other ppl dont want to step on anyones toes. [/QUOTE]
I wasnt here for the time before when updates were added so frequently but ever since I found this emu and told my friends we usually log on here at least every 2 days and out of all those days one time have I seen a "posted" update, some people dont like to test, like IG for instance, he has that right and hes makeing a simple request for people to post what got updated... if not here then maybe at the #updates channel which hasnt been used since june... I dont see why some people feel ofended? :?
I especially dont see why anyone who isnt a dev told him off seeing that they have nothng to do with the administration and development of the emu? Im one of those people who was wondering why there werent updates being posted here but as he said i didnt want to push anything (step on toes) since im fairly new around here and dont know at which pace this goes forward
If you got the time to ask on the forums, why dont you have the time to get on TC instead? am i missing something? because it seems if you just replaced your forum time by looking at TC instead, you would have time to look at it, yes? I dont mean to upset you, but its just not adding up.
True to IG +IG if u got over 1000 posts use your time more wisely in the TC not in forums
10-04-2007, 06:29 PM
True to IG +IG if u got over 1000 posts use your time more wisely in the TC not in forums
because I can post on the Emu forums when im at work or working in the computer lab, and at my pc at my place.
I definitely could log onto the TC when im at home, i choose not to because there really wouldnt be much I would do on there, I dont even have the Emu installed currently because I had a bunch of issues with it a while back and I never bothered to fix it.
My post count has absolutely nothing to do with spending time, a post takes 15 seconds to make.
And why should anyone who just wants updates be required to use the TC? if thats how the devs want it, by all means its their choice and I wouldnt make a fuss.
But when updates are said to be coming a lot more frequently (this was back when updates sometimes were like 2-3 weeks apart), I can ask why its not happening or whats going on. A lot of players greatly look forward to mainsite updates, no matter how insignificant the update may be.
Im not angry or pissed off, im simply curious about the status of the game and anxious like every other player. All the devs have to say is "we are going back to once a month updates" and thats my answer. I dont need a bunch of teenagers to tell me that "THEY ARE WORKING ON IT. CANT U RESPECT ITS THEIR FREE TIME AND OWN HARD WORK." We all know this.
You all get so offended that I have a hard time taking you seriously. It is a simple question.
And if this doesnt add up to you, then I honestly dont know what to say other than you have some comprehension issues beyond anything here, and you probably need some personal help. But then again perhaps its wise not to give advice on things you know nothing about.
10-04-2007, 07:32 PM
I agree.
I don't log in to the TC for very long. It's full of sploiters, and isn't very balanced. TKA ftw. Heal ftw. Vader ftw.
I'd like to just see some news, just a sentence or something.
But, what'd I'd like is for the devs to just work, the way they want. Updates come, eventually.
10-04-2007, 09:39 PM
Same old ****. No one gets it. This isn't a professionally run forum, server, or project. It's some dudes doing it for fun for free. Stop making it not fun or they might quit.
If the community wants more updates, someone needs to log in every day, stay in IRC, and maybe have access to admin forums. That person can keep everyone updated.
If Seas or PL don't have time, maybe one of the people logging in here 18 times a day can step up and do it. They're the ones complaining anyway.
Problem solved.
10-04-2007, 10:15 PM
because I can post on the Emu forums when im at work or working in the computer lab, and at my pc at my place.
I definitely could log onto the TC when im at home, i choose not to because there really wouldnt be much I would do on there, I dont even have the Emu installed currently because I had a bunch of issues with it a while back and I never bothered to fix it.
My post count has absolutely nothing to do with spending time, a post takes 15 seconds to make.
And why should anyone who just wants updates be required to use the TC? if thats how the devs want it, by all means its their choice and I wouldnt make a fuss.
But when updates are said to be coming a lot more frequently (this was back when updates sometimes were like 2-3 weeks apart), I can ask why its not happening or whats going on. A lot of players greatly look forward to mainsite updates, no matter how insignificant the update may be.
Im not angry or pissed off, im simply curious about the status of the game and anxious like every other player. All the devs have to say is "we are going back to once a month updates" and thats my answer. I dont need a bunch of teenagers to tell me that "THEY ARE WORKING ON IT. CANT U RESPECT ITS THEIR FREE TIME AND OWN HARD WORK." We all know this.
You all get so offended that I have a hard time taking you seriously. It is a simple question.
And if this doesnt add up to you, then I honestly dont know what to say other than you have some comprehension issues beyond anything here, and you probably need some personal help. But then again perhaps its wise not to give advice on things you know nothing about.
Seriously like why cant you just gtfo? If you were just curious you would state that, but you put it in a rude manor... Every single post. Honestly, if you have nothing good to say, just stfu.
10-04-2007, 10:27 PM
Same old ****. No one gets it. This isn't a professionally run forum, server, or project. It's some dudes doing it for fun for free. Stop making it not fun or they might quit.
If the community wants more updates, someone needs to log in every day, stay in IRC, and maybe have access to admin forums. That person can keep everyone updated.
If Seas or PL don't have time, maybe one of the people logging in here 18 times a day can step up and do it. They're the ones complaining anyway.
Problem solved.
LOL making it not fun? So after they stated they would release updates a lot more often and we have gotten 2 in 2 months, I simply ask whats going making this project not fun and they might quit......ya ok Chief.
The people who actually DO the updates in game can take the 30seconds and write out 2 sentences on what has been goin on. (like they've always done)
your idiocy on this subject is actually suprising, you do realize what you suggested is a lot more of a hassle than the people running the show taking 30seconds do type it out?
get real idiot.
Seriously like why cant you just gtfo? If you were just curious you would state that, but you put it in a rude manor... Every single post. Honestly, if you have nothing good to say, just stfu.
Did you not read my ****ing post? Put it in a rude manor? ya thats subjective, if you got offended by it thats not my fault. Nothing good to say? wtf are u talking about, stop rambling about stupid bull**** that make no sense and doesnt even belong in this thread. THOUSANDS of ppl here wait for updates, i decided to ask on it because I was wondering why we arent getting updates like we were before.
stop pushing out bull**** excuses like "THIS IS DONE ON FREE TIME, THEY ARE BUSY BLAH BLAH BLAH" we all know this AND APPRECIATE IT. THEY SAID they would be making updates a lot more often, so I asked, stop ****ing crying about it. You take it like its a personal insult to your religion, stop taking offense to things that dont have anything to do with you, I give the devs as much respect as anyone here and appreciate just as much if not more than most everyone here. Asking about whats going on with updates is perfectly fine. I dont start getting rude until morons stick their nose into business that doesnt involve them and getting rude.
Again, this isnt a piss n moan thread to the devs themselves, people here are apparently a little slow with understanding and reading posts.
So if you want to reply with a ***** n moan to me about something or other about waiting and being patient, either dont bother, or send it in a PM so I can ignore it, either way I dont care, but stop giving me **** about asking a question that many ppl have wanted to ask.
10-05-2007, 01:11 AM
Easy cuz. You're gonna burst a blood vessel.
you do realize what you suggested is a lot more of a hassle than the people running the show taking 30seconds do type it out?
Not necessarily. A community member that's motivated to do it might be a better option. Maybe they're busy, maybe they just don't care. Either way someone that's motivated with free time might be a better choice.
Why does this suggestion make me an idiot?
LOL making it not fun? So after they stated they would release updates a lot more often and we have gotten 2 in 2 months, I simply ask whats going making this project not fun and they might quit......ya ok Chief.
Sorry I should have put in a disclaimer. That part wasn't singling you out. It was a general comment to the thousands of posts criticizing, complaining, whining, flaming, demanding, and destroying swgemu. Didn't mean to hit a nerve there with you.
10-05-2007, 01:24 AM
Why does this suggestion make me an idiot?
Same old ****. No one gets it. This isn't a professionally run forum, server, or project. It's some dudes doing it for fun for free. Stop making it not fun or they might quit.
1) You suggested I dont get it, when I have been following this project since very close to the start. I very clearly get it. you suggested im making it "not fun"..i really dont even understand how that even makes sense. Apparently asking what happened to updates makes coding "not fun"
If the community wants more updates, someone needs to log in every day, stay in IRC, and maybe have access to admin forums. That person can keep everyone updated.
2) no they dont, a dev or someone in charge or on the team who works on this and has more connections will more than likely have easier access, more often.
If Seas or PL don't have time, maybe one of the people logging in here 18 times a day can step up and do it. They're the ones complaining anyway.
3) Don't have time? They are mods for a gigantic Emu project. Not to say they don't have lives, but lets be honest, I dont think anyone who is involved with the Emu (mod, dev, fanboi) is too busy to take 30seconds every week or 2 to post an update on the site. You act as if posting an update takes a lot of free time
30 seconds buddy.
I honestly don't understand what you are trying to argue, unless you are just arguing to argue. Why would you need a special person to sit in IRC all day to gather info when a dev who knows whats going on first hand can take 30 seconds to post something.
You dont have to worry about hitting a nerve, If you know me (which you probably do seeing as i post a lot), you would know that I in general enjoy a good arguement, just most of them involve me vs someone with not a clue on whats going on.
You guys have just been defending something that doesnt even affect or involve you, yet ppl feel insulted.
10-05-2007, 01:26 AM
Stop flaming. Now.
If the community wants more updates, someone needs to log in every day, stay in IRC, and maybe have access to admin forums. That person can keep everyone updated.
The devs don't turn features out that fast. We wish that they would, but it's not possible.
When we have new features, we usually do a good job of letting the community know as soon as we've got it to a notable point. Take speeders. This isn't exactly a huge update (compared to combat), but we still let you all know that it's there. Another person reporting stuff would be overkill; we've got many team members who are capable of, and routinely do, post updates like this.
10-05-2007, 02:39 AM
Same old ****. No one gets it. This isn't a professionally run forum, server, or project. It's some dudes doing it for fun for free. Stop making it not fun or they might quit.
1) You suggested I dont get it, when I have been following this project since very close to the start. I very clearly get it. you suggested im making it "not fun"..i really dont even understand how that even makes sense. Apparently asking what happened to updates makes coding "not fun"
If the community wants more updates, someone needs to log in every day, stay in IRC, and maybe have access to admin forums. That person can keep everyone updated.
2) no they dont, a dev or someone in charge or on the team who works on this and has more connections will more than likely have easier access, more often.
If Seas or PL don't have time, maybe one of the people logging in here 18 times a day can step up and do it. They're the ones complaining anyway.
3) Don't have time? They are mods for a gigantic Emu project. Not to say they don't have lives, but lets be honest, I dont think anyone who is involved with the Emu (mod, dev, fanboi) is too busy to take 30seconds every week or 2 to post an update on the site. You act as if posting an update takes a lot of free time
30 seconds buddy.
I honestly don't understand what you are trying to argue, unless you are just arguing to argue. Why would you need a special person to sit in IRC all day to gather info when a dev who knows whats going on first hand can take 30 seconds to post something.
You dont have to worry about hitting a nerve, If you know me (which you probably do seeing as i post a lot), you would know that I in general enjoy a good arguement, just most of them involve me vs someone with not a clue on whats going on.
You guys have just been defending something that doesnt even affect or involve you, yet ppl feel insulted.
Alright, I'm gonna stop right after this, i just wanna make one thing strait.
Isn't it possible that they really don't have anything to update?(example) Maybe they've just been working on clustering for a (what seems to you) extreme amount of time. We all would like updates... I in fact would, but if the update is just "Yeah, we've gotten more production on clustering."... I'm pretty sure that didn't really get you excited much at all.
You obviously have the patience of a juvenile. Just sit down and wait for an update, and just because they said that they would post more updates, doesn't make them inclined to do so. I'm sure if more arguments like this go on a lot further, they might stop posting updates at all, because of lack of faith in the community. They know that everyone wants updates, they have a reason for doing so. You do not have to keep repeating your question in more post.
Like many other people state "It will be done, when its done", follow that, i suggest not going on the forum as much to keep from expecting more. Thats what i have done and it works well. Just be thankful that they are even doing this in the first place. :emperor::emperor:UNGREATFUL SOUL!:lightsaber::lightsaber:
Perhaps this should be locked. /signout for a week.
10-05-2007, 05:30 AM
No point anymore IG, you're incredibly stubborn. If you really have any interest in my point of view I'll pm you.
10-05-2007, 05:39 AM
Stop flaming. Now.
The devs don't turn features out that fast. We wish that they would, but it's not possible.
When we have new features, we usually do a good job of letting the community know as soon as we've got it to a notable point. Take speeders. This isn't exactly a huge update (compared to combat), but we still let you all know that it's there. Another person reporting stuff would be overkill; we've got many team members who are capable of, and routinely do, post updates like this.
I get it. I'm not trying to secure more updates. People asking for them obviously need someone to take up their frustrations with, so I was suggesting that one of the people asking take up the job. Log in 10 hours a day, play the TC, troll the IRC, and come back here and report for all of us what was learned.
Most of us don't question why this and why not that. But those people that do can have someone to rant to. Appoint someone. I nominate IG, he's perfect for the job.
(oops meant to cut and paste this. dblpstftw)
10-05-2007, 10:31 AM
Alright, I'm gonna stop right after this, i just wanna make one thing strait.
Isn't it possible that they really don't have anything to update?(example) Maybe they've just been working on clustering for a (what seems to you) extreme amount of time. We all would like updates... I in fact would, but if the update is just "Yeah, we've gotten more production on clustering."... I'm pretty sure that didn't really get you excited much at all.
You obviously have the patience of a juvenile. Just sit down and wait for an update, and just because they said that they would post more updates, doesn't make them inclined to do so. I'm sure if more arguments like this go on a lot further, they might stop posting updates at all, because of lack of faith in the community. They know that everyone wants updates, they have a reason for doing so. You do not have to keep repeating your question in more post.
Like many other people state "It will be done, when its done", follow that, i suggest not going on the forum as much to keep from expecting more. Thats what i have done and it works well. Just be thankful that they are even doing this in the first place. :emperor::emperor:UNGREATFUL SOUL!:lightsaber::lightsaber:
Perhaps this should be locked. /signout for a week.
*sigh* what dont you understand? Im gonna seriously try to not insult you here but you are making it really hard.
I KNOW it will be done when its done. Why are you even typing this? I never asked when is it going to be done. Failure 1 on your post.
Lack of faith in the community? Patience of a Juvenile? Its really almost laughable, everybody here has shown faith in the team and thanks them for it as often as they can, including myself. My patience has absolutely nothing at all to do with this. Start reading my posts, I already stated that If they dont want to give website updates, thats perfectly fine and their choice, if they say they are gonna do them and a lot more often, I can ask whats going on when they arent. its really simple, not rocket science buddy.
Maybe a small update doesnt matter to you, and thats perfectly fine, but there are a lot of people...and I mean a real lot of people , who have stated here many times that they just like to hear whats going on, even if its really minor and we wouldnt even understand it, we like to hear about it.
In another thread a mod or dev already said they were primarily finished with clustering, working on lairs, and implimenting something for weapons....that might be minor but its some cool news and just new stuff that we didnt know before.
Take 30 seconds and post that on the main page and that will have a lot of people excited.
Your post really lacks any general point to what I have posted, its basically just another randomly generated "I defend the Emu, its done when its done" posts and lacks any point.
If you are going to reply and/or somehow disagree with me, just PM, or atleast make a semi intelligent response to me so It actually makes sense.
thank you
EDIT: PL already posted something a few posts up, basically backing what I had said, its not necessary to have a middle man in reporting project news.
Andy Oakley
10-05-2007, 10:48 AM
*sigh* what dont you understand? Im gonna seriously try to not insult you here but you are making it really hard.
I KNOW it will be done when its done. Why are you even typing this? I never asked when is it going to be done. Failure 1 on your post.
Lack of faith in the community? Patience of a Juvenile? Its really almost laughable, everybody here has shown faith in the team and thanks them for it as often as they can, including myself. My patience has absolutely nothing at all to do with this. Start reading my posts, I already stated that If they dont want to give website updates, thats perfectly fine and their choice, if they say they are gonna do them and a lot more often, I can ask whats going on when they arent. its really simple, not rocket science buddy.
Maybe a small update doesnt matter to you, and thats perfectly fine, but there are a lot of people...and I mean a real lot of people , who have stated here many times that they just like to hear whats going on, even if its really minor and we wouldnt even understand it, we like to hear about it.
In another thread a mod or dev already said they were primarily finished with clustering, working on lairs, and implimenting something for weapons....that might be minor but its some cool news and just new stuff that we didnt know before.
Take 30 seconds and post that on the main page and that will have a lot of people excited.
Your post really lacks any general point to what I have posted, its basically just another randomly generated "I defend the Emu, its done when its done" posts and lacks any point.
If you are going to reply and/or somehow disagree with me, just PM, or atleast make a semi intelligent response to me so It actually makes sense.
thank you
EDIT: PL already posted something a few posts up, basically backing what I had said, its not necessary to have a middle man in reporting project news.
1. Try reading the posts in this forum. The players HAVE been noting the updates that have been going on in the TC. If you had just taken the time, 30 seconds TOPS, to read those posts, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
2. If there was a time where the devs weren't putting out updates very often and you survived through it, then why are you griping when they decide to update more often? I haven't even been on the TC for months now and I know exactly what's going on. Once again, the other people who actually take the time to go on the TC will very likely post in the updates forum about the new stuff they find there. The devs don't have to do it all themselves. It's not like they are obligated to tell you every minute and excrutiating detail through the development of the update. Just read the freaking posts in the updates forum.
10-05-2007, 11:25 AM
1. Try reading the posts in this forum. The players HAVE been noting the updates that have been going on in the TC. If you had just taken the time, 30 seconds TOPS, to read those posts, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
2. If there was a time where the devs weren't putting out updates very often and you survived through it, then why are you griping when they decide to update more often? I haven't even been on the TC for months now and I know exactly what's going on. Once again, the other people who actually take the time to go on the TC will very likely post in the updates forum about the new stuff they find there. The devs don't have to do it all themselves. It's not like they are obligated to tell you every minute and excrutiating detail through the development of the update. Just read the freaking posts in the updates forum.
there is 18 pages in this thread, Sure every person who wants an update can dig through fire and flames and 30 page threads to get a small detail, thats a great idea, PM the mods and maybe they can just use that as the main way to get updates out. im not going to read ever post to see if one post has a word or 2 about an update. Stop trying to argue to argue, putting it on the main site site is always going to be the best idea..and what do you know, thats what they DO! you have no arguement.
Nobody said they have to tell us anything, ive stated that NUMEROUS times, I asked a question as to why there hasnt been any updates on the main page, and i have also stated there is information in some threads that would be great to see on the main page, how many times do i have to explain this, jesus christ, do you even read my post?
i swear, the comprehension here just gets lower and lower everyday.
[QUOTE=IG-EightyEight;115769]Of course there isnt, there is also no need for people to give me page long responses getting offended when I simply referred back to the statement of more updates. But lazy enough to log on TC? Thats a pretty big assumption for the many people who dont go on it. Some people might be just as busy as you, if not busier. Nobody said you have all the time in the world and everyone here understands that, we ALL know this project takes an ass ton of time.
Who isnt waiting? Again you are just like every other idiot who can't comprehend a simple post and you still get offended like I stole your lunch money.
(wonderfully insightful commentary)...
Whatever the intention of your posts, you do a damn good job of sounding like an ass in the ones that people call you out on. I realize that you are simply pushing the subject of something that just vanished and no-one is talking about. But, honestly, the reason people don't talk about it is because it is damn easy to realize what is happening.
You see, no matter your intent, you pushed the subject like an ass, and the reason why I responded was because Oru himself responded to your post saying that there was no need for the offensive atmosphere of your post. And you know what happens when the devs are affected by offensive posts? What would anyone do if they were making something for a community of beggars and leeches that throw offensive comments at them for not doing something on their own free time? They loose interest and their resolve is tarnished.
So you see, even though I got the intention of your post, I felt it necessary to respond in order to reinforce to the devs that we are all not a bunch of whiners who make passive-aggressive comments about them not doing something (in which there was an obvious answer as to why).
If you really wanted to get an answer, you could've just as easily posted a topic in general discussion saying:
"Hey guys, I was just wondering if the top 10, Q & A sessions and etc. were going to come back now that clustering is now complete enough to put features in?"
It doesn't ask "why they hell aren't you doing the top 10, wtf guys?!!?" It gets the same point across, without unnecessarily offending people. This is not about being milktoast, it is about basic manners and cordiality. Maybe if you thought from their perspective sometimes it would give you better insight into what your comments look like when they read them.
I am fairly surprised that they actually put up with this sh-t as much as they do, well Ultyma doesn't at all, but now I see why.
All I know is I would have told you to f--- yourself for that comment if I was in there shoes.
Oh and go do me a favor, go take an AQ test.
10-05-2007, 01:15 PM
who are you? I asked a question as to why updates werent happening, and I got a bunch of 15 year olds saying the same garbage over and over.
I actually have respect for the mods and devs because they are actually respond rationally and they respond in regards to what the topic is, not just a bunch of random **** about being patient.
I have been a part of this community for as long as anyone here, if not longer. I simply do not care if I sound like an ass to you, I really could care less, people who know me, know me. I dont care what you think or the other people here trying to defend nobody asking about updates. If I offended you then too bad.
As i stated before, me coming off like an ass is subjective, pretty sure Oru was responding to the 2nd post I made when I was aruging with the offended kid who responded to my first post, Ive talked to the devs and mods on here numerous times and been here for a long time, If I sound like an ass when I ask "whats going on with updates" then so, so, sorry for stepping on your toes. Don't get so offended by something that doesnt even regard you.
Maybe it is easy to realize whats going on, for people who log on the TC, dig through numerous threads everyday and hang out on IRC, you do however realize that 99% of the people that follow this project only look on the main page for updates?
All I know is I would have told you to f--- yourself for that comment if I was in there shoes.
well hey, thats awesome, but you arent them, if I was them I would probably ban anyone under 20 years old...but again, nobody cares because I nor you are devs. and you clearly don't understand the situation and circumstances in which it was asked in. But yea you got me spot on dude, im a begger and a leecher and I constantly throw around offensive comments to the devs....
10-05-2007, 04:03 PM
Just wow.
10-05-2007, 06:17 PM
Guys cmon, make love not hate.
10-05-2007, 06:24 PM
Guys cmon, make love not hate.
i like love
Andy Oakley
10-05-2007, 06:57 PM
there is 18 pages in this thread, Sure every person who wants an update can dig through fire and flames and 30 page threads to get a small detail, thats a great idea, PM the mods and maybe they can just use that as the main way to get updates out. im not going to read ever post to see if one post has a word or 2 about an update. Stop trying to argue to argue, putting it on the main site site is always going to be the best idea..and what do you know, thats what they DO! you have no arguement.
Nobody said they have to tell us anything, ive stated that NUMEROUS times, I asked a question as to why there hasnt been any updates on the main page, and i have also stated there is information in some threads that would be great to see on the main page, how many times do i have to explain this, jesus christ, do you even read my post?
i swear, the comprehension here just gets lower and lower everyday.
You got me there. I mean there's NO possible way you could...I don't for the information that you want inside individual threads. Oh...Wait, there is. The search function. Use it. BTW, the updates are RARELY going to be discussed in just one post.
10-05-2007, 08:45 PM
This is pretty good entertainment, can we move it to an argument thread and then ask for constant updates. ;)
10-05-2007, 09:04 PM
You got me there. I mean there's NO possible way you could...I don't for the information that you want inside individual threads. Oh...Wait, there is. The search function. Use it. BTW, the updates are RARELY going to be discussed in just one post.
LOL and you still dont get it. pure comedic gold. Hhahahaha
10-05-2007, 09:50 PM
Take it to PM's, IG and I did already.
10-05-2007, 11:39 PM
Take it to PM's.
sorry. I didn't read the last half page before replying. My reply was only in context to my original message. I am sending it as a PM now.
10-07-2007, 01:17 AM
sry ill respond to PM's tomorrow morning
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